This book was powerful and full of pain.
I realized as I sat in an airport today that I should have been paying better attention to books people read when they're traveling this summer. This is the first book I spotted today #airportreading
Great steamy beach read! I've really enjoyed discovering Sarah Morgan's romances.
I had absolutely no idea how long this book was until I picked up my library hold today. I think I can do it!
There's no better way to end a short vacation then reading a book and drinking some wine.
Finally got around to reading this beautiful book. It may have just sent me down the 'books written in verse' path.
I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about this book. It's told from multiple perspectives (reporter, detective, mother of the victim) but mostly focuses on the wife of a man accused of kidnapping/murdering a child.
Super fun read. I love the blurb on the front of the book - "'9 to 5' for the student loan generation."
Never fails that all the library holds come at once