I already know it‘s gonna be good!
I am most of the way done with the third book and really have enjoyed the series so far. It is definitely worth a read if you enjoy science fiction, history, espionage, aliens, or action.
I really enjoyed this wave of nostalgia. Although not as magical as being eleven and reading the sorcerer stone it was a fun read with a good story. It has strong thematic similarities to the goblet of fire and prisoner of Azkaban.
This was a fun read. The lethifold and the nundu Are the most terrifying beast in my opinion.
Another win, very curious where it is gonna go. So happy I picked this up.
Finally getting around to this one. I hope it scares me.
Finally getting around to this one. I hope it scares me.
I love finding notes and messages inside old used books. This is on the inside cover of my copy of the original hitchhiker radio scripts
So I found this drawing a friend of mine made being used as a bookmark in my copy of Low volume 2. It reminded me of the convo about the Pokemon card that lives in the Silmarillion on my coffee table. The things our books carry.
Since you made a request. My good cards are all in a binder in card sleeves. This card has lived in the Silmarillion for roughly 15 years.
Lol this has been my bookmark since middle school for the Silmarillion
Thought provoking, short, and definitely worth reading. Socrates is my favorite super old school philosophers followed closely by Diogenes. Although both were probably infuriating to argue with, they were probably right more often than not.
Wonderfull side story which explores the literal under belly of Chicago.
I'm so glad he made these graphic novels.
I think I love everything Jim Butcher has done
Been reading the Dresden graphic novels and they are on point. I like them as much as the actual books which are great reads.
I'm so ready to read this I need to know what happens next.
So good, so sad, so full of hope. Some of the most beautiful art I've ever seen.
Crazy story
I cannot wait to read volume 2. The plot line is exciting, the art beautiful, strong characters, overall it's super awesome. Definitely a tragic tale of loss and pain, it also perseverance and strength.
Superb sorta made me want to cry a couple times. It's set under water in the distant future because the expanding sun has caused the surface to be to radioactive. The air in the dome the characters live in is becoming toxic over time and unless they find a solution humanity is doomed.
Super good so far there are only four issues but I'm digging the set up. I have always liked story arcs with werewolf's and other creatures set in contemporary times. Definitely seems like it is going somewhere good.
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
I just read through volume three and man it's so good. I can't wait until the next volume comes out. Lewis and Clark are way cooler In this than in real life. Sacagawea is basically the coolest ever. Her skills as a warrior are crucial to their mission on this monster filled alternative history.
My mom read this to me am when I was a kid. It really put things in perspective when things weren't going my way.
Try to read this when your in a good place because it's really depressing, and made even more so because the story is based off of truthful accounts of soviet prison camps. This is an important work of literature that delved into issues that society had been denying for decades.
It's never a good thing when the main character teaches young women to lay down in the woods to die when their boyfriend leaves them. This seems fundamentally unhealthy. Also vampires are supposed to die In the sunlight not glisten. I read all of these books and had to temporarily take up drinking.
Among some of my favorite books of all time. When asked if I could go back in time and meet someone from history I never think Jesus, it's always either Tolkien or Douglas Adams, but Tolkien will always be my first literary love.
Holy wow this is a good beginning to a series. It's a bit dark, super funny all telling story of sex, glowing sex, and bank robbing. Believable characters with unbelievable, possibly kinky talents. Fantastic read, maybe just don't read it in front of your grandmother, unless she's super cool.
Better than the movie and it was pretty good. A nail biter through and through. It both tickled my science fiction fancy, my inner explorer, and build a tower of suspense. Certainly a page turner one with surprisingly technical chemistry, math, physics, and potatoes.
One of my favorite children's book growing up. My mom used to read it to me Robert Munsch is a true genius.
I was assigned this book to read In high school and I remember thinking although this is an excellent quality book, who in there right mind thinks emotionally unstable teenagers need to read Flannery O'conner. I'm not down with censorship but O'conner is grade A depressing.
Fabulous dystopian future that truly makes a person look around and feel helpless. The proles will revolt because what they lack possessions and power they make up for with the only vestiges of freedom. It would suck to be in the second class tier.
Short sweet and to the point minus the sweet part and add in a few tablespoons of crazy. This book truly deserves its position as classic, but it is not a pleasant read.
One of the funniest books of all time definitely my favorite of the series. One of the few books that have made me literally laugh out loud. It's not only good comedy but also an amazing science fiction. All things by Douglas Adams are fantastic reads
Excellent alternative history where all of your favorite or most hated WWII scientist uncover the universes craziest secrets from aliens, weapons, to interspace traveling devices. Just don't let Oppenheimer eat you.
This book holds up over time, Orwell nailed it right on the head. Frequently I look around and see a bunch of service industry horses (including myself) just waiting for the glue factory. The funny thing is education has done little to change this, but has made me acutely aware of the situation.
Just like reading an episode of the show. Sorta like if dr. who hung out with his grandson all day while getting hammer drunk.
The first installment in a four part epic. Interesting magic derived from nature spirits in a society on par with Romans. It gets crazy real from skirmishes to all our warfares it's just one thrill after another. If you like any other Jim butcher book you'll like this or vice versa.
So basically when I turned 11 I got super depressed when I did not get an owl, and learned that magic in fact does not exist. This is one of the greatest stories ever told. The mysteries of magic, friendship, growing up, and battling for the fate of humanity against the Dark Lord himself.
Imagine if a Dali made mechanical horses and sold one to death who looked like a cowboy, three other horseman, and the u.s is divided into seven feuding nations. The end is nigh and stuff just got real. This is a very compelling work of fiction and is still awesome multiple volumes down the road
Although Lotr is my bread and butter I rather enjoyed reading these book while sitting outside my dorm room watching my drunken friends recreate sine waves between the hallway walls. A helpful hint read the chronicles of narnia in the order they were written, and stay hydrated if you like to drink.