The perfect book for the perfect day in the Rockies!! My backyard is over 900 acres of nature's magical wonder to explore and experience!!
The perfect book for the perfect day in the Rockies!! My backyard is over 900 acres of nature's magical wonder to explore and experience!!
I can't wait to start devouring these little gems!!
I am literally going to be the happiest man alive come August!! I've waited for so many years to see that beautiful Dragonlance logo grace the front of a new book... and now it is finally happening!!!
Here are just a few fun questions I would like to ask anyone who feels like answering.
This will be my bedroom. I thought I would have enough shelves to house my books, but I need about 3 more of these to accomplish that! Looks like I need to get moving and build some more! The most fun is yet to come... alphabetizing them all!!!
My cozy cabin in the woods! Just about finished moving in to this great little house in far western Montana. Not a soul around me, peace and quiet... just the way I like it!
Words just cannot describe how much I can't wait to read these! I'm a Sanderson newbie, having never read anything from him as of yet, but that will change in 2022. I initially bought the first 3 first in mass market paperback but went to Barnes & Noble yesterday and bought all 4 in trade paperback because I want to get the biggest bang for my buck! It's like the difference between watching your favorite movie on tv versus on the silver screen!
The original Shannara trilogy is almost as endearing to me as the original Dragonlance trilogy and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The Sword of Shannara is a blatant copycat of LOTR but I still love it!
I'll be rereading them soon, but I have a question for the Littens community. If you read a trilogy contained in a single volume (like the one in the picture), do you count that as one read, or do you count all three books separately?!?
This is what I found today! I went to my favorite used bookstore in Missoula, MT, about an hour from where I live and found a bunch of books to complete odds and end series I have been waiting to read. Then I went to Barnes & Noble which is about another 10 minutes from there for the rest of these to complete a well-rounded book search! I'm not much of a fan for the bigger cities, but it's a necessary evil if I want to satisfy my book obsession.
Really cool covers with an amazing flowing spine design!
I started this series about a year ago, but only read the first volume. Now that I have all of them, it's game on!!!
I'm very excited to read this, but I need some advice. Should I read Practical Magic first? This is a prequel to that, so it only makes sense to read it first. Any suggestions?
This is some of my tentative TBR books for 2022! This is by no means set in stone! My mood changes constantly, so let's see how close I stay to this list.
If you are weary from your travels, stop in for a cup of tea. I've plenty of cups, and my garden has provided many varieties of delicious herbs for the soul. 🌱 🍮 🌿
The Powder Mage Trilogy and Gods of Blood and Powder Trilogy.
Cannot wait to get started on these!
Continuing the journey through The Wheel of Time! I haven't been this excited since reading The Lord of the Rings when I was a child!!! Feel free to comment and discuss with me your thoughts and feelings of this incredible saga. I am a new member here and I am looking forward to meeting some really great book friends!