I love Oscar Wilde's style. Everything he writes is enchanting, magical and funny. These short stories were original and a perfect feel good read. #serialreader
I love Oscar Wilde's style. Everything he writes is enchanting, magical and funny. These short stories were original and a perfect feel good read. #serialreader
I enjoyed reading this classic fairy tales, though some stories are sad. I would like to read similar books. Please recommend some books like this. Thanks in advance!
#suggestionsplease #classic #fairytales #shortstories
I love reading and re-reading short stories.Currently enjoying this beautiful book. Can‘t wait to finish this! #classicstories #fairytales #shortstories #sundayreading
Some of these were a reread, a few were new to me. I love Oscar Wilde! I enjoyed these stories this morning.
Okay, so I am yet to find out how Litsy works exactly but in the meantime I decided to take my good friend's advice and be myself, although I hear that 'being natural is simply a pose.'
Selfish giant
"The boy laughed at the giant and said, "Once you let me play in your garden, and today you will go with me in my garden called Paradise Garden"."
Helping my daughter with book report. I have read those stories to see what is about to help her. I think it is a little difficult for 6th grade.
Croatian edition
This book... gives me all the feelings...
Hope you all are enjoying the sun!
This book is fantastic... I love reading it... there is so much old-school love and so much poetry 😍
I am reading Oscar Wilde just for fun... the story about The Happy Prince is so wonderfully written. The Prince and his friend give everything they have to the poor people in the village and they demand nothing in return... nobody even seem to care who the giver of the gifts is. That's what makes the story so wonderful... where do you have such unconditional love?
I like it how Wilde eloquently told sad stories using beautiful allegories.
#septphotochallenge I'm not super into #shortstories. I had to read a collection for my library's summer reading program, and I had to try several before I found one I could tolerate. And even then I didn't love it. But I got this collection to read to my kids when we are in between novels. Interesting stories, though I'm not sure my kids really "get" them. #kiddielit #readalouds