Loving it so far. Different from the norm for me, but I've heard great things.
Loving it so far. Different from the norm for me, but I've heard great things.
Andddddd I can't do it ? I'm just not in the mood for a self help book. Bailing for now, I'll get back to it when the mood strikes ⚡️ Attempting "Second Chance" by Jane Green for the 2nd time. Def feeling it more than I was the first time around. Keep ya posted ??
Attempting my 3rd self help book within a 3 month time. I can't seem to finish one but I'm hoping I can get through this. It's a little more than 100 pages and Lord knows I can use help when it comes to handling stress 😂😂
I'm not sure how I really feel about this book. I liked it. I didn't ❤ it. I did not have the urge to read it every free minute I had, like I felt with other books I've read. I did however LOVE the fact that the main character kept changing her identity, it made me envious of her lol, something I would love to try. I was satisfied with the ending though so I give it a so-so. Not the best but definetly not the worst book I've ever read.
Just started this but I LOVE that they talk astrology! Especially my sign 🦂
Absolutely loved this book! It was heart wrenching to read, but I couldn't put it down. Finished it in 2 days! I think my reading slump is officially over
Started this on my iCloud app last night to hold me over until I get my hands on a physical book. I am a huge Amber Rose fan and I look forward to hearing her life story 💪🏻
I've heard amazing things about this book but I'm on day 8 of home renovations. I am in a major reading slump ?keeping myself occupied during my "breaks" with Snapchat.I can't keep interest in any book I've tried to read. I've given up until the house is done ? I'll get back to this book and the previous book I posted about. When I get back to my reading I plan on putting a unique twist on my reviews.... something sexy ?
Not too far into the book, been in quite the reading slump... I've started and stopped about 3 books. This one is keeping my interest, granted I'm still not reading as often as I would like, but in my defense we are renovating our whole house lol. This is my first book by this author.... I'm sure I will finish it.
So this book is about changing your life by changing your thoughts. Idk the book seems like a joke a little, but that could be from my negative thoughts (this book is supposed to teach how to redirect them) I've never been able to finish a self help book, I'm going to keep reading. We shall see ❤
Finished this book last night. A quick, easy read. I was able to relate to the main character ALOT. Emily is marrying the man of her dreams in less than one week, but she did already marry her soulmate 10 years ago and divorce him? She's about to come face to face with the biggest decision of her life while her whole family and her fiancées whole family watch from the sidelines. I honestly had no idea who she would pick!
I loved this book! This is a book that will probably stay with me forever. The story is so raw and real and incredible! I don't wanna give too much away, but what would you do if the only family you've ever known was never even your family at all? I highly recommend this book. You will not be disappointed
Loved this part of the book lol. Main character had a panic attack at her bridal shower. Her sister in law, mother in law, her husbands best friend and her best friend/stepsister each offered her something to help 😂😂 really enjoying this book 💁🏼
Started this last night. Once again not my typical read but since Valentines Day is tomorrow I figured what the heck. So far I'm loving it ❤ has anyone else read this or anything by this author?
"Lily and the Octopus" is not the type of book I normally read. This blondie tends to stick to mysteries and thrillers. However, I still decided to give this book a try and I'm happy I did. Within the first chapter I knew how this book was going to end, but I wouldn't say it was a predictable book. This book taps into everything depression, Revenge, Poetry,self-awareness, friendship and heartbreak. Over all, I did enjoy this book, quirks and all
Currently reading "Modern Lovers" I've been reading off of my cloudLibrary app so I have no book photos. I started this book in December and I liked it, I was in a bit of a reading slump though and didn't finish in time since it was due back at the library (cloudLibrary was NOT discovered yet) I have found it on my app and am ready to continue. Has anyone read this before? Thoughts? Also I finished a good 3 books I haven't reviewed yet..stay tuned
I read this book last year. Borrowed it from a new co-worker. She was amazed at how quickly I returned it. I could NOT put it down and loved every second of it.
Using a snapchat filter because I LOVE them and also because I'm sick and look horrendous 😂😩 really love this book though! Not what I normally read either. Also I'm reading this from my CloudLibrary app, don't mind my photo editing skills. I love how this story is narrated and I'm intrigued to see how it all unfolds. Has anyone else read this book? Any anything written by Holly McQueen? Thoughts?
Started this last night. Definetly not what I normally read. Not sure how I feel about it just yet. Has anyone read this? Seems like a light-hearted, easy read. Thoughts?
I could NOT put this book down! By far one of the best books I've read in 2016. It was so good I'm praying they make a movie based on it (even though the movies are never as good as the book). I passed this book on to friends and family and not one person said they didn't like it. Quick, easy read and you never know what's coming next.... the ending OMG 😱
Karma is the belief that a persons actions in the present decide their fate for the future 🙌🏻🙌🏻 just found a new quote that I adore
Awesome book and for once I feel the movie based on the book was good too. Suspenseful with a shocking twist... this was right up my ally.
I am a huge Marilyn Monroe fan, and I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It's a very long book, but so insightful. I know it's not all based on exact fact but it was an amazing read and has some awesome quotes.
This book is a complete different genre then what I'm used to, but I'm loving it! I'm trying to broaden my reading spectrum this year! 2nd book of the New Year and I couldn't be happier.
Big fan of this book! The movie not so much, I never read the same book more than once... this is the ONLY book I've read more then once. Definetly recommend it.
I heard so many good things about this book in my RWbookclub Facebook page. I read it, and honestly I don't know what all the hype was about. I found it kinda boring. I finished the book so I wasn't that bored, but I finished hoping there would be a shocking twist, and quite frankly, I wasn't that shocked.