Awesome urban fantasy that actually has people of color. Crazy, right?!? Interesting magic system, hints of romance (but not enough to derail the plot), this book was just the thing to get me out of my urban fantasy funk.
Awesome urban fantasy that actually has people of color. Crazy, right?!? Interesting magic system, hints of romance (but not enough to derail the plot), this book was just the thing to get me out of my urban fantasy funk.
Finally digging into this bad boy. I loved Lord's previous book, here's to hoping this one has the same magic.
Please don't suck.
Mr. Splitfoot by Samantha Hunt is currently $2.99 on Amazon. I haven't read it yet but I've heard good things!
Not as good as Girl with All the Gifts. Prose felt bloated and a ton of metaphors were overused. Basically Green Mile meets Shawshank Redemption meets OITNB and ghosts. Seriously, though, Nova Ren Suma's The Walls Around Us did it better.
I stayed up way too late reading this book about dead gods and surviving loss and the aftermath of war and holy shit it's just amazing. Effortlessly diverse, amazingly written, this was everything I love about YA.
So, so good. A staple from my childhood that I just read aloud with my kiddo. The book holds up so well over time (I think I could enjoy Cimorene's exasperation even more as an adult). Read it when you're feeling blue.
Fuck. Holy fuck. Vicious cheerleaders and a whole lot of complicated interpersonal relationships. This book is just amazing. Mind. Blown.
Lambic and Dare Me which has been sitting on my "wait for it" shelf for forever. Finally time to dig in!
A vampire book (hush your naysaying) that might have some questionable worldbuilding but who cares because brooding vampire boys?!? This is YA for a YA crowd, full of questionable choices and an MC who acts like a seventeen year old. Perfect for fans of Sunshine (which is my #1 vampire book).
Awesome book about the aftermath of the zombie apocalypse. Like most zombie books this really isn't about the zombies, the undead are just a framing device to discuss grief and how we deal with loss. Great, intense, quick read.
It's 1988 and four girls are delivering papers...and then it gets super weird. Chock full of 80s references, it's also written by Brian K. Vaughn of Saga fame, so you know that you're never going to see what's coming next.
So good it'll make you wanna pick out your hair and throw a fist up. Brilliant sci-fi story that doesn't squirm away from discussing race and yet is also just excellent spacey sci-fi. 10/10, would eat here again.
This book is the reading equivalent of screwing a philosophy major who talks about the human contract and yet somehow forgot to tell you about his STI. Misogynistic, self aggrandizing, and utterly predictable. Buy shoes instead.
Feminism, Latino heritage, and Son of Sam come together in this YA novel set in the 1970s. Fun, engrossing, this book is perfect for those looking for contemporary with a little something more.