Not worth the time. Found it boring even half way through.
But since I paid for the book, and because I don't like incomplete reads, i wanted to finish it somehow.
Not worth the time. Found it boring even half way through.
But since I paid for the book, and because I don't like incomplete reads, i wanted to finish it somehow.
पता नहीं कब से मंटो साहब की कोई किताब पढ़ना चाहते थे।
हर कहानी पढ़ने के बाद काम से कम एक मिनट रुकना पड़ता है, कहानी सार समझने के लिए, और थोड़ी देर मुस्कुराने के लिए, या उदास होने लिए।
हर कहानी किसी इंसान बारे में है, जिसे या तो सच्चाई दिखती नहीं या जिसे दुनिया ने ठग लिया है, किसी को प्यार मिल गया है, किसी का छिन गया है। ना जाने कितने रंग है इनकी कहानियों में। समाज का आइना है ये कहानियां। बहुत ही यथार्थवादी - Realistic।
Ahh! The review.
I loved it!
There is nothing extra in this book, nothing unnecessary.
It was interesting to read something positive about Indian police, breaking so many prejudices. We do treat them as if they are some different breed, forgetting that they are mere humans, just like the rest of us. I am not much acquainted with Mumbai and I am sure I missed out a lot.
The whole book was very realistic.
My escape! Somewhere in Maharashtra.
There are so many stories, at times I lose track of the actual book that I am reading. Loving every bit of it. And, no, *** should not have died. 😔 Not just 30% into the book.
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Good Morning!
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