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The Rooster Crows
The Rooster Crows: A Book of American Rhymes and Jingles | Maud Petersham, Miska Petersham
7 posts | 3 read
Here is part of America's heritage -- gay verses beautifully illustrated by famous artists. "The rooster crows and away he goes", pictured on the jacket, is only one of these well-known nursery rhymes, counting-out games, skipping-rope songs, finger games, and other jingles beloved by American children for generations. They come from collections all over America, so you may find some that are new as well as your own favorites. "Mother, may I go out to swim", "Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear", "Roses are red, violets are blue", all are here, each one charmingly illustrated to make this an outstanding picture book. An American Mother Goose for every child's library.
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Great way to work with kids on their rhyming skills


“How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.”


This book is a collection of nursery rhymes that are pleasing for children to listen to. Many of the stories are rhyming stories and are classics.

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The Super Rooster is coming!! I can‘t wait. I think I have 3-4 books still to read. Time to get on it. Only a month to go!

Are you planning on playing along? #superrooster #tob


Ruthiella I still have The Accidental and The Road to read. I might get to the Ali Smith in time but I REALLY don‘t want to read the McCarthy. 😱 4y
thebluestocking @Ruthiella I still have The Accidental too. And The Sellout (which I DNFed its year), and Wolf Hall, and A Visit from the Goon Squad. I get not wanting to read The Road, but it‘s one of my all time favorite books. 💙 4y
BarbaraBB I love it! There are 3 I didn‘t read: The Good Lord Bird, The Orphan Master‘s Son and A Mercy. Looking forward to it! (edited) 4y
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BkClubCare Squeeeeeeeeeeee!! SO excited (and a little bit scared of the zombies I won‘t be reading...) 4y
BkClubCare I should re-read The Sellout only because I skipped thru most of the last half - NOT because I didn‘t enjoy it but I had too many other books to read for that year‘s TOB. (And it was being reviewed enough to catch most of whatever plot it had). I could/should but won‘t read any zombies prior to 2013. The only one after that I missed was Warlight. 4y
BkClubCare @Ruthiella - just watch the movie? I like McCarthy. There, I said it! 4y
BkClubCare @BarbaraBB Good Lord Bird might be my TOP favorite! 4y
BarbaraBB @BkClubCare Really? I‘ve never even heard of it! Must find out!! 4y
Ruthiella @BkClubCare I‘ve never read any McCarthy but I suspect the movie will be sad and scary and I don‘t like that. 😰 4y
thebluestocking @BarbaraBB I quite enjoyed all three of those. I hope you do too! 💙 4y
thebluestocking @BkClubCare Yay!!! It‘s so exciting. I have a hard time with satire. But I‘m going to recommit! 💙 4y
BkClubCare @Ruthiella - I get it. 4y
BkClubCare @thebluestocking - I don‘t always get satire but I do get the humor of it most of the time. I see it as absurdity and snark. Good Lord Bird satire is preferred over Orphan Master's Son, for me. 4y
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Okay fellow TOBers, the tournament starts tomorrow. Picks, predictions, dark horses, hope-nots?
I read 12 of the books. Bailed on 2. Did not read 4.
Book I want to win: Idaho ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Book I think will win*: Lincoln on the Bardo👎
Runner-up book I want to win: Dear Cyborgs🤖
Dark Horse Pick: White Tears. 😨
*Hope-Not: I really hope I'm wrong about Lincoln on the Bardo winning the 🐓

