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Legacy of Luna
Legacy of Luna: The Story of a Tree, a Woman, and the Struggle to Save the Redwoods | Julia Hill
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On December 18, 1999, Julia Butterfly Hill's feet touched the ground for the first time in over two years, as she descended from "Luna," a thousandyear-old redwood in Humboldt County, California. Hill had climbed 180 feet up into the tree high on a mountain on December 10, 1997, for what she thought would be a two- to three-week-long "tree-sit." The action was intended to stop Pacific Lumber, a division of the Maxxam Corporation, from the environmentally destructive process of clear-cutting the ancient redwood and the trees around it. The area immediately next to Luna had already been stripped and, because, as many believed, nothing was left to hold the soil to the mountain, a huge part of the hill had slid into the town of Stafford, wiping out many homes. Over the course of what turned into an historic civil action, Hill endured El Nino storms, helicopter harassment, a ten-day siege by company security guards, and the tremendous sorrow brought about by an old-growth forest's destruction. This story--written while she lived on a tiny platform eighteen stories off the ground--is one that only she can tell. Twenty-five-year-old Julia Butterfly Hill never planned to become what some have called her--the Rosa Parks of the environmental movement. Shenever expected to be honored as one of Good Housekeeping's "Most Admired Women of 1998" and George magazine's "20 Most Interesting Women in Politics," to be featured in People magazine's "25 Most Intriguing People of the Year" issue, or to receive hundreds of letters weekly from young people around the world. Indeed, when she first climbed into Luna, she had no way of knowing the harrowing weather conditions and the attacks on her and her cause. She had no idea of the loneliness she would face or that her feet wouldn't touch ground for more than two years. She couldn't predict the pain of being an eyewitness to the attempted destruction of one of the last ancient redwood forests in the world, nor could she anticipate the immeasurable strength she would gain or the life lessons she would learn from Luna. Although her brave vigil and indomitable spirit have made her a heroine in the eyes of many, Julia's story is a simple, heartening tale of love, conviction, and the profound courage she has summoned to fight for our earth's legacy.
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Amazing story of a young woman and a tree. Julia Butterfly spent more than 700 days in Luna to save it from the logging industry. She peacefully fought big business and violent loggers at times. Over her time in Luna, she had visits from celebrities building publicity to the tree. Some of her colleagues in protest lost their lives, while Julia stayed in the tree as long as it took, until it was guaranteed it would not be cut.

Scochrane26 I‘ve had this book for many years but haven‘t reread in so long. Thought it had been forgotten! My roommate at the time read it for a class & told me to read it. I sometimes wonder if the tree is still standing & what she‘s doing now. (edited) 8mo
Cosmos_Moon_River @Scochrane26 I wondered when I was reading this so had to do some googling… she is still an activist and Luna is still there! She has not done another 2 year tree sit, though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luna_(tree)#:~:text=Luna%20is.... (edited) 7mo
Scochrane26 @Cosmos_Moon Thanks for the info! 7mo
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I have had this book in my collection for ages and in my recent reading slump something drew me to it. This memoir by an environmental activist was a perfect slump buster, the fascinating story and conversational tone kept me invested. Hill lived on a small platform 200ft up in an ancient redwood for 2 years to protest deforestation. Full of hope and compassion even as she is met with greed, cruelty, ignorance, and indifference. An inspiring read.

RaeLovesToRead Hello kitty 🥰🥰🥰 2y
Graywacke Book and story sound terrific. And yay for getting out of a reading slump. Also your cute kitty looks a little tired. 🙂 2y
everlocalwest @Graywacke definitely worth the read! And yes, Lil' Bit has a cold and is in need of all the snuggles. He's sleepy, congested, and always ready to sneeze right in my face. 🙃 2y
everlocalwest @RaeLovesToRead He's a most perfect reading buddy. 💙😺 2y
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#MakeMeReadIt #July2019
Here is my July #makemereadit stack of books. Which ones should I read? Vote and let me know.
If Walls Could Talk
Practical Magic
The Legacy of Luna
Me and the Pumpkin Queen
Suspicious Minds

MySharonaK I never read the book but I loved the practical magic movie 🧙‍♀️ 5y
jb72 @MySharonaK same for me. I‘ve seen the movie and it‘s fun. I‘m guessing the book is even better. 5y
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TheNerdyProfessor I vote for Practical Magic! 5y
TheSpineView I would choose Practical Magic. 5y
BeansPage I'm going to go with 5y
AkashaVampie I'm with everyone else... never read the book but loved the movie Practical Magic 5y
LibrarianRyan I vote for Stranger Things. 5y
Crazeedi The only one I've read is this, it was good 5y
kindergartenkat Stranger Things 5y
wanderinglynn I‘m a big fan of Juliet Blackwell. 👍🏻👍🏻 I liked Practical Magic, but it wasn‘t a fave. The other 3 I haven‘t read. 5y
Soubhiville Stranger things! 5y
jb72 @wanderinglynn I love her Witchcraft Mystery series. I need to get on the ball and read more of her books for sure. 5y
wanderinglynn @jb72 Then you should like her Haunted Home renovation series too. Mel is a fun character. 👍🏻 5y
JaclynW I haven't read any of these! Practical Magic is on my list, so I will vote for you to read that. 🙂🧙‍♀️ 5y
BookNAround I haven‘t read any of these so I played eenie meenie minie more and came up with Strangers Things. 5y
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I read this because one of the characters in Overstory is based on Julia Hill. I normally don't like memoirs, and wasn't particularly expecting to enjoy this one, but I actually really enjoyed it. Hill is very inspiring.

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I didn't know that only 3% of redwood forest remains or that redwoods are older than human civilization.

No treehouse vacation. Julia Butterfly lived in a redwood for two years, standing against corporate greed, death threats, & harassment. She weathered severe storms, frostbite & threats to her food supply. She stood with families displaced by mudslides, with love for humanity & respect to our Earth. A vividly inspiring, courageous journey.

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