"As the architects of Gilead knew, to institute an effective totalitarian system or indeed any system at all you must first offer some benefits and freedoms, at least to a privileged few, in return for those you remove."
"As the architects of Gilead knew, to institute an effective totalitarian system or indeed any system at all you must first offer some benefits and freedoms, at least to a privileged few, in return for those you remove."
There is something so special about this series! Can't wait to read the next!
Obviously this was a major bestseller so a lot of people enjoyed it however I wasn't one of them. I found the protagonist annoying and the messaging religious.
Just sitting down to start this...anyone else read it yet? Thoughts?
Read this one in a week. I enjoyed the turns and the main character. It's a bit too romancey than my usual reading, but Ms. Class definitely drops some great nuggets of a more complex plot to come in the next books.
Read this in two sittings - would really like to see how they adapted it to film. I hear a bunch of Hollywood types are using this as an example of their new fav term "kinetic" but I assume they mean the movie and not the book. I enjoyed it - interesting premise of lackluster writing style/voice.
Breezing through this one on a rainy afternoon. #yalit
I didn't think I'd like this book but I'm really enjoying it!
Although a simple, straightforward and quick read, for a first time novelist, Mr. Brown did pretty well. The illustrations, as typical of this artist, are delightful. I'd recommend for very young middle grade readers.
Although a simple, straightforward and quick read, for a first time novelist, Mr. Brown did pretty well. The illustrations, as typical for this artist, are delightful. I'd recommend for very young middle grade readers.
I'm basically enjoying this but thematically it seems like an extended picture book.
Whaaaaatttt?!?? A boxed set of WE ALL LOOKED UP and THANKS FOR THE TROUBLE?!?! Sign me up!
#WALU #thanks #wealllookedup #thanksforthetrouble #tommywallach
Loved this book! A definite must read for YA lovers!
Legit the amount of G&T necessary to read this book. I don't get it guys. What's the appeal? What am I missing? Was it timing? The cover? The authors connections in Hollywood?
Re-reading this so I can continue the series.
Was hoping I'd have a different take on it the second time through --- unfortunately my thoughts so far are still the same. What do others think?
Only on page 21 and am utterly engrossed in the same way I was with We Are Liars.
Can't wait to read more!
Feet in water - head stuck in The Diabolic.
Seriously best book I've read since Tommy Wallach's. Super fun, super fast, very smart.
Loved this weird wacky funny book that takes place in the land of the dead.
Figuring out which books to pack for a vacation is THE most stressful part...but this choice was easy!
This book is Red Queen meets Illuminae.
A definite MUST READ!
The books slays in all realms -- emotionally, philosophically, technically and artistically. He uses the page a sculpture uses clay. (Yes, he physically cuts words from the pages.)
Can't wait to read this -- amazing illustrator/picture book author turned middle grade author with an AI/environmental bent. Can't get much better than that!
How perfect is this is this book/vinyl cover pairing?!?! Tommy Wallach's THANKS FOR THE TROUBLE + The Eagles Hotel California.
On this International Woman's Day, I pay thanks to those who have influenced me.
Love is a little bit like genetics -- sure, there's an element of chance in there, but when all is said and done, you're probably going to end up taking after your parents.
2016 Oscar's Red Carpet style meets book cover design.
Red carpet fashion meets cover design!
Matching last night's Oscars Red Carpet style to book covers!
Matching Red Carpet style to book covers! Had so much fun doing this last night!