Really didn‘t want this book to end. So beautiful, and thoughtful, and staying. Not only do I now need to read all of Robert Macfarlane‘s other books immediately, I also need to apply to Cambridge University and take all his classes
Really didn‘t want this book to end. So beautiful, and thoughtful, and staying. Not only do I now need to read all of Robert Macfarlane‘s other books immediately, I also need to apply to Cambridge University and take all his classes
I don‘t want to start working because I just want to keep reading this wonderful book #TheValleyandtheFlood #RebeccaMahoney
I had no idea that Spotify had audiobooks, even if they are promoted as podcasts. This one was recommended in my feed today and I gasped when I saw Cynthia Erivo‘s name. Had to start it straight away!
#Persuasion #JaneAusten #audio #spotify #CynthiaErivo
A soft-core racism education laughed and gritted my teeth through this. If you experience racism directly, you‘ll probably laugh and shake your head knowingly at all the stories in this book. If you don‘t experience racism directly, you‘ll probably laugh, maybe shake your head in disbelief, and hopefully learn something
Such a fun book! Set in coastal Maine (near where I‘m from!) this is a fantastic and wholly original post-apocalyptic book. Loved it, can‘t wait to recommend it to everyone in November
Can‘t wait for this book to come out in October. Based on traditional Japanese folklore, this is a series of feminist short stories about ghosts of all varieties. Each story is unique but also linked to others in the book until by the final chapter you‘ve read what feels almost like a novel. I absolutely loved this #WheretheWildLadiesAre #AokoMatsuda #SoftSkullPress
LOVED THIS. Jia Tolentino is one of the sharpest writers of my generation. I value her insights so much and would encourage everyone to read this
I loved this, just like a lot of people told me I would! If you‘re committed to reading more books by black authors, whether fiction or non-fiction, be sure to add this one to your list
Just started this and loving it. Maybe it‘s too early to say, but if you liked A Separation by Katie Kitamura I think you‘ll like this
An awesome debut novel! This book, about a young Victorian woman who is possessed by her mother, was darkly funny and oddly endearing. A great book for a rainy day #TheUnsuitable #MollyPohlig #debut
I was supposed to be flying to London today, and was looking forward to picking up The Song of the Tree is sadly not available in the US). Instead I ordered it from @blackwellbooks. Now my set of Coralie‘s books is complete! All 3 books are beautifully illustrated and written (and the other two are available in the US!) The Fox and The Star will always be my favorite. 🦊💫🐛🐧🎵🌳🕊 #TheSongoftheTree #TheWormandtheBird #TheFoxandTheStar
Spending a cozy November morning with the beach read I bought this summer 📖📚🤷🏻♀️ #whatimreading #mysistertheserialkiller #oyinkanbraithwaite
I don‘t normally use a pencil when I read but with this book I wanted to underline so many sentences (it wasn‘t my copy so I couldn‘t!) This retelling of Ovid‘s Metamorphoses gives women and female characters the chance to own their stories. It‘s powerful, intense, beautiful, and jarring. Can‘t wait for this to come out in November
More pink and yellow book covers please 💝💛 #irishwriters #summerreading #ConversationswithFriends #SallyRooney #Milkman #AnnaBurns
In the past year or so I‘ve read two westerns, which is two more than I ever thought I‘d read. I can‘t wait to staff pick this book next month. Tea Obreht‘s new book is fantastic! Filled with realistic women, mysterious beasts, and a little bit of magic, I couldn‘t put it down. (And if you liked In the Distance by Hernan Diaz you‘ll also like this).
#Inland #TeaObreht
I‘m pretty sure Karen Russell writes with a magical pen. I LOVED these stories! Can‘t pick a favorite, they were all amazing. She‘s such an inspiration for my own writing.
Also, I went to see her read at Harvard Books. She kept looking at me during her talk and when I finally reached her in the signing line she said she thought I was her friend! Wish I was!
Colson Whitehead does it again with a gut wrenching, heart wrenching book about black boys sent to a “reform” school in 1960s Florida. It‘s dark, but well worth the read if only to expand your mind.
So proud of my friend @rebeccawriting on her debut! Just finished reading the ARC and it‘s come so far from the early pages I first got to see. This is a FANTASTIC book with a main character who is bi and diverse! Plus DRAGONS 🐉 Comes out on July 30!
#ShattertheySky #RebeccaKimWells
Read this book in record time for me, about four days. A beautifully written story of two people struggling through anxiety, social pressures, and effective communication.
I got the best book mail today!! If you haven‘t read anything by Hanif Abdurraqib yet then you‘re seriously missing out (They Can‘t Kill Us Until They Kill Us is such an incredible and important book). Can‘t wait to read this one! #goaheadintherain
Wishing snowstorm Harper was going to be a bit snowier in Boston but this is the perfect series regardless
Elizabeth McCraken will be at Porter Square Books in Cambridge in February and I decided I want to read this before her event!
