Another freezing cold Saturday is the just the excuse I needed to finish this book! It‘s terrible and hilarious, which is perfect and relaxing for today.
Another freezing cold Saturday is the just the excuse I needed to finish this book! It‘s terrible and hilarious, which is perfect and relaxing for today.
Julys books! And books Q,R,S, and T of #litsyatoz. And Olive of course.
June's reading! I thought all of these were great, especially this tough and forgiving memoir of growing up in Maine.
#riotgrams #getcrafty my one and only book on crafts.
#riotgrams #foodthemedbooks this one was easy since it's one of my favorite things to read. These awesome literary cutting boards are one of my favorite things too!
Let the adventure begin. Hopefully it's all of the excitement and none of the dysentery.
#riotgrams #numbertitles I found a few, have only read one so far.
Do-over from yesterday's #riotgrams. This is really #howiread.
#riotgrams #howiread I read outside whenever I can but it's too cold today. So, on the couch, no book jacket. One book at a time.
#shelfie #riotgrams of course, like everyone else this is only part of the collection.
Thought I was gonna get one more in but didn't make it. Here's May.
Ah. Finally Friday. Just getting started on this one.
March Reading. Today's snowstorm is letting me get a jump start on Aprils.
February's stack. Including C and D for #litsyAtoZ. Complete coincidence that they're mostly blue.
Bringing a taste of Maine to my fiancé's midwestern mom. Some great New England dishes in here.
Books read in January. (Plus 2 audio). Includes A,B, and half of C for #litsyatoz since I couldn't choose between authors and titles and am trying to do both. 😬
Trying to take advantage of the sunshine during lunch to help make some headway in my book.
Loving this book so much! Has anyone read her other book? Thinking I have to move it up on my wish list.
Found these at my used bookstore. Love travel memoirs. #bookhaul
Wrapping up this unusual story during lunch today.
When it's slow at work, I just can't help but get in a few pages.
I loved the story being told through the painful, fantastical, and loving thoughts of the twins. I thought it was a beautiful book.
It's cold and rainy in southern Maine today. We are just going to read in bed all day.
"Lupine," he said. "Loves to grow wild, but you get it into your garden, most of the time it won't take. It keeps to itself and that's how it prospers."
Makes sense that it's my favorite flower
After last weeks camping trip I was missing the great outdoors. So raspberry leggings and a book about the Appalachian trail should help
This book went to the beach, camping, and kayaking and made it back in one piece. Maybe a little warped and stained but I think Any would appreciate that. Laughed out loud reading this and appreciated the unapologetic honesty.
I loved being back with the characters and thought the new characters were great. I enjoyed the story right up until the last scene which was a big fizzle out for me. Would have read it no matter what though!
Halfway through and I need to stop so my boyfriend can catch up because I need to talk to someone about it!
I was going to wait and get it in a few months since I have so many other books to read. But then I touched it.
Another relaxing read from Stacey Ballis. Going to have to make some lemon blueberry muffins now!
Darker than I was expecting but in a great way. Good thing I have my own dragon to protect the house.
Loved this! So interesting to learn about the Alaskan wild, with the added warm fuzzies of the father/daughter bond.
Having so much fun with this!
Though I guessed the twist early on I still thought this was a great story about how our amazing minds protect us. Bonus points for featuring autism.