What in the hell.. I want to read book 2 but me and my bestie decided to read it together after I played catchup and passed her and she‘s got to finish this one.. and wait for the 2nd to be delivered..
What in the hell.. I want to read book 2 but me and my bestie decided to read it together after I played catchup and passed her and she‘s got to finish this one.. and wait for the 2nd to be delivered..
A friend who is not a reader recommended this one to me and said she is hooked into the book so of course I had to pick it up.. i have been seeing this book around so when she mentioned it I was intrigued I mean so far it‘s ok
This is my cozy fall read for September I loved the tv series and thought that I would check out the book series
Got this one from netgalley, I read the first in the series and enjoyed it.
It was a great continuation of the story, a bit frustrating because your rooting for Declan and damn is he an ass at times but he really is a product of his environment
I keep seeing this mentioned on booktube and it‘s on kindle unlimited and I keep seeing it when I go to the book section in target so why not give it a try and take a break from mysteries
Well I binged the second half.. now I‘m confused but not confused.. this is why I like Rachel Hawkins she will leave your jaw dropped at the end of a story
I‘m seeing a similarity between chess and em and Mari and Laura they arms to have the same relationship dynamic
Will I enjoy this one?? I have enjoyed every other book I have read by this author and I recently finished one so maybe it‘s too soon but oh well
I read it in about 48 hours, I‘m hoping that there will be a sequel or a continuation of the story because it was that good and so much can be done to further the story
It was twisty and had a great atmosphere.. and I liked it but sometimes I was just like grr the MC was so indecisive but I think that was the point she knew she wanted to be free and independent but she didn‘t really know herself to be confident enough in her choices.. for a debut novel I give it a solid 3.75.
What.. like really what just happened.. ohh to the next book
Ok so after getting about 25% through I had to put it down and read other things I loved the first book but wasn‘t sure how I felt about this one so it went in time out and then this past Friday I picked it back up cause we‘ll I have the next 2 in the series and I want to love it and feel like I didn‘t buy a part of a series I‘m never gonna continue. Well I‘m more then halfway threw and im slowly feeling it again..
Well it was neat to see background on Rochester and what makes him tick
Like what.. I didn‘t think I was gonna like this one because it was a slow start but.. we‘ll just go read it.. ohh what a tangled web teenagers weave
Started this one in may then put it done cause I kinda wasn‘t feeling it, picked it back up and well I just read 98 pages in an hour, it‘s picking up and I‘m liking it
This was the last AC book I read about a week ago and I think my challenge is over I don‘t think I‘m going to read any more of her books before the 20th I think I have AC burnout but I will definitely revisit this challenge to myself maybe read at least one of her books per month
Years ago I have read the first one in the series and have red one further into the series, not quite sure about this one yet I‘m 51% into it and I‘m intrigued but it‘s slow
A page turner to be sure
On to the second book.. this book was just crazy hopefully the second book will be just as good
This was a fun easy read.. will definitely continue the series
Taking a breather from my Agatha Christie challenge to cleanse the reading palate so to speak
Victorian London Fog tea, marmite on crackers and Agatha Christie‘s Poirot.. evening in my garden(backyard I‘m slowing turning into a nice garden) #britishnovels#agathachristie#herculepoirot#englishsuthors
On to the next poirot.. was reading the secret adversary but it wasn‘t catching my interest
This was my fave read in the challenge so far
Well I‘m gonna say so far I‘m at a loss as to whom it could be and I‘m so loving this one
This one is a bit confusing.. it‘s not one murder but many all connected to the 4..
Up next in my reading challenge #agathachristie#readingchallenge#murdermystery#queenofmystery
Ok so is anyone else having issues with Litsy I think I always logged in using FB but now I have to start over because it somehow deleted my account years of reading logged and now I‘m back at the beginning