This is the stack of books that no longer fit on my bookshelf. My husband says I have a problem, I don‘t see it
This is the stack of books that no longer fit on my bookshelf. My husband says I have a problem, I don‘t see it
So many books on my nightstand. And I‘m only reading two.
Since I'm away from home and my nightstand, I took a picture of my #tbrpile for the #24in48 #hour18 challenge! My nightstand usually has whatever books I'm reading currently, a basket of bookmarks, headphones, and scraps of paper and pens for note taking! 😉 Not pictured are my audio books and e-books!
For #24in48, hour 18 challenge: what‘s on your nightstand?
I‘m pretty much a nightstand minimalist because one of my cats loves to throw everything on the floor. So generally it‘s just my current read, glasses, a glass of water, and right now my “replacement uterus “ that my sister just sent me because I had to have mine removed last week. She makes me smile. 😊🤣
Hour 18: What‘s on Your Nightstand? Challenge. The 2 piles are books that fit into one of my #2018popsugarreadingchallenge categories and ones that don‘t. #24in48 #24in48readathon #hour18challenge #whatsonyournightstand?
Today‘s #12daysofbookstagram prompt is nightstand, which forces me to confess to everyone that my nightstand only occasionally hosts my kindle and no other book related items. Instead of staging something for you, here is our other end table-Tom uses it for his book stacks and other necessities.
Here is what's #Onmynightstand - books that I'm reading a little at a time (happier at home, how to talk so kids will listen) my knitting, and a statue (which I thought was a Buddha, but further searching seems it is likely Confucius) of my dad's. #aprilbookshowers @RealLifeReading
My view while #readinginbed. Hoping I'm not the only one with a precarious pile on the nightstand! #iswearitwastidy2daysago #photoadaynov16 @RealLifeReading