Absolutely loved this book! Celaena Sardothien is definitely my "power" character choice for almost everything now. Sarah J Maas is officially entering my favourite author tier. #monthofmaas16 Full review on www.themainewifeslife.com
Absolutely loved this book! Celaena Sardothien is definitely my "power" character choice for almost everything now. Sarah J Maas is officially entering my favourite author tier. #monthofmaas16 Full review on www.themainewifeslife.com
I actually enjoyed this novel quite a bit. It was well rounded, and deep. I particularly enjoyed how each character was someone I cared about, and I loved seeing all of them grow. I rated a 4/5 stars. The full review is up on www.themainewifeslife.com
I actually enjoyed this novel quite a bit. It was well rounded, and deep. I particularly enjoyed how each character was someone I cared about, and I loved seeing all of them grow. I rated a 4/5 stars. The full review is up on www.themainewifeslife.com
Book Club is fast approaching! September 1st at 9pm EST. for more details www.themainewifeslife.com
I wanted to love this book... Really I did. The problem was I hated Anne in the beginning. I didn't fully enjoy her until almost 160 pages in. I normally give up after 100 pages, but because this is a classic I had to troop through. I'm glad I did because towards the end the book finally was enjoyable. I think the first half deserves ⭐️⭐️ and the last half deserves ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. On average though, to me, Anne of Green Gables was a ⭐️⭐️⭐️ novel...
Finally starting to like this book after around 75 pages. The first 75 to be honest were rough. Glad I stuck to my 100 pages or bust rule. Who else has read this classic? Thoughts?
What is there to say about a book most of us are biased about...? I can say this: I loved this rendition of the Harry Potter series nineteen years later. Truly I did. I loved the grown up friends, the new friends, and the children. I loved the message of love throughout, and I loved the tragedy within. I see the issues some had because I had the same, but like any biased person it was easily overlooked. Full review on www.themainewifeslife.com
This book is actually a great little beach read, and I thought it worked well as a standalone despite being the seventh in the series. Georgiana was a fun character stuck in the middle of two generations of how things are done within the Royal family, and I thought she did well handling her role. The murder mystery portion was decent, but less her discovery than chance. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5 Full review on www.themainewifeslife.com
I know I said just recently I wasn't sure about this. But my goodness I changed my mind!!!
Uh oh guys... I feel a little betrayed right now with this book. And truthfully it's not because of the format. That is fine for me. It's the writing!!!
Hosting a September 1st Book Club online for any interested! Info can be found on www.themainewifeslife.com
I loved the way this book was truly just an in-your-face glimpse of life in Pagford village. It was raw, gritty, and dark. Yet it also highlighted some of the redeeming things almost all individuals have, regardless of whom they are. Full review on www.themainewifeslife.com ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Don't forget! Tonight at 9Pm EST I'll be hosting my first online book club! www.themainewifeslife.com
This book exceeded my expectations in all the right ways. Origin was a wonderful way of bringing up some deeper meanings about our moral compass without being too preachy, and still delivered a wonderful story of self-discovery and young love. I gave this one ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and can't wait to read more by Jessica Khoury now. Full review on www.themainewifeslife.com
This book was a confused mix of many things. Was this about belly dancing with a love story undertone? Was this a love story with a lot of belly dancing being done in 1500 BC in Mesopotamia? A book that was so highly anticipated and yet fell so far from any expectations that I just couldn't finish this at all. The characters were uninteresting, and the realism was short of perfect. 1.5 stars...
Tabbed the hell out of this. August 1st is the book club for this book!!! I hope some will Join me on www.themainewifeslife.com for the full review and book discussion!! Lots to talk about. ❤️❤️
I wanted to love this. But I couldn't. Picture Twilight, but a male main character, and witches instead of vampires. Southern Charm and superstition, and you've got a mediocre novel that is still at times readable.
