"Go forward, sir. It's the one direction God permits."
Finally picked this up last night and already it's just glorious. If it continues like this Mantel will have excelled herself and I personally think "Bring Up the Bodies" was a masterpiece. About 50 pages into this beast and I'm already in love. I keep reading pages out to poor husband (always a good sign). It's endlessly quotable.
Sorry this was just deeply forgettable. The reviews promised a lot "it's mainly set in a university therefore it MUST be compared to Donna Tartt". Bleurgh. Not even close. That's not to say it's a bad book it's just, well it just is. I vaguely enjoyed parts of it, I actively disliked other parts but to be honest I'll have forgotten it tomorrow.
Happy #bloomsday all. RTE are doing a 30hour reading to celebrate but if that's a bit too much, how about just Molly Bloom's soliloquy to whet the appetite? https://youtu.be/ii_aZ6djNkM.
Wonderful, challenging read. I've found Derrren Brown's writing an absolute joy to read in the past and this deep dive into stoicism is no different. In other hands this could be a dry read but it was an a complete pleasure from start to finish.
Look how happy it's made Bella 😂
Think this was my April #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks!
Starting my first novel in quite some time as seem to have been on a nonfiction kick. Looking forward to getting lost in something, hopefully! Very short chapters in this so should be s quick read as well.
New book alert. I'm very aware that "like Donna Tartt" reviews NEVER deliver but the Liane Moriarty, Agatha Christie refs helped sell this to me.
Note to reviewers, please, please stop saying every book set in a university is "like Donna Tartt". It's got to be one of the most commonly used comparisons and you know nothing comes close.
Thanks @jenniferw88 for the #lockdownlowdown tag.
1. Cardiff, Wales
2. I haven't really finished anything but am in the middle of 2. Favourite so far would Happy by Derrren Brown
3. Not sure I have a preference. Maybe around 400-500 mark, but happy to go longer for non fiction or a really good read.
4. @Libby1
This was rather wonderful. Natalie Haynes races through the whole of the Iliad as the truly wonderful Chris Riddell live draws it. Fair play to both, that was an absolute joy to watch. "A Thousand Ships" was already on the TBR (having really loved Pat Barker's "Silence of the Girls") but it's just jumped way up the list. #HayFestival
Catching up on some of yesterday's #HayFestival, including the truly remarkable poet and playwright Inua Ellams.
Beautiful, drunk logic in action "I'm supposed to be on stage but I'm too drunk! I know, I'll go watch it instead". ?
After yesterday's #Hayfestival talk I treated myself. Now here's hoping I can actually get some reading done.
First talk today "How to argue with a racist" by Adam Rutherford. #HayFestival
Jon Sopel on Trump's Whitehouse at #HayFestival now. Saw him at hay last year (or was it 2 years ago) discussing his first book about the Trump campaign. Highly amusing.
Just finished Rutger Bregman talking to Lily Cole about his book, Humankind. Really excellent talk. Well worth a watch and should be available on #HayFestival site for free. Sorry for terrible pic 😂
First of today's #HayFestival talks, Greg Jenner talking about "Dead Famous" and the history of celebrity. One for the TBR I think!
Watching Stephen Fry read from his new book "Troy", the third in his myths series, at the online #HayFestival.
While it's a shame the Hay Literary Festival couldn't go ahead as usual this year, it's wonderful that they've brought it online. Lots and lots of events over the next week, all free https://www.hayfestival.com/m-156-hay-digital-2020.aspx?skinid=1¤cysetting...
"There is perhaps nothing worse than reaching the top of the ladder and discovering that you're on the wrong wall".
Very much enjoying this book so far and nice to be reading, albeit sporadically, again.
This year's Hay literary festival has been cancelled but not to worry as they've taken it online & events are free! Lots of events from fiction (Hilary Mantel, Margaret Atwood to name a couple) to philosophy, politics, science and everything else. Well worth a look. I'll miss my annual visit to sit in the sun, read books & drink excellent beer but it's fab they've gone digital https://www.hayfestival.com #hayfestival
Pic from last year.
The latest #Hayfestival podcast is with Hallie Rubenhold and they will be discussing "The Five". I really loved this book. Podcast should be very interesting https://open.spotify.com/episode/1BbuozrtufDgdARELmdqDo?si=yqyoROOYQ3Kx4LYJs66Rf...
Hoping this can get me back into the flow of things. I think this may be April's #bookspin selection! I've heard mixed things, so let's see what it brings. That being said, I'm generally a fan of Derren Brown's writing so I've got my fingers crossed for this one
Finally finished. Not the books fault obviously, just not in reading mode. Had forgotten quite how dark this gets! I may have to re-read a few more of Roald Dahl's books as an adult.
