I love the end of the month! I get paid and I can go to the bookstore!!
I love the end of the month! I get paid and I can go to the bookstore!!
'Yer ticket fer Hogwarts,' he said. 'First o' September -King's Cross- it's all on yer ticket.'
#hagrid #harrypotter #backtohogwarts #september1 #kingscross #platformnineandthreequarters #Hogwarts
I decided to reread just because I loved the feel of this book, I love how it makes me feel, it's so cozy and I identify with Cath in more ways than one. Unfortunately I picked this up from my shelf and noticed it's discolored because of the sun! I have to rearrange my room now!
I bought this months ago and for some reason haven't gotten around to reading it. I know I'll love it, considering how much I love Pride and Prejudice, Jane Auaten not to mention "The Lizzie Bennet Diaries", this will be the month!
I love Jo! I know she's a genius. Unfortunately I haven't heard very good things about this book and I was a little scare to shatter the illusion so I've been putting it off. Until today, when I came across this beautiful quote! It just made me want to read it asap! #tbr
Although full of very familiar plot points and twists, this book (and perhaps series) holds its on originality, full of broken and flawed characters which is a breath of fresh air from all the manual-perfect characters we so often get, this book leaves you wanting more.
I bought this book for myself a couple of months ago, since I kept putting it off, my best friend's birthday came along and I decided to gift her this book. She loved it and she now has lent it to me. I knew I'd like it, it's quite addicting, enjoying the story and its twists and turns.
Today's bookstore visit! :)
#Matilda #RoaldDahl #TheEnemy #LeeChild #Americanah #ChimamandaNgoziAdichie
Despite friends' recommendations and praise, I didn't like this book. I didn't like the main character's martyr voice or her array of annoying secondary characters which only critizice her and still thinks it's her own fault. Although watching a character do 360 in a good way's great, good for her.
"...he said artists paint the way they actually see, [...]. I thought about Van Gogh looking out from his eyes at a world thick like that. I'd never wondered if I saw the world the way everyone else did or if I saw something better or wrong or different. How would I know?"
"We are not the saints that dogs are, but mothers are expected to come a close second." :')
"I must go, uncertain of my fate; but I shall return hither, or follow your party, as soon as possible. A word, a look will be enough to decide whether I enter your father's house this evening, or never."