Challenge 6 from @Sue #aussiesrule2018 a book featuring a character with a disability.
You can read my full review on my blog
Challenge 6 from @Sue #aussiesrule2018 a book featuring a character with a disability.
You can read my full review on my blog
I want one of these books!!
#BookNerdBucketList Pepsi the Problem puppy is on the 2018 WAYRBA Shortlist!
https://wayrba.org.au/2018/02/02/younger-readers-shortlist-2018/ #wayrba #childrenschoice #dogsoflitsy #PepsiParsons
Lots to love in this book -- everyone needs a friend like Digby.
I finished this last night and I'm still not sure if I enjoyed it or not. At times the writing was exquisite, and in fairness to the author, literary works are not my favourite genre. I guess the fact I'm still thinking about it counts for something!
For those participating in the #aussiesrule2018 challenge by @Sue Extinctions fits under WA for the state challenge, No 16 published by University WA Press & No 24 won the Miles Franklin 2017
As the author explains at the rear of this book, this is a work of fiction based on a true Australian crime.
Enter the lives of Eugenia Falleni -- also known as the man-woman.
For those participating in the #aussiesrule2018 challenge this book can be read for No 19 (debut novel) and is set in both New Zealand and NSW for the state challenge.
What would you do if you knew you only had a day left to live?
I think this is the first time I've seen fugly in a book. It sounds better aloud than what it looks like on paper -- perhaps some words are only ever meant to be said aloud.
Also, apparently it originated in the seventies, but I would have pegged it for the nineties if I'd had to guess.
This is my 2nd #SecretSantaGoesPostal read and it's another winner! Thanks @emmanoble
If you plan on doing the Aussies Rule Reading Challenge #aussiesrule2018 this is by a Qld author (for the state challenge) fits No 15 YA with LGBT representation or No 21 set in an outback or country town
Next up on my Audio book rotation -- loved The Martian 👽 hoping for good things from this one.
This is my first read from my #SecretSantaGoesPostal book haul from @emmanoble
She wrote on the package "I know you don't like westerns, but I don't really either and I still loved it, so I thought you might like it to."
Despite the western setting of this historical fiction I have to agree -- this was a great read!
In the hot spot -- replica of Roald Dahl's writing chair @ the Roald Dahl Museum, Buckinghamshire, 2013.
#MyBookNerdMoments #BookNerdBucketList #FridayFlashback
Sage Cookson got a shelf makeover this morning.
The correct way to display A is for Australia
#shelfrearranging #AisForAustralia
The 'perfect' way to introduce your new boyfriend to your family!
And to top it off, under the address label on my #SecretSantaGoesPostal 🎅🏻box 📦from @emmanoble I found this
@MrBook @BookBabe @Avanders
I am on the nice list this year!!
(Despite any naughty shenanigans that may or may not have occurred)
Many thanks to @emmanoble for my #SecretSantaGoesPostal 📮parcel -- best Secret Santa 🎅🏻 gift ever! Not only did she wrap the box🎁but the contents from the books 📚📚to the bookish gifts were spot on.
Thanks Emma 😍
@MrBook @BookBabe @Avanders
New additions to this year's 🌲 (except the Garfield in a Tree -- he's there to justify why I had to purchase the other two!)
#SecretSantaGoesPostal 🎅 has delivered!!
And even the box is wrapped 🎁 #sopretty
7 sleeps to go!
Thanks Santa!
I think the book itself has a lot of merit, but I can't stand the contrast between the narrators reading voice and the whinging, lisping and baby voices she has used for the characters.
I may later return to read in print.
End of year overdue notice sent to the teaching staff.
Think it needs an option C
C) Payment in the form of your first born child to become an apprentice Librarian is also acceptable
#SchoolLibrarian #LibrariansofLitsy
All packed up and ready to post 🎅🏻🎁📮📚
@MrBook @Avanders @BookBabe
#PepsiParsons thought Takeshita Demons was a little scary but still gave it 4 paws of approval.
I'm not one for lists but to help my #secretsantagoespostal ?stalker ? out I'll give it a go.
1. Not a genre, but I would like to read more short stories
2.Ghosts by Raina Telgemeier - 1/2 the stuff about CF is inaccurate & that stuff can stick in kids minds
3. My Goodreads "to read" is mostly books I own, so nothing helpful there.
4. Both!
I'm in this for the surprise & fun, if stuck send me your favourites & I'll give them a go!
Important announcement from #PepsiParsons
'Apparently' I was breathing too close to someone else's dinner. So they built a wall.
