I‘d love to do the same, but I‘ll be cleaning house and packing the kids up for an overnight stay with my SIL for some long overdue kid free time with my hubs. (Tomorrow is his b-day.)
I‘d love to do the same, but I‘ll be cleaning house and packing the kids up for an overnight stay with my SIL for some long overdue kid free time with my hubs. (Tomorrow is his b-day.)
Ok I‘ve got everything photographed and read to post 👍🏼 I‘ll be the first to admit that some of these are weird and I‘m not sure why I ever bought them or how I acquired them. Be prepared for an onslaught of posts from me. I do apologize in advance. Here is to sharing the Litsy love ❤️
Mood ☝ Not getting much reading done as for some reason I have become deeply unsatisfied with the state of the house and have gone into clean and sort overdrive. So much stuff I've hoarded for years now in the bin or gone to charity. Annoyed at myself though as I broke my big picture frame knocking it off the wall while rearranging the living room this morning...hoping I'll get out of this soon, or at least get the house how I want it. 😧
Anyone married to a person with OCD? And no matter what, you don‘t stack up to his standards? Grr! Not book related except that I will be in the bedroom reading while he does whatever.
Oh well will have to just stop and read what a shame! 😂😂😂😂
After almost a year, I FINALLY organized my reading nook. 🤓
2017 has been an insane, kind of awful kind of wonderful, year and I can't tell you how relaxing it felt to purge my apartment for the new year.
Cheers to everyone having a wonderful, LITerary 2018! 🎉🥂🍾
#Shelfie #15kforCal @callielafleur so excited to start using my reading nook! 😍🤓
Busy cleaning the garage and painting the floor and the house. Lest then 3 weeks my daughter will be 1 year old .
Cleaning Plain and Simple is a more current version of Heloise - full of things that any adult needs to know regarding housekeeping. On my wishlist, it would be a wonderful gift to anyone young person moving out on their own, especially to a house, for the first time. Heck, I've had a house for 14 years and I need this book, who am I kidding?!?