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Joined September 2018

PhD student. Criminologist. Avid reader. Craft beer and taco enthusiast.
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Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams
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Mouthful of Birds: Stories by Samanta Schweblin
Simple Passion | Annie Ernaux, Tanya Leslie
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“Beginning in September of last year, I did nothing else but wait for a man.” And so starts her impassioned account of an affair with a man who consumed her every thought, movement, and desire for months. Living in this suspended reality, in which every second existed for the sole purpose of accelerating time to a moment in the future when she‘d be lost in his presence once more, everything else just faded into the periphery. 5/5⭐️

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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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So what do you do when you‘re already drowning in library books? Go and pick up one more😂🤷🏻‍♀️
I started this one two nights ago and I‘m loving it. Tommy Orange‘s writing is so lyrical. I could get lost in these pages all day🎶✨ I will say that my first impression is that it reads more like a collection of short stories than a novel, but I‘m hoping all the stories begin to connect soon. Anyone else read this one?🍊🍊🍊

Trail of Lightning | Rebecca Roanhorse
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Someone send help. I‘m a library book MONSTER and I need to be stopped😂 I‘m having a hard time deciding which book to read after The Poppy War, which left me with a serious book hangover💀 Do I reach for something similar in genre, sci-fi/fantasy? Or is that just setting myself up for disappointment in the off chance it doesn‘t stack up to The Poppy War? HELP.

BarbaraBB The serial killer is really good. And a quick read! 5y
placebeyondthespines Nice! I‘ve only heard good things about that one! But I‘m trying to decide if I wanna listen to that one on audio to make the story come more to life🤔 5y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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Kuang wrote this book as a fantastical retelling of 20th century China to put a spotlight on the gruesome Massacre of Nanjing during the Second Sino-Japanese war. This book is a study on suffering, warfare, and trauma. It is a study on our conception of good versus evil and right versus wrong and at what point these lines become blurred enough that we can‘t separate ourselves from the enemy. 5/5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Dreamers | Karen Walker
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I really enjoyed this book. Santa Lora, a small college town, is hit by a mysterious sleeping sickness in which people fall victim to deep, unending sleep. Doctors can‘t figure out the cause or cure and soon the entire town is quarantined. The ending left me with a lot of big questions that I‘d wished she‘d answered to some extent, but overall, I appreciated how she let the story unfold and the existential questions she left burning in my mind.

The Age of Miracles: A Novel | Karen Thompson Walker
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I loved this book. It‘s a coming of age novel about a young girl trying to navigate middle school, first crushes, new and old friendships, all while the world as she knows it is coming to an end. We‘ve come to rely on perfect 24hr days where sunsets and sunrises are as reliable as the air you breathe, but what if they weren‘t? The Earth‘s rotation is slowing and days are growing longer—but this seemingly small change has catastrophic effects.

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Loving this new Faber Stories collection?✨ That infamous Pokémon catchphrase never resonated with me until now because I literally “gotta catch ‘em all” ??? #noshelfcontrol

rmaclean4 Love the hashtag!! 5y
LazyDays Awesome 5y
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“Sometimes a thought is closer to truth, to reality, than an action. You can say anything. You can do anything, but you can‘t fake a thought.”
Does a thought only translate to reality once we assign action to it? Or are our thoughts the only reality that‘s true? This is a question that is interwoven throughout the book, and takes new forms as the plot evolves. Spine-chilling tension throughout. You have no idea what‘s coming.

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The Warren | Brian Evenson
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Lately I‘ve been reaching for the more understated and unusual books hoping to find a hidden gem in all its dark and twisty glory. Maybe it‘s the winter weather, or maybe it‘s just me. Grad school can do that to a person😂🤷🏻‍♀️ Either way, I‘m hoping to find something deliciously unsettling in this stack👻🖤☠️

