Finally digging in to my #LMPBC book for #Round8 #groupn and Lazy Coworker is again napping. Ive decided to report him to HR if he keeps this up
@mtnreader @WJCintron
Finally digging in to my #LMPBC book for #Round8 #groupn and Lazy Coworker is again napping. Ive decided to report him to HR if he keeps this up
@mtnreader @WJCintron
Well I got absolutely NO READING done last night. Let the lazy coworker out for a bathroom break while I took a shower. His chain broke and he went on a THREE HOUR TOUR OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Came home soaking wet and growling. And now thinks he deserves a day off 🙄
#KeepLitsyPositive #DogsofLitsy
I posted on the blog, but no new paid options. This was a free post. My lazy coworker woke up for his lunch break and now wishes to take a bathroom break. IS HE GONNA DO ANY WORK?
Currently working away updating my blog and my co worker has decided its been a "RUFF" shift amd so he will take a break. He'll get back to it when he feels like it.
#KeepLitsyPositive #DogsofLitsy
Trying to stay home is hard with two in-laws, a grandfather, and a dog all needing medical appointments or rides or things picked up. But I think today is a stay in day for me and @anewton91 so I finally catch up on reading!
3/5. Was ok but the author went on little tangents that didn‘t seem important to the story and I‘d find myself having to figure out what was being described
This was a bit slow for me and the ending disappointed a little bit because I found it predictable. The characters were annoying in my opinion and I got frustrated by the end with some of the implausibility. Not terrible. I just didn‘t love it.
Current read... every time I pick it up, it sucks me in and it's so hard to put it down. #thriller #suspense
Look at my cute new bookmark😍❤️
I thought this book was decent, but it's quite predictable. The best way I can describe it is a Lifetime movie-esque plot, but somebody kinda tried.
Gonna finish this book tonight...with a little help from my friend #cookiesandwich #goodbook #Booksof2018
This gif I made actually kind of creeps me out https://instagram.com/p/BfEbhFHHm5S/
A quick, slightly stressful read. I knew what was coming and was just wanting to scream at the MC to watch for it! Still, it kept my attention though!
Though this book was enjoyable, I figured it out well before it ended! That being said, I prefer my books with an element of surprise.. this wasn‘t that 🤷🏽♀️
I found this book predictable, I pretty much figured the plot early on BUT I will still recommend since the storyline was interesting and it leaves you curious to see how it will play out. #bookphotography
Interesting. Fresh idea. I enjoyed the story, but I was disappointed that it followed such a predictable route. The author really could have run wild with this one, the possibilities were endless, but it stayed in the box instead of braving new horizons. It also could have been a good bit shorter if some of the repetition in the main character's train of thought was reduced. Not spectacular, but fun.
Picked this up because it sounded intense from the blurb but I thought it was super predictable and knew who'd done it by the first couple chapters.
Gestern Abend das Buch noch beendet. Leider konnte mich das Ende aber nicht ganz so begeistern wie der Einstieg. Wieso erfährt ihr auf meinem Blog! #Rezension
"Nach kurzer Suche hatten sie einen Tisch in einer ruhigen Ecke entdeckt. Es war ein seltsames Gefühl, plötzlich wieder so viele Menschen zu sehen, nachdem Julia wochenlang kaum das Haus verlassen hattte. Im Schankraum des Red Lion drängte sich die typische After-Work-Menge;(...) " S. 347 #MittendrinMittwoch
Am liebsten würde ich den ganzen Tag lesen! Die Geschichte entwickelt sich gerade sehr dramatisch und die ganze Situation wird immer wie schlimmer!
Mehr als die Hälfte gelesen und bin bis jetzt sehr begeistert vom #Buch! Aktuell auf Seite 294. Habe mir gestern auf Lovelybooks ein paar Bewertungen angeschaut und bin doch etwas verwirrt über die zweigeteilten Meinungen, viele finden das Buch ebenso toll wie ich und viele finden es aber auch richtig schlecht! Ich werde mir diese Bewertungen wohl am Ende des Buches noch durchlesen! Hat jemand von euch es schon gelesen?
Das Buch ist unglaublich fesselnd! Ich bin bereits auf Seite 234 und kann gar nicht mehr mit lesen aufhören!
Heute beginne ich mit diesem Buch!
It had the potential to be brilliant, it wasn't terrible but it was ok, just ok. I didn't feel the characters were very three dimensional, the 60 year old came across as a teenager and I didn't feel the author had really got into her head at all. Good story line but let down because it was so far fetched and a bit ridiculous. I wouldn't want to put anyone off this book, it's ok, but there are better thrillers out there.
🌟🌟🌟🌟4/5 stars 😱
I did not expect the kidnapper to be who they were. I definitely did not see it coming. I got bored for a little while while reading but I pushed forward and EVERYTHING tied together! The ending was drawn out longer than it should've been, it basically previewed that Alex Lake would most likely write a sequel which I probably won't read... one is enough... But WOW. I Loved it. ❤️
Anna has vanished. The police are at a loss; her parents are beyond grief. Their daughter is lost forever, perhaps dead, perhaps enslaved. But one week after she was abducted, their daughter is returned. She has no memory of where she has been. And this, is just the beginning of the nightmare.
Just read the kindle sample😱
I love it already! #TBR list 📚
Seems like there are a lot of books about the aftermath of kidnapping lately. I have this on my radar, but am still not sure about reading it. Opinions? Can you recommend it?
I really enjoyed this one! Great twist. Full review coming soon on my blog- http://angelerin.blogspot.com/?m=0
Starting this one! My mystery/thriller mood continues.
Meh.... This one was pretty typical, and the big bad was more funny than spooky. At least it was a fast read!