This was something that ended up being surprisingly great to read! It comes out in December or November this year, and it has some really beautiful prose-style chapters in it. There are a few setbacks with some plot development but I'm sure that will be worked out.Review on www.themainewifeslife.com
"It turns out to be a beautiful illusion, as she discovered, that forces beyond her reach were actually within it."
Started this today because a road trip reminds me of summer. Even though this takes place in winter it just feels fitting for today!
I wanted to love this book... I really really did. But I didn't. It's not bad, it's a fun read at times, and yet meh. I think the humour was overdone at times (forced) and it left me kind of feeling upset. I'll be posting a more in depth review on www.themainewifeslife.com on Saturday! Thoughts?
Starting an online (and possible in person) book club! This is the pick for August 1st!!! Go on over to www.themainewifeslife.com to follow, subscribe, and get info on the online book club for The Casual Vacancy!!!
I do like this book, it is definitely interesting. I feel sad that I'm not as in love with it as everyone else is. 😢
Reading this popular one! Thanks @NautiGirlReads for the novel!!!
Thus far it's truly a unique and funny read!
Finished this beauty last evening! After the Woods by Kim Savage was a delightful read! It's a well-written novel that has a strong, spunky main character whose sarcasm rivals my own. The books plot was perfectly paced, and the ending was not overly dramatic like some authors tend to do.
Oh my goodness what a lovely reprieve from the doldrums. This is my special signed copy by Kim Savage, and this is a really great read so far. It's just so perfect as a way to get people into this type of thriller/contemporary/dark young adult genre.
"Oh woe is me... I can't do anything ANYTHING without my BFF BAE!!!" That is essentially this entire book. Waste of breath...
I'm about 100 pages in, and it looks like this may be another book in my TBR pile that I shall not be keeping on my bookshelf...
Reading this after Rook, hopefully it's not a letdown! I've heard such great things about this one! Has anyone else read Since You've Been Gone? What were your thoughts (spoiler free please)?
Ughhhh. I got about 300 pages in, and just couldn't take this anymore. I skimmed the rest till the end and I'm glad I bailed. It's just so excruciatingly boring, the dystopian world was not described in enough detail to make me care. Definitely a disappointment.
Just read a review on Goodreads about this and I'm seeing very clearly that I'm not alone in my dislike! It was also hilarious seeing some of the GIFs about this one as well. Still determined to finish this book though! Have no fear!!
No idea how I feel about this book. To be truthful I'm 143 pages in and still not really liking it. Has anyone read this one? If so - thoughts!?
Like many others I feel guilty for liking these novels. This book was worse than The Heir in my opinion, and I was actually thinking it was turning good with a plot twist. Only to find Kiera Cass just refused to do anything worthy with it.
Because sometimes you've just GOT to finish the darn series.
I'm going to be honest - this book is not good. Yet for some reason I can't help but like these books by Kiera Cass. Why? It's because no matter how much I dislike these new characters, I still found myself enjoying the escape. A great beach read or vacation read - if only for the entertainment.
Am I the only one that dislikes Princess Eadlyn, and yet STILL enjoys this novel? 😖😂☺️
Sometimes you just need a guilty pleasure read, and a book that is delightful and mindless to get over multiple book hangovers. Almost finished with this beauty!
This was such an amazing read that was suggested to me by @NautiGirlReads for whom without I never would've given this high-action packed book a shot! It gripped me entirely in its covers, and I could feel my heart racing with the characters. Very amazing read, and I highly recommend Illuminae!
Any book that contains things like this is amazing!!! I'm loving this mix of everything. I really feel like someone reading a case file!
This is not a book I would normally gravitate to, however when my best friend Kate says it is a great book I know I have to try it! Starting this pretty book today!
I absolutely love everything to do with this sequel to A Court of Thorns and Roses. ACOMAF was exceptional, better than the first, and the way that Feyre grew and matured was amazing. Sarah J. Maas outdid herself with this. I highly recommend anyone to read ACOTAR and ACOMAF. 📚☺️❤️
When you look down a short time later and realise you only have 40 pages left... 😢📚