Finished the series, so now i can donate it. Had so much potential with that cast and storyline, but the writing was poor. Or maybe it was the editing. I cannot tell. Very disappointed.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. If you pre-order books from Target, they will ALWAYS ship and arrive EARLY 👏🏻🙌🏻👍🏻. Just got my notice that Five Dark Fates will be here Saturday 👀. Now just waiting to see when Darkdawn get here. #excited
If you enjoyed The Rook, this will blow it out of the water. Irreverent, sarcastic, fast-paced, and gritty.
The first novella was a nice touch to the backstory of the queens.
Yesterday for National Booklover‘s Day, my husband surprised me by taking us to the bookstore ‘to celebrate.‘ After getting our two boys a few books, i wandered on my own to the fantasy section, and...well..😊🥳👏🏻
In honor of Book Appreciation Day, i‘ve taught Nick Cage to hold my bookmark while i‘m reading..
🌟🌟🌟 Good twists just poorly executed. Will continue the series.
Has anyone read this series? I‘m on the fence about buying. I like suspense and government mystery, but thrillers and gruesome murders and being scared shitless aren‘t my thing. Thoughts?(without spoilers please!) many thanks!!
Anyone else do book birthday countdowns on their phones?(along w calendar alerts and reminders!)
Teaching Nick Cage(the conure) to read..before he eats my book. Very hard to read when he‘s out 🤣 🦜#burdburd
Recent amazon returns netted me this stack 👍🏻👍🏻
Help me, Listies!! Where can i get the Stephen Fry audible/narrated version of Harry Potter?
I have so many favorite books, but if i was FORCED to pick, i‘d probably say this was my favorite(i read the physical book). So i was SOOOOO happy when i listened to the audible sample, and her voice was PERFECT. Highly recommend it enters your brain in some fashion-physical book, ereader, or audible!!
My first audio book! 🎧
Been a diehard reader for 22years now, and never took the audio plunge before now. Hit a wall at work, and music just wasn‘t cutting it. Got this, The Sea of Tranquility(my faaaav), and Crazy Rich Asians(another fav!).
(Pre-KoA release photo)
SJM‘s ToG series was my first babystep into ANY kind of fantasy. She was my favorite author for a solid decade, and introduced me to such a bright and uplifting genre full of so many crazy amazing worlds to climb into. I will always be grateful.
(Current favorite author if you‘re wondering: Jay Kristoff)
I‘m a SJM fan, but i just couldn‘t get into this one regretfully.
Very Cool! Like a 3-D version of Clue 🌟🌟🌟🌟
To finish or not to finish 🤔
About 1/5th of the way in. What do you think?
Vacation Book Haul 💪🏻💪🏻👏🏻👏🏻
This is one of the LOVLIEST books i‘ve ever read. So dreammmy ❤️❤️🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I really enjoyed this one! The ending was very twisty! 🌟🌟🌟🌟
I appreciated the world building, but i was disappointed in the rest. 🌟🌟🌟
FIVE 🌟‘s!! Loved every minute even more than the first book! Jay Kristoff‘s endings are always 😳🤯😳🤯
This had SUCH potential. I really wanted it to be just a BIT better, but i had to give it three 🌟‘s. It just didn‘t click emotionally for me. Too rushed. I really liked what it was trying to do though. Will read the sequel.
While the facts were absolutely mind-bending, the delivery was just too cut and dry. There wasn‘t enough emotion given. And with all of the detailed stories of the workers‘ deaths and families, that seemed hard to miss. Three 🌟‘s and an unforgettable read.