This textbook cracks me up. I wasn't aware that darning socks and playing the sackbut were within the same skill genre. 😄
Help!! Do you have any tips for staying awake while reading?? A girl can only have so much caffeine! 😁
Alright it's kind of a long story, but here's the summary. Last night I got sick and in that process, I smacked the side of my head against the tile bathroom wall. Now it hurts when every I make a face. That's where the book comes in. We're reading it for book club and it's so emotionally touching that I can't help but make faces. Help! 😕🤕
"Instead of taking the footman, whose nose was human, and therefore useless in any emergency..."
Nothing like a little light doctrinal reading on your day off..I'm going to need some coffee. 😴
Today was one of those days when I hit my knees for a long time and then curled up in bed with a non-school related book. Tomorrow will be better!
Doing my homework on the current eduction system and am completely overwhelmed with wanting to fix everything that's wrong with the system at once. 😣
Why yes you're absolutely correct, I should be reading ahead for school. Am I going to listen to that perfectly sound logic?? Nope! 😉📚 Happy Friday everyone!!
My semester long literary criticism course is based on this book. Not sure how I feel about that... 😬
Heading back to school in the morning and I'm so excited I can't sleep! What to do..what to do...📚 Also I know there will be an exciting surprise sometime this year!! 💍❤️
I love LOVE finding the references to the title in a book!
Fight my very irrational fear of storms with young adult literature and makeup. Two of my favorite things! 💄📚💋
I was hoping to finish my book before I went back to school, but last night I foolishly concussed myself. The goal of finishing is not looking so good. 🤕🤕🤕
Needed a little light hearted distraction from packing for school... 📓📕✏️
Sometimes when you miss someone so much it hurts, reading is the only way to feel better. #6moredays #HannahStopBeingAPansy
Starting one of my birthday books! This was one of those cases when I hope the book is going to be as good as the cover is.
While they aren't related by blood Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman and Angel are my favorite literary "siblings". I've read this book so many times that I had to tape the cover back together. ??? #day12
..yeah...my dad is a state/national lobbyist...
In high school I discovered that these are great books to read during a break-up. I still love them as my go to "beach reads".
Hello everyone! This post isn't about a book I'm reading, but a book I'm writing. I'm working on writing my first novel and it's an ambitious project. If you have any advice or encouragement PLEASE send it my way. I need all the help I can get. :) Thank you thank you thank you! 💻📄🖋📝
A tense read that opened my eyes and left me crying in the end. So very much worth the flood of emotions it brings on!
A grandma approved read for today's family get together!
When I told my coworker I was getting this book, he laughed and thought I was joking. SO not joking! ☕️☕️☕️
I've heard great things about this book and can't wait to start! #FutureTeacher
After a day spent with 35 preschoolers, a kid with severe special needs, and my daycare kids, this is heaven.
A twisted retelling of The Odyssey with a young girl as the main character.
A nonfiction book that reads like fiction. Perfect summer read!