Honestly not enjoying this at all so far??? I'm 6 chapters in and I'm just kinda annoyed and I don't like any of the characters at all...
Honestly not enjoying this at all so far??? I'm 6 chapters in and I'm just kinda annoyed and I don't like any of the characters at all...
You definitely have to have a specific set of interests to enjoy this book, but I happen to have those interests so I liked it quite a bit. Phycology mixed with serial killers, what could go wrong? It's really well written and is told in a truthful tone that I really appreciated! #killerbook
So excited to read this beautiful baby! Just another hundred pages of Anna Karenina and I can start it. Hopefully I enjoy it as much as I expect to!
This book...is so wonderful...I barely have words for it...such a beautifully haunting story based on the authors own daughter. This is the sequel to Crank which is my second favorite Ellen Hopkins book and probably in my top 10 favorite books ever written...and this one lives up to its predecessor. Please, please read these books. The Crank series will change the way you see the world. Such a wonderful book. 9/10
As many of Ellen's Hopkins books are, this book is tough to swallow. Beautifully crafted and a wonderful sequel to Tricks, this book holds so much raw emotion and truth inside the pages. I'd still rank this in my bottom three Ellen Hopkins books but that doesn't mean it's not a magnificent book, it's simply the subject matter that makes it hard for me to fall in love with this book. 5/10 for an Ellen Hopkins book, but 7/10 for a book in general.
One of my all time favorites. This book helped me to begin appreciating classic literature. Lizzie is such a wonderfully developed character and the relationship that Austen paints between Lizzie and Darcy is one of my favorite romance stories ever. The wit that each character has makes me itch for intelligent conversation. 10/10 for this great work of fiction and 10/10 for the most recent film as well...aahhh....Mr. Darcy...#sigh
I remember reading this book when I was like 13 and I really loved it, so I tracked down a copy (you'd be surprised at how difficult it was to find one in Tucson) and finished it that same night. Wasn't quite as good as I remembered it but still has an interesting plot and it was relatively entertaining, some of the characters are frustrating though...teen me would probably give it an 8/10...present me gives it a 6/10..#teenread
When I received this book as a birthday gift (I loved the movie) I was really hoping for a more in depth look at the characters and perhaps a little fleshing out of the story, what I got was a novel that was roughly exactly the same as the movie with no extra details and although it was a quick and cute read it wasn't exactly what I wanted. I still love the story but wish it was more in depth. Overall I give it a 6/10 #moviewasbetter
Idk if the bird is allowed on this site but oh well...fuck this book. And all the other ones in the trilogy. The only EL James book worth talking about is Grey and even then, fuck that book. Borrowed this from my mother in law after I read Grey and Fifty Shades #1 just to possibly finish off the series and jeez...I hated it so much. 0/10 #neveragain
I've said if before and I'll say it again...Tolkien is a god. The hobbit is my bible. One of the greatest books ever written. Fight me. #tolkienislife
Having been an off and on fan of the original twilight books (I'm still disappointed in myself) I was really expecting to like this one and let the inner pre-teen me run wild for a night and read the whole thing...It wasn't all that great. It was just tough to get into and it made me miss Edward and Bella. The genderswapped characters just weren't convincing as real characters...I would have preferred Midnight Sun...3/10...#sorry
Grabbed this book due to the pretty cover and the fact that I'm on a classic lit binge right now...after I purchased the book I decided to watch the recent film with Mia Wazikowska and now I'm a little nervous about this book...I really hope it's as good as Ive been told but either way...pretty cover! #judgeabookbyitscover #dontjudgeabookbyitsmovie
To be fair, this book was cute...that being said...I hated every second of it. The characters were underdeveloped and were not true to the original characters personality, the entire book felt like a fan fiction and the plot was like Swiss cheese...the only reason I haven't destroyed this book is because I waited in line for hours for the midnight release...I'm so disappointed...2/10...#neveragain
First Ellen Hopkins book I ever read, and although it is now in my bottom three Ellen Hopkins picks it's still the one that got me hooked on her work. Such an intense story but so difficult to get through! So beautifully crafted but it's one of my least favorites, simply because it's a tough subject. Spoiler alert--you will cry...7/10...#toughstuff
Had a quick read through of my cousins illustrated copy of The Sorcerers Stone that I gifted her last year. The artwork in this book is so, absolutely beautiful! Need to get one for myself! 10/10 for the illustrations, 9/10 overall. #childhoodlit
Discovered a Pride and Prejudice graphic novel! I never knew this existed, but I can't wait to check out the art work for this beauty!
I couldn't decide on which copy to purchase, I am just blown away by the beautiful cover art for the one on the right, my goodness it's absolutely magical! Hoping to like this baby! #judgeabookbyitscover #guilty
I've read all of Tolkiens work multiple times and I just wanna make a quick review for The Lord of the Rings. My life revolves around these books, I read them every couple months and they are just the greatest, most beautiful work of art to ever have existed. If you haven't read Tolkien yet, please do! 15/10
I purchased this book very randomly a couple days ago, it was on one of those stands near the registers at B&N and I just had to have it! It's quite a short read, took me about an hour to read cover to cover. I've picked it up a couple times a day since I finished it, I like to pick one poem and re read it and I'm finding I appreciate it more this way! Beautiful poetry, all in all I love it! 8/10
Almost 700 pages in, less than 200 to go and I am so in love with this book! I've been trying to read it for years but never really got into it until this month when I picked it up on a whim, my god am I hooked! Having seen the film, I know how it ends but it is still a damn fine piece of literature!