Moving, bold, and stunning. Lots of people think that YA can't or shouldn't be poetic, political, or grounded in the experiences of people of color - this book proves them wrong on every level.
Moving, bold, and stunning. Lots of people think that YA can't or shouldn't be poetic, political, or grounded in the experiences of people of color - this book proves them wrong on every level.
A twist on a familiar coming-of-age, last-year-of-high-school story - a teenager has to navigate her distant mom, her first kiss, a new school, and the cult/family that she's known her whole life. Not as thrilling as other YA books but feels real in a great way.
A lush mysterious fairy tale meets a smart YA historical drama. It was easy to read, with prose that pulls the reader into the scene. It ends abruptly but maybe that's because it's meant to be read as part of a series?
An amazing read! A unique world, with a protagonist that's just so vulnerable and human. The prose is lovely enough to carry through grotesque and horror to heroism and love without missing a beat.
I was hoping for a rich exploration of a subtle, frightening villain. Instead, I found a lot of exposition - this read, at times, more like a D&D manual than a novel.
This would be a great book to give to teenagers or anyone that needs help understanding more about the Latinx experience! A fun journey through a girl's summer of self-exploration and discovery.
A fun read, featuring many of the things that I love about YA. I'd sometimes get lost in the fast-moving sentences but the characters were engaging, the plot was exciting, and the world was rich.
If you make it through the exposition, you'll find a compelling fantasy adventure with simple prose and a heroine that I could read about for ages. But you have to make it through the exposition!
Hungry for more stories about General Leia since my pal Meg helped me realize her awesomeness. Unfortunately, this book keeps a lid on her personality for far too long. It's just not fun to read a character's frustration for hundreds of pages, especially when you were hoping to see them shine.