What a crazy, fun, sarcastic mash up of 2 classics. WIZARD OF OZ and JURRASIC PARK
Ookie didn't like it tho..
Lol( no spoilers given)
What a crazy, fun, sarcastic mash up of 2 classics. WIZARD OF OZ and JURRASIC PARK
Ookie didn't like it tho..
Lol( no spoilers given)
Rural horror in a shory story.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ absolutely loved this. Brought all your main characters together and a great twist at the end.
Influence by Lucy Leitner
A collection of horrifying tales about a horrific subject...media influence.
Just because you're tough don't mean you're stupid
It's pretty special when you go to your first book tour signing and find out the author is pretty hilarious also. Had a great time in Southern Pines
Novella, that let's Jennifer take the lead. I really enjoyed this not only because it shows you that a female can be the lead character but she can also whip someone's ass. Especially an abusive ex.
Dare by Michael Edwin Howell
Brilliant. Bewitching.
Just phenomenal storytelling of a island paradise that becomes a nightmare. Great character development and intertwining. A 5 star review. Could be a Tv series.
Highly recommend
Halfway through and wish it was longer. So rare to find a story that you just don't want to put down.
My reading partner...
Meet Ookie Kabuki.
She'll be 16 this year. 👏👏👏👏
A solid collection of short stories. Schoolhouse and I've Been Thinking Of You were extremely good. Signed copy from the editor.
63 pages in of nothing but disgusting deprivatity, why read any further?
Lucky enough to find a signed copy of a collection of Protector tales by the author that wrote First Blood. Aka Rambo
Interesting. Engaging. Starts out with 3 teens finding a magician in which teaches them magic in which leads to drama. Years later they find him again but he hasn't aged.
This was more of a crime thriller with a supernatural touch at the end.
This book needs alot of help....kinda like our politicians, 😆. Too much narration.
⭐️⭐️ out of 5
After losing his love a man goes hiking with his friends only to find more darkness. This could have been much better if it was just a short story. Never connected with any of the characters. A prolonged journey into boredom. ⭐️⭐️
Boys being boys. Finding friends, bullies and a monster. In the style of "It". Super enjoyable
A vet with a disadvantage has more debt than his family can handle takes on a high risk job in a deadly part of mexico. He hides his disability from his team hoping to make it back alive.
Really really enjoyed this .
4 short horror tales by 4 indie authors. Really enjoyed all 4. If I had to pick one to be the best...Danoel J. Volpe was really engaging.
Collection of short stories from the dark depths of the authors mind.
Interesting tale of a arachnid but leaves questions at the end. Still a worthy read or listen.
A disturbing tale of racism. Interracial couple gets blocked by demonstrators on both sides. Violent and disturbing.
Surprisingly much better than the first book which I did not like. This time Reacher gets taken hostage by mistake
My second attempt to find something I like by the author. This was a big let down. Not enough horror. The authors commentary at the end was so over-the-top ridiculous I will never read another by her.
This was unexpectedly more of a YA story. So to be fair I judge it too harshly. Was it creepy...no. terrifying...no. interesting...well i did finish it. Just not my type of story.
Petite Mort by Nikki Noir. I had no clue there was a thing called erotic horror. This made be laugh and cringe. Thank you for the ARC from Blood Bound Books.
#Halloween #bringonnovember
ARC version I received from the author. A cult that drinks blood to cure everything. Not a supernatural tale. Just a tale of your normal cult leader that really is pathetic and just uses his beliefs to have sex and take advantage of misguided people.
Nonfiction of the making of one of the greatest werewolf movies ever.
Series continuation with a primate that signs which at times I thought I was reading Congo
Books 1-3. A dark tale of lies and the perverse followings of an occult cult. WARNING# not for everyone. Includes occult worship, dark erotica.
A classic. Tale of a man's determination and decision making and the price for all.
A terrific and creepy spin on demon possessions
A tale with multiple heroes, villains, politicians, countries all woven together to make a brilliant story that reminded me of the early Clancy novels
Much of the story is a setup for additional tales in this series.
Another updated version of a classic Verne tale by Greig Beck
Put the book down and pay attention to me....lol
Haven't read a military/political thriller this good since Tom Clancy in the 80's. Ookie agrees 🐾🐾🇺🇲
Trying to get some reading in but Ookie has other plans. Lol
She's always got to be near or touching me. Especially when she watches the news.
Ookie snoring. Guess that means time to get reafy for work
Depression. Just one of the things the author and I have in common. Being veterans also another. Not my typical read but something I felt I needed to read. May it help everyone who needs it
If you haven't tried any of Mr Wood books I definitely recommend them. This one is a serial killer that strikes in the bayou.
Bodies mysteriously taken but their hearts are left. Sounds interesting but wasn't. Even Ookie only gave it 1 paw.
Nice african adventure style story. Hyenas on the hunt.
My apologies of picture. Still trying to get use to the little square.
Love crime thrillers...
Ookie thinks they are boring.