Yas ❤
Unwittingly spent two hours at Half Price Book, totally worth it. All these beauties for only $18! #usedbooksarethebestbooks #allthediscounts
Even though it's a retelling of Jane Eyre I actually enjoyed it much more than the classic! Maybe it was Jane's tendency towards badassness that wone me over 😂
Good, I love a surprise 😊
I have an hour and a half to kill near a shopping center. Where else would I go? 😍
This book had such a great flow, I couldn't put it down! It sucked me in within the first few pages and so wish it was a full-blown novel. Get your hands on it if you can!
Who else was more than excited to get this in their Book of the Month box?? #botm #littlebookbigexpectations
Loved this quote so much I replayed it on my audiobook three times!
"Little girls who make their mothers live grow up to be such powerful women."
I'm no reading fiend, no matter how much I love books my life is just too busy to get through as much as I want. However, this is my most productive year yet! Setting my goal to 65 books in 2017 😊 how much do you guys wanna read this year? I'd love to hear your goals!
When you have two book credits and can't wait to use them 😍😍😍 a little nervous about Lucky You since I haven't heard about it much, but that's pretty much what pulled me to it in the first place, plus so many people posted it as a #botm choice I had to go along with it! Also psyched for the Couple Next Door and All the Ugly, had my eyes on them for a while!!
So i honestly am not super psyched about these books, maybe cause I don't know anything about them, and I HATE skipping the month! Any suggestions Littens??? #help #botm #whichwillitbe
So excited to see this deal today!! Been waiting to read it for awhile. Get yours while you can!
If Orville Knott isn't a wizard I don't know who is
When your BOTM tote is a perfect gym bag #bestofbothworlds #bookwormmeetsgymrat #botm #bookofthemonth
Groupon has a two-month FREE membership to Audible!!! First stop, my favorite Harry Potter book 🤓⚡️🔮
I've never read Terry Tempest Williams before, but after this book I know she'll be a staple in my library. Her obvious zeal of the natural world and all that inhabit it scream from this book in beautifully written words. I had to stop for a while because it was so overwhelming, inspiring, saddening, and informative, but I can't recommend this book enough.
I need to write this on my wall to remember it!
So excited to start this... and probably finish it... on my way home!
Visiting my sisters in Virginia and stumbled across this at UVA! The First Folio of Shakespeare's works 😍 the lit major in me is dying of excitement #litmajorforlife
Reading about the National Parks in view of the Shenandoah Mountains. I can get on board with this 👌🏻
Got the only open rocking chair at the Charlotte airport, a traveler is playing the piano beautifully l, and I've got this to dive into. Can I live here?
After the Underground Railroad and The Woman in Cabin 10, I needed something a little less intense. Finally getting to this beaut!
When you get embarrassed for a character and wish you could speak for them 😳😣
I have been dying to get my hands on this book ever since I hear @Liberty and @rebeccaschinsky talk about it on All the Books, and now it's on sale!!!
#onthatlikearatonacheeto #tooexcited
Haven't read John Irving yet, I know I know CRAZY. Haven't really heard of this one to my knowledge, so curious to see how this audiobook goes!
After reading The Underground Railroad, I needed something lighter. Figured I'd catch up on my BOTM pick for August! Also, shout out to Bruegger's for my late breakfast before church! ☕️🍩
I can't remember the last time it took me so long to read such an amazing book. This was so hard. So raw. So important to experience. This is definitely a story this world needs to know. I hope some day I can meet Colson Whitehead to thank him for his work, but for now I will just spread word of it and hope people learn from him.
"The negro's story may have started in this country with degradation, but triumph and prosperity would be his one day."
Sadly this has yet to be seen in many places in America. Thankfully we have a hope of a better future for everyone as awareness is being raised as never before, and ignorance is (hopefully) being removed from the majority's mindset.
Alright guys, which do I choose for my book of the month? Wangs vs. the World, or The Wonder???
#bookofthemonth #choiceswillbemade
Perfect birthday gift! My parents understand me ⚡️🤓
#barnesandnoble #potterhead
I have little to know self control when it comes to library book sales! Can't believe I found such good finds today!
Since I can't sit still doing nothing while listening to an audio book, might as well color my favorite characters! 😊
#potterhead #dobby
Once I heard Nathan Fillion was a narrator for this book I knew I had to listen.
A little too much bubble bath and a whole lotta good book ☺️
Fine I'll listen to my book while doing data entry, if you insist... 😉😋🔥🏭
Too excited to be one of the first at my library to get my greedy little hands on this beauty! Goodbye world!
So excited to finally get my hands on a copy of this!!! 😍🚂
Feeling like a daughter of ease and plenty starting this beauty
Brainless busy work calls for a new audiobook!! Thank goodness for technology 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Went to Haiti for this first time this May on a mission trip. I instantly fell in love with these people who have been through, and continue to live in, horrible conditions, yet are still the most joyful people I've ever met. Time to try to experience some of the hell their corrupt political history has filled out to them. #haitilove #ayiti