There are monkeys on my new campus in Botswana
So I‘ve (((finally))) made it to Atlanta. Missed my connecting flight to Joburg, though. I slept in these chairs overnight - which was special. My next flight is at 6pm and it‘s a 19hr flight to South Africa. BUT at least I see a bookstore to help me get through these trying times 😋
Nothing like reading some Terry Pratchett while waiting to board a delayed flight in a Minnesotan snow storm. Forget the /rains/ down in Africa - let‘s bless the planes and may they get me down to Botswana in time for orientation!!
Basically Riordan is like a modern Homer, right? Retelling the great stories of folks interacting with the gods in a way that people enjoy? You get where I‘m going w/ this.
My fave thing abt these books is how Riordan realized how normative heroic YA typically is. It started around the last PJATO book & got progressively socially aware from there. Check out the nod to class, disability, gender (&more) in this series!
Y‘all I gotta figure out how to add this to my “To Read” list cos I‘m just reading the summary and dying with excitement🙌🏾
Meanwhile (life update) I‘m reading instead of packing but I need to pack because I leave at 8:30am tomorrow... but I‘m reading.
You know, I‘m not a avid romance novel fan. Not when there‘s no fantastical, sci-fi subplot. But I picked up this aptly named novel on a road trip to the Black Hills in South Dakota YEARS ago and remembered being mildly surprised that I didn‘t actively hate it. It was good. Pretty good.
I‘ve started this one, but haven‘t finished it yet. There‘s something about it though, something real.
1. Next to the radiator (preferably with wine).
2. Random scraps; usually receipts.
3. I can quit it cold turkey if it‘s not in the !!! bits.
4. No food. See 1. for drink preferences.
5. No TV. Maybe Music.. Maybe.
6. Several!
7. I like to read in cars, parks, & while walking.
8. Silently - making unnecessary noises in public gives me panic attacks.
9. I‘m not a heathen.
10. Crack them spines.
11. Occasionally.
12 I don‘t have friends lol
There just isn‘t enough books about house spirits! Lis would probably be friends with the brownie from the Spiderwick chronicles. Also graphic novels are super underrated in the circles I frequent, lit wise. It‘s all about the art style for me and I reeeally dig this art style. Feels like the perfect combo of cute and badass. Guess I should read Scott Pilgrim in the future 😅
((Bc I really I identify with hazel)) I got this book on my way home from Indiana. Read it entirely on the bus ride back up to MN, I‘m in love with the style - I should prolly read Scott Pilgrim. I‘m reading it again to destress after I spent 7 hours packing for my 5 MONTH STUDY ABROAD TRIP TO GABORNE, BOTSWANA.
I picked up this book at The Last Book Store (10/10 would recommend btw) a few summers ago, when I flew to LA to see about a boy. I completely devoured A Darker Shade of Magic in two nights. Reminiscent of Neil Gaiman‘s Neverwhere, yet not the same story told over. Lila Bard‘s character is straight aces - sharp and witty WITH depth and nuance. I‘m in love with her. Aesthetically, I have to mention the chapter titles pages (I love them).