BarbaraBB If you need more after this stack you should try 5y
placebeyondthespines @BarbaraBB that‘s SO funny you mention that because I‘m about half way through the audiobook now!! I‘m loving it! Thank you for the recommendation. Are there any others you recommend? 5y
BarbaraBB What a coincidence! I just had to think of that one when reading your post. Another scary weird one I loved is 5y
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Emilymdxn These all look really interesting I love this kind of book! I can‘t wait to see what you think, I might end up getting some of them. Also what awesome covers! 5y
placebeyondthespines Thank you @BarbaraBB! I‘ll definitely check that out! 5y
placebeyondthespines @Emilymdxn Aren‘t they so pretty?!😍 I will definitely keep you posted as I make my way through them. 5y
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Fever Dream | Samanta Schweblin
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This short, searing novella was unlike anything I‘ve ever read. I devoured it in almost one sitting and that‘s really the only way to do it. Let it envelop you. The weirdness, the creepy sense of dread that lurks throughout the novel, the unsettling, and at times disorienting, dialogue between this mysteriously dying woman and a young boy. It all begins with worms and takes a turn from strange to menacing very quickly and unravels from there.

rmaclean4 Loved this one! 5y
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Normal People | Sally Rooney
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Rooney is the master of capturing the vulnerabilities of love and the terrifying insecurity that follows when opening your heart to somebody; however, I didn‘t feel like I could fully connect with the characters and story-line and felt mostly in the dark regarding any progression the characters were making in the book. Something felt missing, which is hard for me to admit because I was looking forward to this book so much. 3.5/5⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

Freespirit Did you like Conversations with Friends? I haven't read either yet. 5y
placebeyondthespines @Freespirit I adored Conversations with Friends! You can find my review on my Litsy as well:) I think that‘s why I was a bit disappointed because that was the source of my comparison and my expectations were pretty high. (edited) 5y
Freespirit Thank you @placebeyondthespines I will read Conversations😊 5y
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Emilymdxn I felt similarly about this, I actually loved it when I originally read it but then I discussed it for a book club and the more I thought about it the less I liked it. I also found conversations with friends underwhelming, it made me uncomfortable perhaps for personal reasons of how I related to it, but I also found it a lil hollow and strange in a way other people didnt 5y
placebeyondthespines @Emilymdxn interesting! I really loved Conversations with Friends for some reason but it definitely didn‘t leave me with a warm and fuzzy feeling at the end, but more of an empty feeling too. It was raw. Normal people just felt disconnected to me and like there were a lot of things that needed to be unpacked that weren‘t. Maybe it was the alternating viewpoints which didn‘t give enough room for character development. What didn‘t you like about it? 5y
Emilymdxn It‘s not so much that I disliked it and more that I didn‘t agree with any of the things people did like about it - people explained to me that they found it immensely insightful, was one of the most complex books they‘d ever read, had character like no one they‘d ever come across before, and I just didn‘t see any of those things 5y
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Frankenstein: ; Or, The Modern Prometheus | Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
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This book made me question who the real monster in this story was—and even though it‘s been weeks since I finished it, I still find myself thinking about it. If Frankenstein‘s monster was driven to such horrible acts only because of his loneliness brought on by the cruelty and abandonment of man, who is the real monster in this story, Frankenstein‘s creation or man?

placebeyondthespines “I am malicious because I am miserable. Am I not shunned and hated by all mankind? ...Let him live with me in the interchange of kindness; and, instead of injury, I would bestow every benefit upon him with tears of gratitude at his acceptance. But that cannot be; the human senses are insurmountable barriers to our union... I will revenge my injuries: if I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear...” 6y
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This book reminded me of that philosophical question, “if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”. If one woman‘s loneliness is shielded from the world, and it bears no consequence for anyone but herself, does that mean her sadness doesn‘t exist? This book is a true testament to the crushing weight of unspoken pain and the importance of humanity and kindness—even to those who appear to be completely FINE.

Oracle Adored this book. Kindness is queen 6y
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I recently had the pleasure to meet Nana and hear him read an excerpt from his book. When asked what his book was about, he replied:
“Imagine a couch with three people on it. The first person says, ‘man, this is a really comfortable couch.‘ The second person says, ‘yeah, it is.‘ And the third person says, ‘yeah, it is comfortable, but guys, we‘re overlooking that the couch is made of corpses.‘ That‘s what this book is like.”

