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Joined January 2023

I am an Author Accelerator certified fiction book coach and editor.
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Hey fiction writers! Are you writing a new book and struggling to decide between first and third person? I have a free resource that details all your choices and the pros and cons of each. Check it out here: http://www.writeforwardcoaching.com/resources

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I am so happy to announce that I have earned my Author Accelerator certification! I am working on setting up my website. I cannot wait to start book coaching and developmental editing for all the wonderful writers out there! If you are a writer please fill out my very short survey here to help me shape what services I offer: https://forms.gle/ALYDa8BGGRv3A4DaA

Librarybelle Congratulations! 3w
Ruthiella Congrats! 👏👏👏 3w
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Sketching a library and having an art afternoon with the kids. Happy Thursday!

Happy Place | Emily Henry
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Costco has Happy Place for $10 cheaper than Barnes and Nobles!!


Whenever you feel afraid, just remember. Courage is the root of change - and change is what we're chemically designed to do. So when you wake up tomorrow, make this pledge. No more holding yourself back. No more subscribing to others' opinions of what you can and cannot achieve. And no more allowing anyone to pigeonhole you into useless categories of sex, race, economic status, and religion.

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Happy Friday! My toxic trait is continuing to buy more books when I have all of these TBRs. Have you read any of these?

Bookwormjillk Haven‘t read any but I‘ve bought some 🤣 2y
jamield1911 The tattooist of auschwitz is brilliant. Also, the sequel "Cilkas journey" is a must read! 2y
WriteForwardCoaching @Bookwormjillk are you even really a reader if you don‘t have a bunch of books laying around unread 🤣🤣 2y
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WriteForwardCoaching @jamield1993 good to hear! It‘s been sitting in my house for quite awhile. I am so bad about reading all the books I buy haha 2y
Soubhiville I don‘t think there‘s anything toxic about that, but then again I do the same thing 🤣. TJ Klune is a favorite, I loved that one. 2y
dabbe THE GUEST LIST is a fast mystery read and kept me on my toes. ❣️ 2y
BookBr The ABC Murders is a classic murder mystery with a lot of depth! 2y
WriteForwardCoaching @BookBr I love Agatha Christie. I have been slowly making my way through her works - there are so many! So far my favorite is The Murder of Roger Ackroyd 2y
WriteForwardCoaching @dabbe I have heard so many good things about it! 2y
WriteForwardCoaching @Soubhiville I am not bothered by it, but my husband is 😂😂😂 2y
peanutnine I've read a few of these and they were all good! Also I love your bookmarks! 😂 2y
WriteForwardCoaching @peanutnine thank you! I got them at Barnes and Nobles 2y
Bklover You can never have too many books! You have some good ones here! 2y
5feet.of.fury I really liked 2y
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I got a good laugh out of this sweatshirt that I saw at a coffee shop near me. I think most of us bookworms can definitely relate to this message. I may need to go back and buy it for my sisters and I.

tpixie Yes!!! 2y
WriteForwardCoaching @tpixie my husband doesn‘t relate at all. He recharges being around other people. I recharge from the comfort of a blanket cocoon 😂 2y
tpixie @Picking_Books my husband as well!! 😂 I guess opposites do attract! 2y
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WriteForwardCoaching @tpixie I think it‘s a good thing. Two introverts may never leave the house haha! 2y
jamield1911 I've never needed an item as much 🤣 2y
kyraleseberg Relatable 💯😆 2y
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Max is enjoying a good book on this #lazysunday

Soubhiville Aw, hi Max! He‘s cute. 2y
dabbe Hello, Marvelous Max! ❣️🐾❣️ 2y
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“Imagine you‘re a bird.”

#firstlinefridays @shybookowl

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Currently reading. Only about 90 pages left to go and really enjoying it! What are you reading right now?


“I cannot go to school today.”
Said Little Peggy Ann McKay.

- Shel Silverstein was the first poet I ever read as a kid. I credit him with getting so many children interested in poetry. Sick was my favorite poem of his. It always made me laugh. I don‘t have room here to type the poem in its entirety so I kept to the first 2 lines. Anyone else a Shel Silverstein fan as kid?


KathyWheeler Sister For Sale was my favorite. I also loved Jumping Rope. 2y
WriteForwardCoaching @KathyWheeler I‘m going to have to read Sister For Sale to my oldest. She will relate to it 😂 2y
KathyWheeler @Picking_Books I read it to my son after my daughter was born; I knew he could relate.😄 2y
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Good for You | Camille Pagn

What Aly had been trying to keep wasn‘t the position; it was her identity. But a title would never make her exceptional, or even normal. It would never make her feel accepted or loved. All of that had to come from within her . . . and to a lesser degree, from the people she loved. “Without that desire, I won‘t be any good.”

The Dead Romantics | Ashley Poston
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Florence is a ghostwriter who can talk to ghosts, her latest ghostly friend is her very hot editor who finds her in her hometown, a place she loathed to return. The story follows Florence as she faces her old life and tries to help her ghostly love interest with his unfinished business. Overall it‘s a cute story and relatively PG. I had a few quibbles but all was forgiven at the end because the ending was so good.

PaperbackPirate Welcome to Litsy! Go to @LitsyWelcomeWagon for some helpful tips. 2y
tpixie Yes! Welcome! @Chrissyreadit has tips in her bio @LitsyEvents has info on buddy reads and readathons. 2y
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The Overdue Life of Amy Byler is full of second chances, relatable characters with the right amount of quirk, and the escapism that all of us moms need. Moms will relate to Amy in so many ways and will want their own momspringa. This is a great summer read. The romance is *chef‘s kiss* but it‘s so much more than that. It is also an exploration of how moms lose themselves in parenting and how Amy finds herself again.

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