Between starting a new job last month and losing my dad suddenly, I needed something silly and mindless to focus on. The main character made stupid as hell choices but this was fast paced and entertaining enough to distract me.
Between starting a new job last month and losing my dad suddenly, I needed something silly and mindless to focus on. The main character made stupid as hell choices but this was fast paced and entertaining enough to distract me.
1/5 of the series- Very good read! Huge plot twist toward the end. Reminds me a lot of Pretty Little Liars. Can't wait to read the rest of this series!
6.19.19: Enjoyed it just as much as I did in high school! Would have been a little more suspenseful if I didn‘t already know the ending😏
6.17.19: Rereading the series bc I can‘t remember if I ever finished it or not🙈 I loved the series as a teen though!
This review contains no spoilers! I give this book 4.5 out of 5 stars! It was really good, but I wish there was more of a back story to each of the characters. I really enjoy how it‘s a mystery until the end on what happens and what is happening in the book. I love how you get a point of view from the stalker and our Maine Camiella(charmellon)
Favorite new author!! I'm such a nerdy geek 😘💕💕 Happy #socksunday