Here‘s my list for #bookspinbingo, July #bookspin and #doublespin. Not sure how much reading time I‘ll have as I may be starting full time work soon (after working part time for a decade) but I‘m excited to get a few off the TBR. @TheAromaofBooks
Here‘s my list for #bookspinbingo, July #bookspin and #doublespin. Not sure how much reading time I‘ll have as I may be starting full time work soon (after working part time for a decade) but I‘m excited to get a few off the TBR. @TheAromaofBooks
This was my #bookspin pick for Feb and I got as far as page 88, but I just can‘t go on. This book has been on my shelf for eons and I am sad that I didn‘t make it through, but oh well....
Anyone read it? Is it worth having another crack at it at some point?
Lucky number 12 #bookspin via @TheAromaofBooks . Thanks for the motivation to tackle some of my backlist tbr.
My lovely book club spend the first weekend in May at Clunes Booktown. This is pit collective effort from Day 1. Should keep us going for a while.
Took the girls for a big walk down the street to shop today to wear them out. So excited to find these at Stockton's St Paul's Thrift Shop and devastated the new priest wants to get rid of the books! What a crazy idea!
This pains me, as I love Evie's work. About 100 pages in, I'm not connecting to anyone or anything in the story. I'll definitely pick it back up again later. It's hard to tell what the story is supposed to be about.
1. Fort Bragg, NC
2. This is my first real effort.
3. Litsy
4. Within These Walls and My Best Friend's Exorcism
5. I miss John Candy, and I'd kill for a blueberry coffee right now.
6. Mostly right here on Litsy and some on Facebook (Kelsea Worley), though Facebook distracts me terribly. You can definitely add me, but I'm going to try to remember to post publicly this weekend. #24in48 #readathon
I loved All The Birds, Singing, so keen to see what this one is like.