4.4.20: I sense answers may be coming..
4.4.20: I sense answers may be coming..
4.4.20: The misfortune may continue but we‘re getting closer to solving the mysteries. I think there is a happy ending at the very end of this journey.
2.19.20: Starting book six before bedtime
2.12.20: The endings always have me wanting to read the next book. Can‘t wait to find out what happens in the next one!
2.11.20: Opted for a change of scenery today
1.27.20: It‘s been quite some time since I‘ve cracked this one open. Gonna read until I fall asleep, and fairy tales are classic bedtime stories
1.8.20: Started this one the other day (1.5.20). I notice it has a higher rating than the previous books, so maybe this is where the story really starts to pick up.
1.5.20: I‘m enjoying the series, but I do find the story a little slow at times. Definitely feels catered to a much younger audience in terms of writing style, but the plot is good and I‘m curious to see how it all ends.
12.29.19: So good to know that I‘m not the only one who saw this pattern haha. Book four is off to a good start.
12.29.19: I don‘t know who let a banker be in charge of children‘s welfare. These three are taking care of themselves and trying to escape a terrible man at every turn. On to book four!
12.7.19: Starting this one in the parent pick-up line
12.6.19: The adventure continues!
11.10.19: It‘s slow at work this morning, so I‘m chillin with tea and a book.
10.30.19: I really love the covers on my copies of the first two books.
10.30.19: Just finished rereading this terribly sad book. Wonder what unfortunate situation these poor orphans will find themselves in in Book 2. I‘m convinced there is a happy ending at the end of this series though!
10.17.19: I‘ve been wanting to reread this series for awhile, since I got my hands on the whole set!
10.17.19: Finally finished it! I‘ve been in a bit of a reading slump lately, so it took me well over a month to get it done. It was good, although the ending did feel a bit rushed to me. Was pretty cute overall though.
9.5.19: Last one! Picked this up from the library earlier. Hope it‘s as good as the others.
9.1.19: All done! This one is really sweet. It sounded much more like the author than the previous one, which I really liked.
6.24.19: Finally getting around to starting this. It‘s a busy weekend, but trying to squeeze in some reading before I crash for the night😴
8.20.19: I‘m still working on getting my book journal up to date and I have quite a few series I need to reread to do so. I‘m kind of excited for the trip down memory lane. Hopefully, I will enjoy them the second time around as much as I did the first time!
8.20.19: Omg so I completely forgot to track this book here while I was reading it (8.4.19-8.16.19)🙈 I thought it was good, but it felt like it had a different voice than the previous books. Still not sure how I feel about that haha. I‘m waiting for the next one to come in at the library.
7.25.19: A nice complement to the series! I enjoyed that the stories were diverse and came from all over. I have a few favorites, but all the stories were good!
7.24.19: I thought I had finished the series after I read the third book, but it turns out there's this prequel, a fourth book, and a fifth one on the way🙈 I highly recommend the series if you haven't read it yet. It's phenomenal!!
7.24.19: Hey y‘all, I could really use some opinions! I‘m adding dates in my book journal and trying to decide which format I like best. I‘m having a hard time choosing between all numbers or spelling out the date though🙈 Thoughts are appreciated!
7.24.18: Ive officially finished the series! A quick read, but very good. I really enjoyed it!
7.24.19: Im halfway through!! It‘s really good☺️
7.23.19: I was going to reread this series, bc I don‘t like having an incomplete series in my book tracker, but I just have no interest in this book anymore. I remember enjoying it the first time around, but I‘m finding a lot of things I don‘t like during this read through. I‘m very disappointed and I hate to give up on a book, but it‘s just not enjoyable for me :(
7.16.19: A super quick read. It was okay. A little slow and didn‘t really start to pick up until the end. The ending definitely has me interested in reading the next book though.
7.16.19: So excited to finally read this series all at once and finish it!
7.16.19: This book is phenomenal! I cried so much while reading it. It is packed full of drama! Beautifully written. I highly recommend it💕
7.12.19: I‘ve had this in my bookcase for yearsss. I‘m finally getting around to it while waiting for a hold at the library. Im liking it so far!
7.3.19: A very quick read, but so, so good! I cried a lot but the ending is lovely💜
7.3.19: Started this on Monday (7.1) after finally getting a copy! This is the last book I need to read to complete the series and Ive been waiting a really long time🙈
6.27.19: Look what finally came in!! I feel like I‘ve been waiting foreverrr🙈. I‘m so excited to finish this series!
6.25.19: It‘s been awhile since I‘ve read anything from here, so I‘m going to try and work my way through a few stories while I wait for my next book to arrive at the library☺️
6.25.19: Finished this one earlier today. I enjoyed it more than the last two and I think that might be bc I didn‘t know what was going to happen next hehe. Looking forward to the last book!
6.25.19: I started this one yesterday and it turns out that I haven‘t read it yet. Haha I guess teen me got distracted and didn‘t finish the series🙈 So excited to find out what happens!
6.24.19: Finished this one in a day! The part about soulmates at the end was cute☺️
6.23.19: The drama continues! Can‘t wait to start the next book later today.
6.19.19: Enjoyed it just as much as I did in high school! Would have been a little more suspenseful if I didn‘t already know the ending😏
6.17.19: Rereading the series bc I can‘t remember if I ever finished it or not🙈 I loved the series as a teen though!
6.16.19: Such a lovely read! There was laughter, there were tears. Lost love, finding peace, finding new loves💜