placebeyondthespines I‘ve only just started reading this short story collection, and that‘s exactly what it‘s like. Nana is able to take some of the most raw, and emotional topics that are central to American rhetoric today and discusses them in this sort of dystopian veiled context that is deeply unsettling because while the scenes are dramatized, the racial dynamics that underly these events are not. 6y
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Frankenstein: ; Or, The Modern Prometheus | Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
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Frankenstein‘s creature is brought into the world alone, a solitary being whose appearance only sparks hatred and disgust, so he is banished to view the beauties of man from the shadows, never to share in the happiness unfolding around him. The painful depths of loneliness depicted in this book are what struck me the most. You can feel his aching desire to connect with another being and his agonizing despair that accompanies his disappointment.

placebeyondthespines “…sometimes I allowed my thoughts, unchecked by reason, to ramble in the fields of Paradise, and dared to fancy amiable and lovely creatures sympathizing with my feelings, and cheering my gloom; their angelic  countenances breathed smiles of consolation. But it was all a dream; no Eve soothed my sorrows, nor shared my thoughts; I was alone.” 6y
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Normal People | Sally Rooney
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Hey Litsy fam!✨I‘m in the midst of prepping for my conference in Atlanta next week but wanted to jump on here real quick to share my most anticipated read of 2018—Sally Rooney‘s Normal People💫. I adored Rooney‘s Conversations with Friends earlier this year (possibly my favorite read of the year so far) and I‘ve been putting this one off because I already don‘t want it to end😭 (yes, I‘m extra like that 😂🤷🏻‍♀️)...

placebeyondthespines I connect with her writing and her portrayal of human imperfection and vulnerability so much. Her characters, while flawed, are so relatable. I need more Rooney books in my life because it makes me feel less alone in some of my most insecure thoughts. Has anyone else ever felt this way about a book? 6y
placebeyondthespines I leave for ATL on Tuesday and I think this will be my airplane read ✈️ . I‘m a nervous flyer for various reasons, and an anxious public speaker, so hopefully Rooney‘s writing will function as my anti-anxiety for this trip 😂 Rooney please save me with your beautiful prose🙏🖤. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
Freespirit Welcome and have a relaxed flight✈️ 6y
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Today‘s bookstack is brought you by my university‘s library, and this PhD life📚 I reallyyyy wish I could finish up Frankenstein today (more than half way through and I‘m loving it more than I ever thought🖤), but then adulting happened.
I‘m presenting research from the second chapter of my dissertation at a conference next week in Atlanta, and while I wish I could just present on all the fun books I‘ve read this semester instead, I can‘t😭.

placebeyondthespines The research I‘m presenting focuses on people‘s negative perceptions of Latinos and how these perceptions shape support for more punitive border control policies (e.g., building a wall). Definitely a timely topic, which means lots of Trump tweets get to make a debut in my PowerPoint, especially regarding the so-called "invasion” of the Guatemalan caravan making it‘s way north... 6y
placebeyondthespines ... not to mention his perceptions of the “types” of people he believes them to be (i.e., “some very bad people”). Trumpisms are always a big hit at academic conferences sooooo it‘s gonna be YUGE🍊🤗😂 6y
candority Your research sounds fascinating! Best of luck with the presentation 😊 6y
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Oracle adulting has this way of getting in the way doesn't it! 6y
Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out @LitsyHappenings for details. #LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻🎈 6y
placebeyondthespines Thank you so much everyone!!! I love this community!🖤✨ 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
bookcollecter What is the topic of your dissertation? 6y
bookcollecter Did you know that Trump doesn't write his own tweets? He has a social media person. 6y
CoffeeNBooks I love Frankenstein! I've read it several times. Welcome to Litsy! 📚 6y
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Frankenstein: ; Or, The Modern Prometheus | Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
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Happy Halloween Litsy fam!🎃Ray Bradbury, Bram Stoker, Washington Irving, and Mary Shelley—all powerhouse authors delivering Halloween thrills of the most delicious kind. First up for me is to finish Frankenstein! What spooky reads are you reaching for today?👻💀🎃

