A how to on collapsing monocultured ideology & consensus reality while/ through working with more subversive allies that often walk unseen
#chaosmagic #occult #grimoire
A how to on collapsing monocultured ideology & consensus reality while/ through working with more subversive allies that often walk unseen
#chaosmagic #occult #grimoire
An accessible book on Traditional Witchcraft. Morgan includes testimonials of folk who have experienced otherness, folklore, knowledge from hands-on experience plus more to give the reader access to intellectual understanding &, more importantly, to begin to get one's hands dirty with experiential understanding. A great book that I find myself revisiting time & again
#leemorgan #tradwitch #traditionalwitchcraft, #occult #witchcraft
A books about Western Magic traditions including grimoire & folk Catholic, St. Cyprian of Antioch was the ultimate magic practitioner of the pagan tradition til his power (or that of the Devil's wielded by he) was obstructed by a devout Xtian woman protected by her prayers & God. He then converted & became the bridge between paganism & Christianity. This book contains a # of Christianized magic workings that arent "pretty"
#magic #Cyprian #occult
An academic yet accessible work by a former Sorbonne professor of medieval literature & civilization, this book explores the European beliefs in spirits who inhabit their local lands & waters. Lecouteux also helps expose the multitudinous varieties of these spirits before Christianity reduced their ranks to a few catagories (elves, dwarves, etc) w/ which most today are familiar
#anthropology #folklore #spirits #spirituality #europeanhistory
A collection of gritty short stories about the desperate no holds barred life of people in poverty ridden mid to late 20th century southern Ohio
#shortstories #fiction #ohio