Old books usually hide a history behind the story.
Take this 1st edition 1984. Is that blood on the pages? I like to think so. The page that it's on is especially ominous. "You won't be reading that propaganda, Winston"
Emilie Autumn is one of my favorite steampunk artists. A multi talented Musician, Author and Actor. Here is her book, The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls, sitting on her old touring wheelchair "Wheelie"
I haven't been sleeping well for the last couple weeks. And what else are you gonna do at 2:30 in the morning, besides shop for books online?
I blew my book budget on this first edition but I'll justify it as an investment. 😁 It's one of the better physical copies I've seen, and I've been hunting for this for years.
@TheReadingMermaid Hey there, I was looking through my library and found two copies of The Bird Eater. I can send one your way if you'd like. Happy Monday!
@TheReadingMermaid Here you go. Not as good as thumbing through the book yourself, but still...
@TheReadingMermaid These are fun little Poe editions. You'd probably like them. What's your favorite Poe story? Mine is either The Black Cat or The Fall of the House of Usher.
Ready Player One.
My new favorite coffee and strategy spot.
A couple years ago, I sent Ania Ahlborn a volume of Scary Stories with the original artwork. She sent me some treats in response. This is one of my most treasured books. Have a good weekend everyone. Stay Classy.
Some of my earliest and fondest memories of reading are from this show. Now I can't sleep and have the theme song stuck in my head.
My Name is Mary Katherine Blackwood. I Am 18 years old, I live with my sister Constance. I've often thought that with any luck I could have been born a werewolf, because the two middle fingers on both hands are the same length, but I have had to be content with what I had. I dislike washing myself, dogs, and noise. I like my sister Constance and Richard Plantagenet, and Amanita phalloides, the death cap mushroom. Everyone else in my family is dead
Enjoying the 3rd in the Passage series. Also watching The Passage series on Fox. Always nice to put faces to the characters in the book.
Amy Bellafonte is a rock star.