You'd think the men in their lives had sugar in their sticks, because none of my friends seemed to be able to tear themselves away from them.
"And of course the silence at the beginning of a piece of music is always different from the silence at the end ... Because if you listen, the world changes. It's like falling in love. Only no one gets hurt. "
Perhaps, Maud thought, in order to make a truly great story, you've got to put an entire life into it-all the heartbreak, all the glory.
"Oh, Kansas isn't the state of Kansas," Maud said. "Kansas is just the place you're stuck in, wherever that might be. "
I love when a book sends me on a journey...
day out
no worldly joy
italics mine
Sapphic Suicide Note by James Galvin
Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.
A boy at the beginning of a story has no way of knowing that the story has begun
Almost done with this audiobook. So far so good
I want words at my funeral.
But I guess that means you need life in your life.