Hey, good choice, Lily! 😍#thenewyorkstoriesofedithwharton #dashandlily
Hey, good choice, Lily! 😍#thenewyorkstoriesofedithwharton #dashandlily
4⭐️ Twenty stories of Old New York! I read one story in between books, and every time it gave me such refreshing switch. I loved her first, “Mrs. Manstey‘s View”; and her last, “Roman Fever” (most famous, too!). I imagined myself taking a stroll around the city and eavesdropping on the conversations of the passerby 😆
Now that election‘s over, I can read again 😅
Several beautiful short stories were included in this collection. The stories with women as main characters tended to be my favorites, and I would put Roman Fever at the top of the list.
As with most anthologies, some stories stood out and others I didn‘t care for. But overall, this was a decent collection l. My favorite was the last story, “Roman Fever.”
It's just #likeaprayer is answered everytime I get #bookmail 🙏🏻 (sorry, running on empty today 😆)