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Joined January 2018

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The Last Mile | David Baldacci
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Baldacci is always a good bet and I really enjoyed listening to this. Melvin Mars is on death row, last mile, for killing his parents… when another man confesses. However, Amos Decker thinks something is off about the confession and, yet, that Mars is still innocent. They both look into the past to find the truth. Trigger-racists.

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YA mystery. A little too much high school boy thought process for me, but the characters ran true most of the time. I probably should have, but didn‘t see the final twist coming. Two high school surfers discover a dead body early in the morning and decide to solve the case on their own. Between a pick and a so so.

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Fast paced quick read. There‘s a new inspector in town and he‘s removed the certificate of occupancy from both Audrey‘s home and her veterinarian clinic. The next day she finds his dead body in her clinic and, of course, is the lead suspect. She can‘t reopen the clinic till she clears her name….and things begin to heat up with the two men in her life.

The Steel Kiss | Jeffery Deaver
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Lots of action. Rhyme and Sach find their 2 cases are actually the same, involving someone committing murder by overriding the software in all kinds of mechanical devices. An interesting twist toward the end too.

Forgotten by the Mist | E.S. Barrison
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An ARC read, to be released around 6/10/24 (fantasy/paranormal). As a crowned princess Julietta had a good life before her, but she wasn‘t sure she was cut out to lead. She preferred spending her time painting and adding beauty to the warring city. Then she met the man she condemned to the stockade, as he dies, and Tomas, the angel of death. Her life forever changes. Well, written and you feel yourself pulled into the madness.

After She's Gone | Lisa Jackson
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Heart stopping! Cassie is in a mental hospital after her sister disappears from the movie set they‘re both in. Then more murders occur and someone is mentally terrorizing Cassie. The story is told from the opposing POV of Cassie and the police, with glimpses into the murderer‘s POV. Good luck in being able to pull yourself away.

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An immersive read, basically a coming of age story despite the romance, family drama and humor. Tulsi has been trained all her life to be a spice healer by her ba and single mother, but she always wanted to travel….Then the internet hits their shop, bad press and her mother‘s past love. A very satisfying read.

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I always love Kate P Adams books, but this is the best so far. After being up most of the night helping with a sleepover at Charleton House, Sophie finds another body. At. 1st she thought it was the beloved Charles Dickens player, but instead it was a much hated man, so the suspects are many.

Breakdown | Jonathan Kellerman
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Gripping! Alex is called in to monitor an adult put under 48 hour mental health observation because he was supposedly therapist of record. He wasn‘t. He had treated her son. However, shortly after he finds her a home, she is murdered and Alex is concerned about what might have happened to her son. His search turns up more murders, greed and theft.

Mother's Day Murder | Tonya Kappes
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Light cozy mystery read. I remembered this was the holiday for Kappes 2nd book in this series. Much better than the 1st. Since Violet won‘t go visit her mother for Mother‘s Day, Millie Mae herself comes to visit (with the intention of moving in). As they‘re investigating the possible health benefits of the local spring, Millie Mae stumbles across a dead body and is immediately the main suspect.

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Quick, light paranormal cozy mystery. Marley is on a photo shoot when things begin to change. Is that a ghost photo bombing her pictures? That weekend Marley heads back to her hometown to celebrate Founder‘s Weekend and a family friend‘s presentation of an award. There her grandma clues her in on family secrets and Marley begins to investigate the disappearance of the hotel owner back in the ‘40s.

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This is one of those books that linger in your mind even when you‘re away. Trisha is a hard, high powered surgeon who makes a snobby fool of herself when she meets DJ, a chef with magic hands that know how to play with your taste buds. Of course, fate will throw them together over and over. But, the story also explores family loyalty and how it might influence your decisions in life. Thank you @FeatherV !

iread2much I love this series! 😊 3w
Mshookquilts @iread2much I‘m looking forward to exploring more. 3w
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A fun fast read. Hannah discovers the body of her best friend shortly after opening up the bookstore. She immediately sends for the police. As she tries to find out who could have killed her friend, she finds dark secrets in the lives of those around her, including involvement with German spies. Likable characters and I hope the cat will continue to be part of the series.

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This was very dark and disturbing. Danny‘s friend Michael drives almost into the Duck Pond;he‘s shot and dying. He whispers one last word to Danny…inferno. Danny investigates what Michael was researching when he died, trying to make sense. About a 3.5⭐️, but that just may be the content for me and the discouragement in people, because the story was action paced.

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This was a delightful read, although I wanted to strangle her husband most of the way. Lily lost her job and decided to move up her dream of moving to the country in France. Her husband said “no” and despite his promises, would never be willing to do it. Lily left anyway and her adventure began, with her hoping her husband would join her.

