currently reading and already loving ✨
currently reading and already loving ✨
okay i can never recommend this book enough but seriously, i love it so frikkin much. i love when the family aspect is focused on in the book, and Wing's family is no exception. both her grandmas are amazing (and at times, hilarious) women.
just read it guys. i mean
bi-racial main character. such an adorable family. set in the 90s. jazzy magical realism vibes.
i'm actually really enjoying litsy. i had an account here ages ago but now, so many of my friends from bookstagram have also joined the platform, plus it's hella fancy 😂
"Maybe part of falling in love with someone else is also falling in love with yourself."
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars
this book blew me away! the writing was absolutely breathtaking, and the characters are so interesting to read about. i absolutely adore Shazi, i think she's such an admirable character. it was also really interesting to see her relationship with Khalid grow.
i especially loved the setting and the way arabian nights stories are weaved in. it was a little slow paced though, but the ending...whoa
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