placebeyondthespines Regardless of my age, this day will always conjure up the magical feeling of being a kid again on Halloween night. The chill in the air as dusk draws near and trick-or-treaters spill out onto the streets. Street lamps casting shadows on vampires, pirates, witches (even the costumes were simpler back then). The sweet, plastic smell of candy wrappers. Horror movies at the end of the night. 6y
placebeyondthespines Settling in around the TV, feeling terrified, yet safe in the comfort of my family and, of course, my giant bag of candy. Yes, no horror movie was off limits, even as a kid. Did I have nightmares? Yes. Did I love every horrifying minute of it? YES???
Does anyone else feel like a perpetual kid on Halloween? What‘s your fondest Halloween memory? 
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Originally published in the 1970‘s in Italian, this book was translated into English nearly 40 years later. The city of Turin, where the story takes place, has a dark history in which citizens were tormented by twenty sleepless nights filled with gruesome and inexplicable murders. Ten years later, one man sets out to investigate the terror that gripped this city and soon becomes entangled in the horrors that slowly unravel the secrets of the past.

placebeyondthespines When I first read this book in the winter of last year, I had spent weeks in my apartment alone recovering from an invasive surgery. I couldn‘t do the simplest of tasks and was forced into what seemed to me at the time, an endless state of unease and restlessness. I was feeling very down and, in the darkest of places, I reached for this novel. Most people might think it best to reach for something light, or uplifting, but sometimes when your... 6y
placebeyondthespines head is already in that dark space, it seems most alluring to let yourself live in that space for a while in order to truly know that you‘re capable of pulling yourself out. That is exactly what this novel did for me. It illuminated the deepest, darkest corners of my mind, and however frightening the content and ideas of this book were, I still felt alive and consumed by the imagery. 6y
placebeyondthespines I‘m hesitant to review this book now because I feel compelled to reread it to see if my perspective changes given that I‘m no longer in that dark place. Do you ever feel like your perception of a book is shaped by your state of mind at the time you read it? Have you ever reread a book in a different headspace and felt differently about it? 6y
BarbaraBB Great review and that you dared reading it in those dark times 6y
placebeyondthespines @BarbaraBB thank you!🖤🖤🖤 6y
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Melmoth | Sarah Perry
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Happy Thursday y‘all! Most people are TGIF peeps, but I‘m definitely in the TGIT category—mostly because my Thursday ritual includes $1 tacos and 2-4-1 drinks at my fave neighborhood bar (and yes, my boyfriend, best friend, and I are regulars and have been dubbed the “Thursday crew”). But that‘s a different story entirely😂 #thetacoaddictionisreal
Do any of y‘all have weekly rituals that just keep you motivated to get through the week?

placebeyondthespines In other non-taco related news, in light of the Halloween spirit, I‘m starting this gothic beauty this morning. Thank you @Emilymdxn for the recommendation ration! I‘m curious how I‘ll like it because I‘ve heard mixed reviews. Have any of you read it? Also, if you have any other good gothic novels you‘d recommend, lay em on me! I‘m feelin the spooky vibes this month!👻 6y
Emilymdxn I hope you like it! I absolutely adored it and I hope you do too - I‘m excited to see what you think and I‘ll be ready to apologise if necessary! 😬 6y
placebeyondthespines @Emilymdxn haha no apologies needed! I‘m liking it so far!!! Stay tuned... and happy Halloween!🎃🖤 6y
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Twenty-something year old Frances, an aspiring writer, is painfully uncomfortable in her own skin. Constantly obsessing over her image and identity, she‘s desperately trying to navigate the social world in hopes that the world will search back and reveal to her the person she‘s meant to be. She becomes entangled in a mess of relationships that begin to unravel her deepest pains and insecurities about the kind of person she fears herself to be...

placebeyondthespines Rooney‘s ability to capture the rich, and deeply complex inner life of her protagonist was poignant and raw; it was done with such emotion and vulnerability that at times it was almost as if my own innermost private thoughts were being revealed to me with succinctness and clarity for the first time. I am Frances, and she is me. 5/5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (edited) 6y
Samplergal I bought this while visiting London. I can‘t wait until I start it. I loved her Normal People. Understated yet compelling. 6y
youneverarrived Excellent review. I‘ve just finished Normal People and was in two minds about reading this next but I definitely will be now 👍 6y
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placebeyondthespines @youneverarrived thank you! It took me awhile to be able to put into words how I felt about this book. I adored it and can‘t wait to read Normal People! Looking forward to seeing what you think of Conversations with Friends! 6y
placebeyondthespines @Samplergal yes!! Idk how Rooney does it! Her writing is so simple yet conveys so much!! I think she might just be my fave writer of 2018. 6y
Samplergal @placebeyondthespines I‘m thinking she and Maggie O‘Farrell are the best for me. 6y
Oracle epically good 6y
placebeyondthespines @Oracle yesssssss. Can‘t wait to read her next novel, Normal People✨ 6y
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Frankenstein: ; Or, The Modern Prometheus | Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
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Getting into the Halloween spirit by diving into this classic today 🎃 Anybody have any other good Halloween read recommendations? I‘m feelin spooky👻