His Right Hand | Mette Ivie Harrison
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Craziness, as in people out of control. A Mormon elder is murdered at his church and all his secrets come out. Linda, the Bishop‘s wife and Curt, the Bishop, find his body. In the process of the duties to the church they become involved in finding the murderer. Lots of action and creepiness, but also a few moments of humor.

The Weekend | L. H. Stacey
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Gripping page turner! Ten years ago Lizzie‘s boyfriend was murdered at his graduation party and she found his body. Now his mother has commanded all Thomas‘s friends return for a memorial service. Only, hers is the 1st body to pile up this time. Lots of tension and a surprise twist at the end (which I‘d suspected early on and still didn‘t take away the creepiness).

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So glad to get back to this series; I love the characters in this small Sicilian town trying to revitalize itself by $1 homes. However, I was ready to murder Mimi Catalano long before she was dead. Audrey discovers the body and then tries to resolve the mystery of the murder even as she looks for the owner of the stray dog at the murder location.

What She Knew: A Novel | Gilly Macmillan
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Well written, but depressing. Ben disappeared on their evening walk when Rachel allows him to run ahead to the park with their dog. The police, as usual, waste their time focusing on Rachel for a crime and then including other family members. They totally miss the real criminal and it‘s only Rachel who finally figures it out when it‘s almost too late for her son.

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I think I loved the characters more than the story and would read more of the series to get to know them. Because the story of the really bad Gus is meant to go on, I felt a little as though I was left hanging at the end. Th#e story kept moving, though at a pretty good pace. Now in their 30s members of the local chess club return to town upon their buddies death. Their goal…clean up the town.

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This may be the best book I‘ve read this year and was a delightful compelling surprise. Elizabeth Zott is a focused chemist of high intellect who falls in love with another equally brilliant scientist. At his death she finds herself pregnant and without a job. A story of a strong woman who has learned to survive and make true friends despite the cruelty around.

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Perfect ending! I loved this love story (both of them). I‘m a sucker for found letters and the mystery behind them. Ravi and Jessie discover the love letters behind their university‘s love legend and fire mystery. They decide to write their term paper for their nonfiction class on the facts that created the legend. In the process, they too discover love.

The Song of Hartgrove Hall | Natasha Solomons
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Very enjoyable. The story of a composer and his love for his land and the love of his life. Very human and kept pulling me back to it.

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Wow! What a start.

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I love Kate P Adams and her characters. The victim was impaled by antlers at a wedding at Charleton House. Sophie‘s chef is one of the suspects, so she feels it‘s only right that she try to clear his name.

Apart at the Seams | Marie Bostwick
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A perfect title…and great characters. Two women‘s stories are told here; how they each felt they hit rock bottom and how they utilized their experiences to build a strong life and better relationships. I think any of us would love to have the Cobblestone Quilt Circle as our friends.

We Lie Here: A Thriller | Rachel Howzell Hall
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Whoa. I‘m unhappy to say all my suspicions turned to be true in this thriller. The title is perfect and a play on words and the book is creepy scary. Yara returns home to complete plans for her parents‘ anniversary party, but her asthma, allergies and anxiety always flare up when she goes home. Even worse this time she is assaulted by a woman who is murdered that night. Her search for truth just keeps turning up more twists and lies.

Private Paris | James Patterson
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Action packed. While Jack Morgan is visiting Private‘s Paris office he is asked to protect a top client‘s granddaughter. Somehow she is tied in with violent criminals. As Morgan investigates, he is asked to help with some murders which keep bumping into a war starting…are they all somehow tied into one another?

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A bit of a nail biter. Noah purchased the abandoned church on eBay with the hope of restoring it and the congregation. Realizing he bit off more than he can chew he looks for an assistant (ex bar dancer) whose ex has stolen her children. As they work to get her children back and restore the church, they fall for each other.

Scandalous Behavior | Stuart Woods
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A fun, fast read. Stone Barrington is pushed into purchasing a British estate when the very ill owner wants to avoid his non-children from inheriting. Shortly after Barrington‘s arrival a neighbor is murdered. Also, his son Peter has ticked off a violent cult. When Peter disappears to England, the cult followers him.

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This was a sweet and funny romance. A loved the characters, including the dog, Ranger. Allie and Terrence have been lifetime friends, but something is changing. Terrence is about to make a career change and Allie has discovered a passion for roller derby.

Friends in Napa: A Novel | Sheila Yasmin Marikar
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Whoa! Very slow lead in. The anxiety and drama in this group of “friends” was anxiety inducing in itself. This book was like one of those roller coasters that take you round and round, finally picking up speed to take you into a crashing waterfall movement. Raj appears to be saving face by throwing an all expenses paid weekend for his college friends. Old injuries come to the forefront and hidden secrets are exposed.