tif I've only read 6 or 7. Could not get past the start of Lincoln in the Bardo. Absolutely hated it. Liked Idaho a lot. Also liked Pachinko. 7y
merelybookish @tif People seem to either love or hate Lincoln on the Bardo. I'm definitely more the latter. But it won every other award so kind of expect it to win this too. 😕 7y
ohyeahthatgirl I think Jesmyn Ward will take home the Rooster. I'm also rooting for Fever Dream to last more than a round. Really bummed it was put up against Lincoln in the Bardo. 7y
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merelybookish @ohyeahthatgirl I think Ward has a shot..Sing,Unburied, Sing is my dark, dark horse after White Tears. 😜 I would be thrilled if Fever Dream knocks out Lincoln. (Even tho, I expect it would come back as a zombie.) 7y
Well-ReadNeck I think the SE quadrant is the strongest. I hate to see Goodbye Vitamin, Idaho, and Exit West so close together. They were all so good. I also loved Pachinko. I‘m in the hated column for LITB. But, IMHO, not too much on that side (of those I‘ve read) to beat the hype. My $ is on The Idiot to come out of the play-in tomorrow. 7y
merelybookish @Well-ReadNeck I'd be so happy if The Idiot wins tomorrow. But my bet is on Stephen Florida. 7y
Librariana So... Do I get my Litsy member card revoked because I knew nothing about this?? I saw your post and thought "Self? Go look this up! Immediately!" And I did! And I kinda gather that it's like a "March Madness" kinda thing? Am I semi sort of kind of right? I should probably go back to the page and then look at the "if you're completely new at this" link ???? 7y
merelybookish @Librariana No loss of Litsy member card! ☺️ It's not the Booker or the National Book Award. It started a while ago as a kind of joke, to poke fun at the subjective nature of book awards. So yeah, it's based on brackets like basketball. But it's fun to read the judgements and over time winning the Rooster is an honor. 7y
BarbaraBB I really hope LitB won‘t win. It will easily make the finals though. Idaho is one of my favorites as well! 7y
mklong I really hope it‘s not LitB. My hope is that its moment has passed at this point and White Tears will take it down!! I‘ve read almost all of them this year and I have three that I‘m trying to squeeze in before their first rounds next week. I‘m rooting for Stephen today! 7y
merelybookish @BarbaraBB @mklong I hope you are both right about LitB! 7y
BarbaraBB @mklong I agree, LitB is way past its prime. I personally do think the same for Sing, so I hope the finals will be White Tears vs Idaho! 7y
thebluestocking I‘ve read 11 of the 15 main contenders. My favorites are Idaho and The Animators. I too hope it‘s not LitB. It‘s had its share of recognition, and while the form is new, I didn‘t think it stood on its own as a novel. 7y
BkClubCare I couldn‘t even attempt a bracket! Just can‘t figure it out this year to even guess or hope. I think I have only 3 I didn‘t read. I am going to let my 40 pages in on Savage Theories be enough. 7y
BkClubCare Oh! And Happy TOB Time everyone 7y
merelybookish @thebluestocking The Animators is the only book I wish I read but didn't get to. 7y
thebluestocking @merelybookish I really quite enjoyed it. Maybe you‘ll get to it someday. The one I wanted to read and didn‘t get to is White Tears. 7y
tif @merelybookish yeah, me too. I just hate that it's getting so much praise just because it's different/"groundbreaking". Weird doesn't always equal better imho. 7y
tif I forgot the Animators! Loved that one! 7y
AceOnRoam You guys, I love you all. At this point I'll just be happy if Lincoln doesn't take the Rooster. 7y
merelybookish @BkClubCare Savage Theories was one of my bails too. It was beyond me. 7y
merelybookish @AceOnRoam Agreed. The anti-LITB sentiment on this thread is heartening! 7y
batsy Glad you enjoyed Dear Cyborgs! And so much for my goal to get through most of the shortlist ? But most are books I would like to get to eventually. What book besides ST did you bail on? I have zero interest in reading LITB & the comments here have convinced me. It's definitely had its moment (& based on reviews, it doesn't seem necessarily radical or different in its themes, just in its form, which is kind of a "meh" sign for me...) 7y
vivastory How was Phantom Thread? 7y
merelybookish @batsy I did like Dear Cyborgs. It felt like it was doing something..I'm not sure I always followed what exactly...but I trusted things would come together by the end, and it sort of did. I was reading it the same time I was listening to Braiding Sweetgrass, a book by an indigenous biologist. They oddly spoke to and deepened each other. 7y
merelybookish @batsy I bailed on Lucky Boy. Too much plot, too much description. And from what I've read on Goodreads, a problematic representation of adoption. (I didn't get that far.) I don't think it will go far in the tournament. 7y
merelybookish @vivastory It was weird! Interesting. And beautiful costumes. But the relationship at the center was bizarre. I was left perplexed. 7y
vivastory I'll have to check it out. The costumes do look amazing & DD Lewis always gives a memorable performance. 7y
vivastory I think LiTB will make the finals, but Sing will win. I can't really say who I want to win since there are several that are at the very top of my TBR. 7y
batsy @merelybookish That's good to know, because something about Lucky Boy rubs me the wrong way. I guess it's the adoption issue. Now I feel better about not wanting to read it! That's interesting about your experience with Braiding Sweetgrass; I hadn't heard of it before and I'm adding it to the stack. 7y
BkClubCare @merelybookish - I am enjoying Lucky Boy, but I do wonder if what is looking to happen WILL happen. 7y
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It's mother-effing rooster time! Or at least, time for the long list. Looking forward to March Madness!