I‘m a huge fan of Rebecca Makkai‘s earlier work, and really enjoyed this book as well. I agree that the 2015 storyline was a bit weaker than the 1986 storyline, but that wouldn‘t stop me from recommending it to readers.
As my co-bookseller told me yesterday: “You are in for a couple of TURNS, a good helping of THOUGHTS, & no small amount of FEELS” #truth #lostchildrenarchive
SO. EXCITED. About this book!! I‘m 30 pages in and so far it‘s delightful #Little #EdwardCarey
I was reading the galley of Summer but had to buy it yesterday to complete my set (please don‘t judge my galley lag! 🙈) #karloveknausgaard #seasonsquartet
A-MAZING!! This was hilarious and it‘s the team we need right now to make us feel better! What a dynamic duo (Four more years?!? 😭) Andrew Shaffer got the satire exactly right, while still maintaining plot and character development! It‘s going to be my staff pick when it‘s released
Oh what a beautiful book! It‘s charming and insightful, and such a great perspective. I‘ve been paving through a chapter a night for a week. I love it so much I made it my staff pick at Porter Square Books!
I was really disappointed by this book. I thought it was going to be an amazing story about a female diver in WWII and instead it was some lackluster creepy love story. Dexter Styles adds nothing to this book, I can‘t even tell you what he does, and he was a general waste of space.
That being said, I do think Jennifer Egan creates beautiful sentences and imagery, and I would read more by her.
The only Knausgaard books I‘ve read are the ones in this Seasons series. In Autumn and Winter it was hard to imagine Knausgaard as a father and husband. This book changed my perception of him. It was soul baring and heartfelt. Dealing with a loved one‘s depression is never easy, and Knausgaard brings that to the page with careful consideration.
This was an easy and quick read. It was enjoyable but not gripping. The book is much more about character relationships than it is about the future, and in fact Williams‘s future differs so little from present day that I wonder why she even bothered creating a future world. Williams is a good writer though, and I would read more by her.
The Mars Room is for fans of Orange is the New Black. I was hoping Kushner‘s next book would be like “The Flamethrowers” but it‘s probably better that it wasn‘t. The Mars Room starts in the middle of Romy‘s story. Trouble has already brewed. The reader gets flashbacks and snippets to a life so many people can‘t escape. This book is needed and was an incredible read
Got to see my friend Mackenzi captivate an audience of teens and adults with stories about women‘s history last night at Belmont Books. This book is so beautiful and needed by readers of all ages! Go get yourself or gift a copy if you haven‘t already #bygonebadassbroads
I read this while I was receiving last night at the bookstore. It‘s surprising, charming, and witty! The book is beautifully designed and illustrated as well. #charming #literaryheroine
SO EXCITED FOR THIS. “The Flamethrowers” is one of my biggest hand sells. Grabbed this from the galley wall at Porter Square Books, and was only slightly offended that none of my coworkers know me well enough to have put this in my box before I saw it 🙃 #rachelkushner #themarsroom #theflamethrowers
My coworker recommended this book and I wasn‘t sure about it until I got to this page. Woah, Hernan Diaz is brilliant. Not only is he a master of lists, he‘s a master of language, and this paragraph is a perfect example. This book is one that‘s meant to be read slowly and take its time, but it‘s definitely worth it
What a brilliant novel. Sad and haunting (no pun intended). Highly recommend, especially if you‘re hunkering down for a winter storm (finished reading this during the Bomb Cyclone)
I‘m not finished yet, but really enjoying listening to this book. Kenneth Branagh narrates, and as usual he doesn‘t disappoint at all. I watched the original movie when I was a kid but I can‘t remember the ending - it‘s all new! Check it out from Libro.Fm, they support indie bookstores
Sometimes I have this weird stigma where I don‘t like to read the books that everyone else is reading. Usually it applies to the bestseller list, where a bestselling title isn‘t always a rule that a book is well-written. I‘m glad my book club is reading this for our December meeting because man, I was missing out
When someone asks what you‘re reading and you blurt out “A book about WOLVES!” 🙈 Feeling like a twelve-year-old nerd again 🤓
Is it irony or incredible foresight that I started reading Black Panther the same day the movie trailer comes out?
So excited to finally see Coralie Bickford-Smith's new book! While The Fox and The Star will always be special and entrancing, this one is still great. The story doesn't grab me as much as her first book did - it's a little less detailed. Her first book was very evocative, and this one is so-so. But the images are still wonderful!!
Beans and rice for dinner this week because I spent too much money on books again at Belmont Books
Great stories and gorgeous photographs that make me want to create my own way of life too
"In the gift economy, gifts are not free. The essence of the gift is that it creates a set of relationships. The currency of a gift economy is, at its root, reciprocity." | A customer recommended this book to me. She said she gives it to all her friends. I'm only 50 pages in and already I want to do the same.
#braidingsweetgrass #robinwallkimmerer #whatimreading #summerreading