It‘s the Book of the Month (wake up, wake up, wake up)
New year. New book. How long before fading out of using Litsy again? Time will tell.
I LOVE the title of this book. Reason enough to read it.
Currently devouring. Loving it so far. I have sorely missed crime fiction Lethem
Congrats to KJ Howe on her win at #ThrillerFest for best first novel! If you haven‘t read The Freedom Broker, you should! Then go ahead and pick up the second book Skyjack as well.
As the saying goes "Some people just need killing." This book takes that to heart and then some. Popcorn of the highest order. An action tale through and through. Starts with a bang and runs full speed till the end. This is a book that runs off fist pumps. It's Rolling Thunder meets Term Limits. If you are a fan of revenge fare, conspiracies, justice, and mayhem then you can't go wrong with this.
Now reading: Cross Vince Flynn‘s Term Limits with Death Wish and you have one of my most anticipated releases of the year
A strong 3 and a half stars for me. It's not my usual cup of tea specifically, but I liked it. A book where the suspense comes from everyday interactions and you spend so much time trying to decipher what everyone's secret agenda is that you get worked up even though not much action wise is happening. If you're a fan of film noir you'll know that it's all leading to an ending that is not going to be good for everyone. Sultry.
She's Lost Control indeed...
Well this book floored me. An absolute Atrocity Exhibition. A tale full of Dead Souls, this is a dark, tough noir on the Interzone streets of Manchester. It almost has the vibe of that movie Brick but way more grim, and harder edged.
Side Note: The book is broken up by Joy Division album titles and I recommend listening to the said albums while reading. Or just put the song The Eternal on loop as it works perfectly
Loving this super dark noir tale of a disgraced cop so undercover he doesn‘t know which way is up. Each section is named after a Joy Division album and it‘s been fun reading with the corresponding album playing in the background
Random thought: Does anyone else find it odd reading books that take place in the city you live in? Anyways, Meg Gardiner continues to crush it. What I like the most about this second book is how different it is from the first one. The first, a rip roaring roller coaster ride. This one is more clinical and procedural. A book more concerned with the aftermath. What happens after they've been caught? That doesn't make it any less exciting.
Keeping the serial killer train rolling. Next up, loved Unsub and have eagerly awaited this sequel
The fourth monkey shares a heritage with movies like Copycat, The Watcher, Taking Lives but amps up everything. Like the splatter punk/grind house version of Seven. A serial killer with revenge on their mind and an absolutely bonkers backstory. The book runs at a breakneck speed from page 1 and doesn't let up. The backstory chapters are placed well throughout the book and you almost find yourself wanting to rush ahead to just read those sections.
See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil, but Read Evil! Now reading: The Fourth Monkey
Reading The Chalk Man is like walking into your house after you've been gone all day and the lights are off, so you find yourself rushing to turn on all the lights, all the time hoping someone isn't waiting in your darkened bedroom waiting to just rush out and end you. Dread and unease rule in equal measure. Read if you're a fan of waking up feeling like someone was in the room, secrets, karma chameleons, sidewalk chalk
Rural noir of a high caliber. Damaged men doing damage to themselves and others. A tale of what happens when you can't forgive, can't let go
Well this book lived up to its reputation. Noir poetry of the first order. The only thing darker than the humor is the souls of the players in this cynical, tragic tale. Like any good noir, there's the world weary gumshoe, the tough guys, the professional drunks, the femme fatales, and the women laying ruined in their wake. If you haven't read this existential pulp yet get on it and let it ruin your day in the best kind of way.
"When even the bartenders lose their romantic notions, it's time for a better world. Or at least a different bar."
Book piles. They tend to pop up around me
Starting the new year by rereading a recent favorite so that I can be fresh to read the other two in the series (and get ready for the new book out in April)
I dug it. It's the first of a trilogy and has a world war z vibe in terms of scale. Some gross out scenes. Feels more like set up for what's to come.
One of the blurbs for this book says "It's been too long since someone reminded us that spiders are not just to be feared, but also may well spell doom for mankind." And I was sitting here like "I TOLD EVERYBODY!!!!"
Everybody got that? Good.
It's release day! Had to cruise by B&N before work and pick it up. This @joe_hill author photo is top notch. Had to do a double take it wasn't SK!
When you run into lines that instantly make you think of MST3K and the episode Space Mutiny
Six Hour road trip today meant getting in some audiobook time. This one makes all the emotions go