Actually a well written and interesting account of their process of making the movie .
Actually a well written and interesting account of their process of making the movie .
What a delightfully icky book . I knew I would LOVE it when I got to page 2 and read about the procreation habits of the African Bat Bug - and came across ( see what I did there ? 😆) the term “traumatic insemination” . ( which , by the way, would be a FANTASTIC name for a black metal band !! ) .
A blurb on the back of this book describes it as “like a film by David Cronenberg from a screenplay by Harlan Ellison based on stories by J G Ballard and Joyce Carol Oates “ - which is a pretty on point assessment . Delightfully disturbing and a spiffy cover to boot !
Holy crap , @callielafleur !! It‘s like you were right inside my book brain . I love love love EVERYTHING ! I can‘t wait to dig into all these !!
It‘s frigid here in Wisconsin today and my cars battery is dead . Ugh . But My match‘s box is still gonna go out today !!!
Got #MyBloodyValentineSwap package last week and forgot to post that I‘d received it . Eek 😬. Cant wait to open it - it weighs A TON !! Gonna do another post tomorrow as I will be mailing out my match‘s package then .
Outstanding book . Very eye opening - especially for someone who lives in the city where this book is based . I think people probably make a lot gross misjudgments against those that live in poverty . I know that this book certainly gave me some new perspectives.
Really felt this passage from The Princess Diarist .
I miss Carrie Fisher .
She‘s the only princess I ever loved ❤️
Picked this up on a whim as it was in the bargain section of the local Barnes and Noble . Not sure why - I never really knew that much about her other than the fact that she is the grand dame of Feminism . This book is the story of all her life‘s journeys and how the people she has met along the way have helped form her and her beliefs . The world would be a whole lot better if we took a few notes from her and really got to know our fellow man
Messing with the Facebook camera and doing a little Halloween reading - the Bride of Frankenstein effect just made me giggle a little 😆 seems appropriate though ... ( the Litsy app kinda cuts of the top of the hair in the pic ... but u get the idea ...)
I wanted to like this book so much more than I did . Interesting premise - but ultimately I found that I didn't really care about any of the characters .
1. Milwaukee , Wi , USA
2. Geek Love - Katherine Dunn
3. Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House books
4. Queen Margot - this movie has everything. Political intrigue , religious persecution , sex , death , and the most beautiful cast you'll ever see . HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
5. Anything true crime .
6. Bowie , The Clash , Chelsea Wolfe , Grimes
7. Black & hot pink
8. Urban fantasy , horror
9. Insurance agency .
10. A cat named Lee Loo
Weekend getaway with the hubby and found this gem in the hotel lobby's free library . Usually all you find in hotel libraries are Sue Grafton and old Readers Digest Condensed books . SCORE !!
My grandmother ( who was once a librarian) always stressed to me the importance of opening a book correctly . God have mercy on your soul if you didn't !!
For a book with just over 200 pages the author sure stuck in a lot of stuff : Frankenstein , his bride , a freak show of failed science experiments , a fembot , a gang of what are essentially Lost Boys and a serial killer of children . I love the way the author writes but I wish She had focused a little more on The Bride rather than adding all the strange sidebars .
HusbAnd bought me this LAST Christmas . I think the time has come to finally crack it open .
Thank you so much to my Secret Santa @melissanorr ! You made perfect choices - I love all things magickal AND all things coffee !! Can't wait to sit down with a cuppa in my new cup and do some reading. #SecretSantaGoesPostal
Solo Saturday . Coffee, candle, and The Blood Countess .