JessReads What a dynamic list! 8y
cathysaid Are votes tallied by purchase? I read the article but couldn't tell. 8y
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RanaElizabeth It's a bracket type contest in March, where one person (author, editor, a variety of people) votes each round. It's some of the best and worst literary discussions ever. 8y
RanaElizabeth That link is to last year's contest. 8y
cathysaid Thanks! Sounds like a great source for my TBR. 8y
LectricSheep Oh my gosh. I've already added so many to my TBR list and I'm only on the D's. 😅 8y
Owlizabeth I love the TOB!! Best part of March, always!! 8y
Mc_cart_ny I only recently learned about this, now I have a March Madness to be excited about! 8y
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Anyone else a fan of the The Morning News' Tournament of Books? I'm a bit of a Rooster junkie. 🐓🐓🐓The long list comes out tomorrow. Sure to shake up my TBR! 🤓 #ToB17

HardcoverHearts I've been hitting refresh on the website all week! I'm so happy it's tomorrow. 🎉 8y
Bostonmomx2 I haven't heard of this... 8y
CherylDeFranceschi Yay! Love the Rooster! 8y
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merelybookish @HardcoverHearts Yay! I figured there'd be some other ToB fans on here. 8y
merelybookish @Bostonmomx2 It's an online book tournament that's been around 10+years. It's set up like March madness. Books are put in brackets and then eliminated until a winner is crowned. It started as a joke and to poke fun at the randomness of book awards. But now it's got a cult following. I always enjoy seeing what books make it and then reading the judgments. 8y
merelybookish @CherylDeFranceschi It's my favorite book event of the year! 8y
Cinfhen Never heard of this either but it sounds awesome 😁seriously, thanks @merelybookish can't wait to check this out😍 8y
merelybookish @Cinfhen My pleasure! I'll post the link tomorrow once it's up. 8y
HardcoverHearts @CherylDeFranceschi , @merelybookish : last year gave me serious stress attacks. My heart stopped beating when I read Our Souls At Night and I wanted it to go far. It's like watching your kids duke it out. It's the best stress ever. And I love how slow it goes so you really get engaged with the commentary. It's not something you can binge on. 8y
merelybookish @HardcoverHearts Thank goodness for the zombie round which has saved my baby on a few occasions. Last year, my pick was knocked out early (The Story of my Teeth) so I spent a lot of my energy hoping A Little Life would NOT wim 8y
CherylDeFranceschi I just love reading all the critiques and commentary so much! It's the best part of my day when it's happening! 8y
Cinfhen @merelybookish I'm sooooo in, Thanks!!!! 8y
Marchpane I really like the Rooster 🐔 🐔🐔but have to admit that I didn't follow the last couple of years. Looking forward to some great discussions about it here! 8y
Marchpane Oh and thanks for the heads up and the hashtag 😄 8y
Michelle_mck I'm excited for this! 8y
Suet624 Yay!!! The Rooster!!!! 8y
cathysaid This is new to me as well, but sounds great! Yet another reason I love Litsy! 👏 *virtual group hug* 8y
BkClubCare Yep, I am Rooster-obsessed... 8y
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