First read of 2019!
A wonderful read. Reminiscent of The Lesser Blessed.
The first book I am reading on my new kindle!
Listening to these spooky stories on a snowy Monday.
This book kept me interested for every page. It also kept me guessing as I did not figure out what happened until the very end. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good thriller.
I really liked the ending of this book. It did keep me guessing but there were definitely parts that seemed to drag on.
I'm joining this 13 hours in 3 days challenge! Off to a good start reading The Woman in Cabin 10.
A must read for any horror fan. I have seen the movie before but never read the book. It was the perfect spooky read for Halloween!
I couldn't stop reading! I loved the characters and the setting (I love Austin).
I can't put this book down!
I couldn't put this book down. I was completely surprised by the ending. I have added others by the author to my tbr pile!
I could not get into the book.
A great read! I was able to keep up with what was going on. Not too technical.
Very good! I was able to read it along with watching the show.
A beautifully written piece on what it is to grieve. I learned a lot from this book as I myself suffered a complex trauma.
I had seen the movie long ago, but only recently read the book. It was okay. I probably would have appreciated it more when I was younger.
Got my advanced reader's copy for The Galley Club from @Tin_House
#Whoisverakelly #tinhouse #galleyclub #advancedreaderscopy
There was a lot of great information in this book. I picked the audiobook because it was read by the author. There were some things I didn't fully understand. But most of the book was written in a way anyone can learn some cook things about astrophysics.
One of my favorite books. I first read it when I was 8 years old and I have read it many times over the last 20 years.
I recommend it if you enjoy somewhat supernatural young adult novels.
I didn't finish the book. I rarely do that. But self-help/instructional material is hard for me to read through.
I haven't gotten deep into her methods but I have been going through some of my stuff and throwing a lot more away/donating than I would have previously.
"The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
I enjoyed the information, but it could have been presented in a better way.
It felt like there was a lot of jumping around and at times it was difficult for me to follow.
I wasn't planning on reading this. But I had a download on hoopla that I didn't plan on using on anything else. I don't know that I will implement any of it. But it is interesting.
Getting ready to start listening to this for book club!
I bought this book back in April, it's finally next on my list.
There is no remedy for love but to love more. - Henry David Thoreau