Good to see an acknowledgement of knitting being more than a woman's hobby. #currentlyreading #lightbetweenoceans
Good to see an acknowledgement of knitting being more than a woman's hobby. #currentlyreading #lightbetweenoceans
This is my first high fantasy besides Tolkien. And it's a book written by a woman of color!! #nkjemisin #hundredthousandkingdoms #currentlyreading
Finally got this from the library!! Can't wait to plough through this! I'm sad it's the last one though. #fateofthetearling #erikajohansen
I'm finally starting the third book of the Peculiar series, #libraryofsouls by #ransomriggs. I read the graphic novel of #hollowcity to remind myself of what had happened.
I enjoyed this book more than A Man Called Ove (which I also loved). It can be difficult to get into because it's a 7 year old narrator who understands the world through the fairy tales her grandmother made up, but it's all worth it in the end. Definitely recommend!!
About 1/2 thought and I'm loving this book. Backman has a knack for writing interesting yet slightly damaged characters that you end up loving. #currentlyreading #fredrikbackman
Only 3 chapters in, but I am loving this book! I am literally laughing out loud. #unmentionable #victorian
The moment when you know sh*t is about to get real. #levgrossman #themagiciansland #offtokillgods
Halloween reading with Scully. #halloween #scarystories
I loved this book. I was worried it would be a stereotypical "foreign" woman brings "color" to the old, grumpy man's life. To be fair, that is the basic plot, but it was so beautifully written. Highly recommend. #amancalledove #frederikbackman
Only 60 pages in and already loving this book. #currentlyreading #amancalledove
Happy 162nd birthday, Oscar!! #oscarwilde
Halfway through this book. While I respect Brittain as a feminist and pacifist, I tend to roll my eyes at her too-perfect feminist characters.
I'm just halfway through _The Historian_ and have tons of other books in my TBR pile, but I just had to buy these. #ransomriggs #talesofthepeculiar #asylum
This book has several essays by Solnot, besides her famous "Men Explain Things to Me." She has great social commentary on feminism, rape, domestic violence, and identity. I don't recommend reading this before bed though; you'll become Very Angry at the world.
Getting an early start for the 20th century European history class I'm sitting in on ... For fun. Because #Ravenclaw
#currentlyreading to prep me for the mansplaining I'm going to have to put up with when I go back to school next week. #academia
There were some beautiful passages in this book, but for some reason, I was never enthralled. I hate unnecessary metaphors (this had a lot) and I was bored by the desert history. I don't mind books that don't have much of a plot as long as there is great character development; I didn't get either here. I didn't love or hate any of the characters. It was all just meh.
I'm on a book-buying ban (issues of space and money) but I loved this book so much, I had to make an exception. I like that Kelsey is flawed. In book 1, she's a short, chubby, and clumsy girl trying to be a leader. In book 2, the magic transforms her into a beautiful woman, but she still struggles and even (spoiler) becomes a cutter. She's more relatable than a lot of other YA heroines I've read. #invasionofthetearling #erikajohansen
I'm on a book-buying ban (issues of space and money) but I loved this book so much, I had to make an exception. I like that Kelsey is flawed. In book 1, she's a short, chubby, and clumsy girl trying to be a leader. In book 2, the magic transforms her into a beautiful woman, but she still struggles and even (spoiler) becomes a cutter. She's more relatable than a lot of other YA heroines I've read. #invasionofthetearling #erikajohansen
#currentlyreading Michael Ondaatje's #theenglishpatient after being told to repeatedly by several people.
Really enjoying this book! I wasn't sure it would keep me hooked so I started while traveling, but now I'm staying up to finish it.
As one of my favorite books, I collect Jane Eyre. This is a Dutch version (I'm in Amsterdam now) purchased from a famous Dutch bookstore, Scheltema.