Amazing!!! I loved the whole series! A good ending to the story. As usually wish I had more…oh wait there‘s another book to read that follows the side characters.
Amazing!!! I loved the whole series! A good ending to the story. As usually wish I had more…oh wait there‘s another book to read that follows the side characters.
This book was so good. I‘m not usually into romance but I thought I‘d give it a try. I was not disappointed at all. We have a MC Evianna and Dax. One is a programmer and the later is special forces. A trope that I don‘t normally like because they aren‘t done very well. You can tell the author did her research. I will be reading more from this author.
This is amazing!!!! Like adams family meets Scooby Do!!!
As much as I hate to finish series and say good day to all the people in this world…this is too good to not read. 🧡🧡
This is a good book…reminds me of Star Trek next generation. It has great drama but not a lot of action. Still good but it has taken me a long time to get through this.
So glad I gave this a go. I have never enjoyed a multiple prospective book, but then there is this. I love every prospective. There are more books in the series and I will be getting my hands on them.
I tired. This is my third time trying to make myself like this book and I can‘t get more then ten chapters in and I‘m done.
I love this book so far!!! Don‘t know why I waited so long to read it.
I‘m jumping on the wagon. What are some of your thoughts about this book?
So amazing. I even stopped reading it for a day to hype up to a bad ending but was greatly surprised that it was amazing!!!!
This was amazing. The whole book was wrapped up beautifully. Somethings I wished didn‘t happen but then it wouldn‘t make it as beautiful.
“You have to admit, it would be intimidating. Two black magicians...”
The struggle is real with what this girl is going through. Freeing herself from a witches enslavement only to replace herself for a prince, whom she is falling for. Decisions, decisions.
This was amazing. I can‘t believe I wait this long to read it.
I‘m forever changed with the amount of fantasy I want to read. This was a new level of fantasy and a different kind of story that I never knew was out there. I found it daunting at first by the size and volume of the book but it was worth it. Going on my favorites list. #newfavorite
Never did I think I would really enjoy this book. I have three hours left and I don‘t want it to end. #sandersonfan