And this boi.
OK, my reading patio faces the other side of the building, but I‘m still gonna share these trees out the front of our motel room.
#RomBkLove Day 2: “I think of all the small acts of love he has given me. The wonderful sex where he cares as much for my pleasure as his own. How I felt more alive naked with him than I have ever felt before. Reading the papers in bed on a Sunday morning. His kisses on the small of my back. Laughing in the park, when he told me something he had heard on the radio. Cooking me spaghetti when I was tired.“
#romantsy #aww2018
Get help before your troubles start multiplying.
After reorganizing my book shelfs, both physical and digital, I finally got around to making the list of books for the challenge.
#A is for: Addition.
It's been on my TBR pile a few months, and even though it screams #ChickLit to me, it is also listed in the #MentalHealth genre. So I am hoping for the best and maybe getting some of its Aussie slang!
#LitsyAtoZ, thanks @BookishMarginalia for the challenge.