Question, are you reading more or less in the current situation?
I'm really struggling with reading at the minute. Need to get my motivation back. I thought the solution may be to opt for something very light (hence Matilda) but I'm now thinking the opposite may be true and getting lost in a big epic read may be a better route.
A few days late but Happy 95th Birthday to "The Great Gatsby". One of my all time faves. Nice little piece on it at https://www.penguin.co.uk/articles/2020/april/the-great-gatsby-fitzgerald-change...
It's been many many years since I read this but it feels like it could be just the tonic needed at the minute.
Hmm. This just didn't click with me. To be fair to the book, I think in these odd times I've struggled to find the time or will to read so this likely suffered as a consequence. However, I also just didn't find it interesting. It's pleasantly written but it felt like there was little feeling behind the words.
#bookspin @TheAromaofBooks
Need cheering up? You could do a lot worse than checking out the #RTEVirtualParade on twitter. As the Dublin St Paddy's parade was cancelled, people are doing their own from home. It's truly glorious -
Happy St Patricks day all. Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit.
Nice piece on The Conversation about The Mirror and the Light - https://theconversation.com/the-mirror-and-the-light-hilary-mantel-gets-as-close...
"Hilary Mantel gets as close to the real Thomas Cromwell as any historian?"
Next up "Howard's End is on the Landing: a year of reading from home". I bought this book many many years ago in the hope it would help me get on top of my TBR. It's taken @TheAromaofBooks and #bookspin for me to actually pick it up ?. Here's hoping it has the desired effect.
I suppose it's also eerily timely considering we may soon be in lockdown ?.
Wow! This book was wonderful.
Known as the "canonical five", this book explores the lives of Polly, Annie, Elizabeth, Catherine and Mary-Jane, victims of Jack the Ripper. While he has become a cult figure his victims have been touted as "mere prostitutes". This book sets to rectify that and tells each of their stories beautifully.
The research is immaculate and this is a truly fascinating social history of the lives of women in Victorian London.
Clearly wasn't abstemious in one regard now, was it Stride? 😂
A bit late but sure...
"There are two versions of the events of 1887. One is very well known; the other is not."
#firstlinefridays #okitssaturday
"At every turn there had been a hand reaching to pull her up from the abyss, but the counter-tug of addiction was more forceful, and the grip of shame just as strong."
Annie's story has broken my heart.
"At times the coroner's inquest becomes a moral investigation of Polly Nichols herself, as if the hearing was in part to determine whether her behaviour warranted her fate."
This made me shudder.
Despite my love of classics, I'm ashamed to admit that I was in my early 30s when I first read this & instantly regretted not doing so sooner.
Set in industrial England, this is a novel about conflict & rebellion. It's brimming with religious & social commentary that still holds.
Gaskell's writing is thoughtful & progressive, particularly around class & the role of women (Mrs Thornton may be one of best literary creations ever).
Read it!
Thanks so much to @squirrelbrain for my first #litsymail. I love it! The postcard is exquisite and also ? but I love "Oi Frog" so the bookmark had me very excited. Needless to say, also very happy about the book. Thanks so much. There are few things nicer than surprises in the post.
#litsylove #thanks
Interesting piece in the TLS on Mansfield Park. Worth a reread soon I think. Note it does contain many spoilers if you haven't read it - https://www.the-tls.co.uk/articles/re-reading-mansfield-park-jane-austen-janet-t...
“...a living ass is better than a dead lion“. Truth indeed from Elizabeth Gaskell.
Fantastic sight. Hilary Mantel‘s The Mirror and the Light projected onto the Tower of London last night for the book launch. Pic blatantly stolen from Hay Festival page: https://www.facebook.com/hayfestival/photos/a.10151195713844777/1015817881761477....
The English language ladies and gentlemen. Ain't she fun ;-)
Next up "The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper". This is a group read and very much looking forward to it.
"It is there - there, cowering and gibbering, with fixed ghastly eyes, in some corner of the chamber, listening to hear whether we dare to breathe of its presence to any one. And we dare not; poor cowards that we are!"
#quote #classics #nightmares
Thanks @jenniferw88
1. Yes definitely, however it will take more than that to make me actually read it
2. Tagged. A group read book. Looking forward to it.
3. Mainly BBC, Guardian or Irish Times. To be honest though, things have been so grim lately I've all but switched off
4. Wake immediately. Generally awake long before it though.
5. Don't know many on here yet but a few nice people I've met/know @SheliRuss @Emilymdxn @veritysalter
March #BookSpin options @thearomaofbooks. Looking forward to it. I may even try to fit #doublespin in but best not get ahead of myself 😉. Lots of #nonfiction in the mix.
“His father had made the blunder of bringing him up in ignorance and taking it for innocence“ 🙌