This is a truly wonderful journey. I have become a believer of Francis right after reading this novel. This is an amazing exercise of the senses and you will definitely enjoy it. You will keep wanting for more, as I do.
This is a truly wonderful journey. I have become a believer of Francis right after reading this novel. This is an amazing exercise of the senses and you will definitely enjoy it. You will keep wanting for more, as I do.
And if you want to know how to create a secret room or storage, read this book. It will tell you how to make a room with a magic door, where to hide your treasures. You won't need a door knob, only a length of wire.
I highly recommend this book to everyone. Even if you hate horses, I am sure, you will love Mad Alexander, the master in hiding things.
i bought these three books from a second-hand bookstore. planned to read them in succession but was not able to read panama yet. chose these books bcoz the setting are all places i wanted to go -mongolia, france & panama.
i think i am okay dying with my heart literally broken in two. i always have this notion that the cause of my death would be a heart attack. this book surely broke my heart. i was crying buckets & pretended i wasn't bcoz i don't want my friends to tease me. i read this while on a sleepover.
Night probe is an old diving term which means exploring underwater caves in darkness. another trademark clive cussler novel. really, really amazing!
had to read this again for a book blog on clive cussler. i called it three of a kind featuring 3 books from my fave authors. i think by far, this is the most compliated & hardest assignment Dirk Pitt has to survive. one of his antagonists here almost outwitted Dirk. almost.
I almost put it down bcoz it seemed like it was going nowhere. just a girl on a train to & from work watching people. but i stayed on & was not disappointed. the books is so unexpected. i liked it & i didn't know who was the killer until it was a bit obvious. nice one paula hawkins.
this is a book full of info. i relished it until about half way i had to put it down coz it was too nerdy & i was not into analyzing that time. my takeaway from the book is about the r-complex. it's the part of the brain that we inherited from our reptilian ancestors where murderous urges came from.
just finished prince charming must die! title reminds me of the movie romeo must die. the book is very straightforward, with very little nuances. i liked it but it was too straightforward that there was not a lot of buildup when alice killed prince charming. would love to read the next 11 books
a collections of short stories. i've finished one story. i'm not sure yet if i like it. i like the intro though. it invites the readers to check king's wares at the night bazaar.
NR: Prince Charming Must Die
i am liking it so far. fairy tales, prince charming & a clueless teenage hero.
this book made want to go to china & walk through the famous silk road & see the thousands of terracotta soldiers of china's first emperor. it's never a dull read if mrs. pollifax is in it. thank you dorothy gilman for mrs. pollifax. this amazing grandmother will live on. she is immortal.
another of mrs. pollifax adventures. really love her being resourceful. imagine putting an ad for a prson bec she can't locate the nbr in the directory & no forwrding address. only, she was not the only one looking. i can't get enough of mrs. pollifax. need to read again all my mrs. pollifax books.
i have to read this again for a post on my blog. i was reminded how i loved dorothy gilman & this famous, resourceful & intuitive character ms. pollifax. i loved reading this again just like the first time. this is how mrs. pollifax became a spy for the CIA.We're never too old to follow our dreams.
When it first started, i don't know where the story is going. it felt like it was just rambling on. i only get to be piqued when it came to the part when megan is missing. i think from there the story got interesting. i didn't figure out who the killer until later.
stephanie perkins is so consistent. i love all three books. i think this book is probably the most serious of all three. i can feel isla and her insecurities. i love to read more of perkins. she's definitely on my fave authors list.
This book explores the possibility of a multiverse theory - in a parallel universe our otherselves are living the alternate choices or consequences of our decisions. i was trying to figure out which of the two possibilities hannah had chosen but it wasn't. this story has made me look at my life too.
I loved it. the same way I love #lolaandtheboynextdoor. i am dying to read
#islaandhappilyeverafter. #stephanieperkins has just made my favorite authors list. she has been consistent. i can't wait to read more. i gobbled up her books like i was famished & i am still hungry for more.feel good books.
I think book was so-so. i think there was no need for the excerpts from the Simon Snow books. I actually felt bored reading them. The story was still understandable even without them. I enjoyed reading about Cath & Levi though. The ending was lacking for me. I thought there should have been more.
I've cried more reading this than Me After You. At first, I thought the pacing was slow. It was actually just preparing me for the series of sad things that are about to happen. In a way I have anticipated them but I was not as prepared as I thought. I am relieved that finally Lou has found herself.
Wow! This is an altogether different love story. It was so engaging & gripping. It had held me tight & I never wanted to stop reading until the end but my eyes betrayed me. I just don't like that love didn't conquer all in this story though I understand vey well Will's decision.
I started reading last night & had to stop beacuse it was 3am already. need to get to sleep. this book is very engaging & can't wait to finish it. i want Will to continue living too. i am rooting for Lou to keep trying.
This book has a story that is so unexpected but it is what everyone wishes to happen in real life. To see a younger version of yourself & realize that you've come so far, but there are also a lot of things that you wished were the same. A very relevant & enlightening book.
I asked for this book as a xmas gift about 5 yrs ago. I was curious about this book after I read the 1st one of the same authors. I enjoyed the previous one so I wanted to find out if this book is as interesting as the first one. I have not finished the book. I got bored.
I heard of this book from my Theo professor in college. He said that this book was not widely published because of the controversies it contains about The Church, Jesus Christ and some of his teachings. He said that it was not to be for those whose faith is so fragile bcoz you will likely lose it.
The 1st book I read of Hosseini. I stumbled on a copy in a 2nd-hand bookstore. The title is so metaphoric. I read the back cover & bought the book. It opened my eyes to the reality of the life of the muslims in Afghanistan. it was heartbreaking yet so realistic and raw. i hunted for his other books.
This book is about change management. I read this when I was in the early years of my working life. It taught when to keep fighting, when to let go and move on. It taught me that life always offer you a better option if you are willing to recognize and look for it. you need not suffer unnecessarily.
I bought this book as a souvenir when I visited NYC's Museum of Natural History way back 2010. I seem to have forgotten about this book & my interest was renewed when I saw the show on cable. I am almost done and will blog about it once I am finished.
I read the book last month. For me, it was not up to my very high expectations. I find the book boring in the early pages and almost gave up. But because it was Hemingway's, I pushed on and finished it. This book did not ruin Hemingway for me. It actually made me curiouser to read his other works.