Terrifyingly relevant and plausible while also being outrageous and impossible. Atwood has created a world we should all work towards never becoming a possibility. I will be thinking about this one for many days to come.
Terrifyingly relevant and plausible while also being outrageous and impossible. Atwood has created a world we should all work towards never becoming a possibility. I will be thinking about this one for many days to come.
If you like YA and you like voicey characters and you like complicated love you will ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ this book!!!!
Read in one sitting because LOVED!!! Poetic and heartbreaking - a moving picture of grief and all its hidden terrors. I was hooked from Chapter One: "It's as if someone vacuumed up the horizon while we were looking the other way."
I read this because of Ann Pachett's list of Best 75 Books from the last 75 years. Published in 1956, I was fascinated by how much of it was still relevant. (Minus the few horrifyingly misogonysitic lines that were surely the norm in the 50s?) Beautiful storytelling.
Compelling and moving and challenging. When I was away from the book I found myself thinking about A and how I would handle such a challenge. Also love David Levithan and now need more of him. (Have read WGWG).
Wow. Granular, quiet storytelling with a piercing edge to it that takes you by surprise. Difficult subject matters but told with such care. This is the first I've read from Strout but I'm definitely interested to read more.
Sci-fi with a heart. It's a bit like The Matrix but MC Seth is a very non-Neo looking to make sense of the world he's found himself in as well as the world he left behind. (I liked Ness's THE REST OF US JUST LIVE HERE much better, but this was good.)
So interesting and and different and clever. It took me a minute to get into it, but I'm glad I stuck with it. And Hapgood made me fall in love with a character who never existed in the present!! (Grey = fav forever)
If I could add an audio file to this review it would be of me screaming I LOVED THIS SO MUCH. The voice. The voice!!!!! And the characters and the story and the pitch perfectness of it all. One hundred thumbs up.
I had no idea what this book was about - read it based on recs and awards - but I'm glad I did. It's a moving story about self-discovery and the complicated journey of love, including the love of your family. Loved it!
I wasn't a big fan of SHIVER so it took me a while to try to this series. So far, so great!! Stiefvater is a master of "show don't tell" and I can't wait to read book 2.
I thought I would love this book and I LOVED this book. (with an extra ❤️❤️❤️) Sharp and funny and great great great.