Emilymdxn I just finished Melmoth by Sarah Perry and it was blindingly good, the best modern version of an old school Victorian gothic horror I‘ve ever read! (edited) 6y
placebeyondthespines @emilymdxm I literally just got this ebook and I can‘t wait to read it! I may just have to bump it up on my TBR now. Thank you for the recommendation! 6y
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Milkman | Anna Burns
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Congrats to Anna Burns for winning the Man Booker Prize!!! Well deserved!!💕✨🎉

Milkman | Anna Burns
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Still swooning over this beautiful book. Can‘t wait for the Man Booker Prize announcement tomorrow. But first, I wanted to share a piece of beauty from this book. It‘s a lengthy quote so I finish it in the comments below. Never had I ever read a quote about chills running down your spine quite as accurate as Burns‘ description: “At the same time I dismissed a strange bodily sensation that had run the lower back half of my body...

placebeyondthespines during which the base of my spine had seemed to move. It had moved. Not a normal moving as in forward bends, backward bends, sideways and twistings. This had been a movement unnatural, an omen of warning, originating in the coccyx, with its vibration then setting off ripples—ugly, rapid, threatening ripples—travelling into my buttocks, gathering speed into my hamstrings from where, inside a moment, they sped to the dark recesses behind my knees... 6y
placebeyondthespines ...and disappeared.”🖤🖤🖤 6y
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Milkman | Anna Burns
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This is a story without names; without place-and yet, has an identity of its own. Middle sister is dating maybe-boyfriend for almost a year when her world begins to unravel as Milkman sets his sights on her. Burns is able to illustrate the claustrophobic, mentally asphyxiating atmosphere that rumors can create within a society to effectively isolate and trap an individual within their own paranoid ideations.

LazyDays Nice review! 6y
placebeyondthespines @LazyDays thank you! I adore this book. Can‘t wait for the Man Booker Prize announcement tomorrow! 6y
mklong I‘m reading and loving this now! I hope to finish before tomorrow‘s announcement. 6y
rather_be_reading love this pic! 6y
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Milkman | Anna Burns
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Wild Sunday night🥛Took me a little to get into this one, but now I‘m hooked. Not quite used to stream-of-consciousness writing, but it‘s growing on me. My introverted heart is always drawn to a book with lots of inner dialogue.

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Shen fever has consumed the world, but Ma doesn‘t twist this into a brain-eating zombie apocalypse story. Instead, it‘s a melancholic narrative on what it‘s like to get sucked into the mundane routine of daily life in pursuit of the American dream, until your once prized routine leaves you isolated and begins to haunt you in the wake of the world‘s collapse. This book captures the haunting feeling of what‘s its truly like to be alone in the world.

Flaneurette Cool photo! Just starting on this book and sounds like my kinda thing 6y
placebeyondthespines @Flaneurette thank you! It was taken somewhere just outside of a small town in New Mexico. This book def gave me a desert wasteland vibe (like the pic), except without the actual desert lol definitely interested to see what you think of it. 6y
LazyDays Nice review. You make it sound better then the desribtion😊 6y
placebeyondthespines @LazyDays What a great compliment. Thank you! 6y
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Started off my Sunday with some Severance and coffee. I‘m about 50% of the way through and loving it! It‘s like dystopian fiction meets zombie apocalypse meets millennial satire. Exactly what I needed🖤☕️ #severance #firstpost #getlit

bookcollecter Welcome to Litsy 😀 6y
placebeyondthespines @bookcollecter thank you! Happy to be here🖤✨ 6y
bookcollecter Awesome screen name btw 6y
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