NYPD Red 4 | James Patterson, Marshall Karp
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Fast paced. Zack and Kylie have 2 new cases. One is the mysterious burglaries of expensive hospital equipment and the other a murder and theft of an $8million necklace. Both cases have twists.

Murder at Yappy Hour | Diana Orgain
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A light cozy mystery with some giggles and lots of red herrings….oh and some romance. I think I‘m team Gus, but then I always like a man who can cook. Maggie has moved to Pacific Cove to be closer to her sister and uncle. The day her sister disappears, Maggie finds a dead body in her sister‘s dog bar. And, the misadventures begin.

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Ok…now this may be my new favorite in the Virgin River series…the story of Abby and Cam. To my relief, it turns out I was right about the ex‘s attorneys. The story of Rick and Liz nearly broke my heart. So, yeah, a page turner even for a romance.

Murder at Yappy Hour | Diana Orgain

“What do you mean, you fired her?”

Great opening line.

Yappy Hour: A Mystery | Diana Orgain

“What do you mean, you fired her?”

What a great opening line!

Four Leaf Felony | Tonya Kappes
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I had to read this because…you know…St. Paddy‘s day is coming. I didn‘t enjoy this as much as books from the author‘s other series, because I was so frustrated with either the naivety or stupidity of the main character. How could she not see how she was being played…all the way around. Sheesh! On the other hand, she did discover the murderer and I like holidays so I may try another to see if it was a fluke.

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Wow. Michelle Gable again takes you on an historic ride. Niki is part of OSS in the MO department during WWII. We follow her through her adventures and misadventures, love and heartbreak. The story is told through Niki‘s eye (both past and present) and the eyes of her friend, an Italian prostitute. A very satisfying ending.

The Guilty | David Baldacci
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Action packed. Will Robie heads back to Cantrell, Mississippi to investigate his father‘s murder charges. Robie immediately steps into muck with his life threatened. Quite a few twists, but I did pick out the murderer and for the right reasons so enough clues must have been there.

The Rise | Ian Rankin
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This was a triksy story! 2 detectives are called in for the murder of a night guard at a wealthy high rise. Their investigation brings up all kinds of side issues, but the ending surprised me. A

Hypnotized by Love | Sariah Wilson
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Once started, I couldn‘t put this down! Humiliated and betrayed by her male best friend and crush in high school, Savannah avoided him for 6 years. However, he now keeps turning up in her life and things didn‘t happen quite the way she thought. Lots of laughter, good women‘s friendships and fun romance.

The Exception to the Rule | Christina Lauren
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I loved this. The format was fun. It made me laugh…numerous times. A short, quick romance.

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Another delightful cozy mystery from Kate P. Adams (and yes I‘m planning to read the whole series). You will get to know the endearing characters of Charleton House better. Local food vendors are invited to present their products for tasting at an event on the estate, except one of the vendors‘ employees is murdered on the opening morning. Clues keep dropping in Sophie‘s Lap, so she begins earnestly pursuing the facts.

The Survivor: A Novel | Vince Flynn
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For me, too much violence and political/strategical detail/talk. Other than those elements it was fast paced and had a satisfying ending.

A Stately Murder | Kate P. Adams
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A quick read Novella. Perfectly paced with loveable characters, I‘m now going to have to search out the rest of the series. Sophie has been working @ Charleton House for less than a year, when she finally treats herself to one of the ghost tours, only to discover a dead body. I was hooked in chapter 1 and raced through the book, enjoying every minute.

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A Stately Murder | Kate P. Adams
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1st page…”I‘d worked at the house for less than a year and took every opportunity to learn all I could about my grand surroundings, even if some of what I was learning only had one foot in reality,”.

End of 1st chapter…”‘Security, this is Ghost Tour One. Can you send someone up to the state drawing room immediately? We have a situation.‘”

Ok. I‘m hooked!

The End Game | J. T. Ellison, Catherine Coulter
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A lot of action, but dry at times. Mike and Nick are assigned to a case against a terrorist against terrorists. As the man goes from anti death to taking out as many as he can, they realize the very center of U.S. is in danger.

Murder and Mamon | Mia P. Manansala
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I love this series! Lila‘s cousin, Divina, is sent to the U.S. to avoid a scandal, but she is murdered shortly after arriving. Watching her God mothers deal with this tragedy as well as the destruction of their laundry, Lila steps in to help find the murderer. Love this group of characters who are family and friends.

All the Stars in the Heavens | Adriana Trigiani
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Interesting. A story about the life of Loretta Young starting shortly before she meets Clark Gable. Not my genre, but a very interesting read/listen. You have to admire the woman and all that she accomplished.