First #secretsantagoespostal shopping expedition did not go to plan and I couldn't find anything I had shortlisted from my recipient's to-be-read list ... but it's okay, I have a new plan!!
Pepsi discovered it will take more than a button to fix her teddy.
Pepsi Parsons, Canine Story Advisor
#PepsiParsons #DogsOfLitsy #westaustralianauthor
"The journalists arrived before the coffin did."
From the first line to the last, this book is worth every scrap of its hype plus more.
This mad ginger thinks it's absolute pure reading gold.
Last Standing Order of the year has arrived from Lamont Books.
There's been lots of chatter about The Trials of Morrigan Crow -- the first book in the Nevermoor series.
Pretty sure that requires me to be super vigilant with this book, cross all the boxes and perform my librarian duties to the highest standard possible by checking to make sure all the words are in the right order before I let the kidlets see it #qualitycontrol #LitsyLibrarian
Picked this up for the kidlets at school -- had a brief moment where I wished it had been around when Jarryn was was little and obsessed with Pokemon.
Followed by relief as I realised I had dodged having to make every single recipe multiple times #notacook #LitsyLibrarian
The Book Nerd 101 guide to finding a friend.
Soooo many things to relate to.
Magpies describe 'The Smuggler's Curse' as an exciting, refreshingly politically incorrect tale.
And they are spot on!
This is a fabulous read and shortlisted in the West Australian Young Readers' Book Award. The young readers in WA can certainly pick a great read.
Having combined dinosaurs with computer game technology and fast paced action, Dino Hinters will hit the mark with boys.
For me, the added bonus of the funky librarian who made a spectacular dino-cave in the corner was a touch I couldn't help but mention when I showed Dino Hunters to a year one class.
My bad.
Now they want a dino-cave in their library too ...
"I know she cursed her husband to drown in a well." She pointed down the hole. "Which he did - after she had him tied up and thrown in by her brothers."
Finally got around to reading this. Not at all what I was expecting, but enjoyable nonetheless 😀
Pepsi has placed her 'Paw of Approval' on the proof copy of her book.
Pepsi Parsons, Canine Story Advisor
#dogsoflitsy #PepsiParsons #westaustralianauthor
Snorted with laughter today in the middle of the Hay St Mall reading this
"Being her friend was like going to a tropical island for a little fun in the sun, only to be kidnapped by terrorists."
This was the first verse novel I ever read - and I still love it. It's my favourite of all her books.
Just arrived in the post - looking forward to reading this
Stayed up WAAAYY too late to finish this!
Favourite Quote: Loopy Lucy from Geranium Lane was dancing with excitement, the pom pom on her woolly cap bobbing about as she nodded and sang, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” in her creaky voice.
Amy has a problem. A huge terrible problem. Without a pet she can‘t enter the pet parade. If she can‘t enter the pet parade there‘s no chance she can win her family a desperately needed holiday.Another great early chapter book to engage and entertain young readers.
In time for CF Awareness month, my review of To Take Into The Air My Quiet Breath by Stephanie Gunn from the Defying Doomsday Anthology is on my website
May, is the awareness month for Cystic Fibrosis - which means it's time for my yearly spruik for my book, "The Mystery of the Sixty-Five Roses" -- it's a child friendly introduction to CF and a great tool to start a discussion in the classroom.
Available from Amazon, Kobo store and iTunes -- all funds raised go to Cystic Fibrosis Western Australia to help them achieve their vision of "Lives unaffected by CF"
#cysticfibrosis #westaustralianauthor
I'm reading Defying Doomsday today - Apocalypse fiction featuring disabled and chronically ill protagonists.
#reading #cysticfibrosis #booknerd #survival #cysticfibrosiswarrior
Jarryn flew back to Sydney this afternoon, so we did an early Easter exchange. I scored Graces by Laurie Eve and gave my son Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb.
Can I last 'till Easter weekend and read it with chocolate eggs or should I start now?
Favourite Quote “He never got to ride up front. The queen always said it wasn‘t safe. She said he was accident prone, whatever that was.”
Teena Raffa-Mulligan is a master at creating fun and quirky chapter books for early readers and Ben Bumblefoot is no exception.
Ben Bumblefoot is a humorous early chapter book about friendship and finding your place. Young readers will both laugh with, and at, poor Ben in his quest.
My copy is battered and bruised, the pages fragile, yellow and brittle, even after all these years Robyn‘s words still speak to me.
I was in Year Eleven when Robyn‘s Book found me. It was the first time I had read a book by someone with Cystic Fibrosis, but the similarities didn‘t end with the familiar bond experienced by people with CF.
Full review here: sandiwrites.com.au/2016/10/29/has-a-book-changed-your-life