Next book club read. I love this series so much! 💚💚
I just finished this book and I‘m not okay lol. Teft and Robonial‘s death hit me hard but it was beautiful. Navani bonding to The Sibling and Dalinar‘s deal with Odium was shocking and I loved every minute. I loved the way Kaladin helped those effected by depression and PTSD. And Wit‘s epilogues are always amazing! All around fabulous. Can‘t wait for the next book! (I listen to audio, so correction‘s on spelling of names would be appreciated!)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ The story is interesting from a societal or psychological or maybe even anthropological view point. I was not a fan of the main character or his viewpoint on the people around him, however, experiencing the end of civilization as he knew it was intriguing. Making connections from the book to today‘s goings on, was thought provoking, and while I will not read it again, it makes for a fun book club read.
This series has been my life since June of this year.(Yes I know, I‘m late to the party.) What a crazy, exhilarating, emotional ride. Not only is writing phenomenal, the emotions Sanderson can pull from the reader is astounding. “The most important step a person can take is always the next one.” Is it November yet?
I have been told by multiple people MULTIPLE times to read this. Here we go!
With this passage (starting with “as for man...”) I am strongly reminded of the state of the world. I would also like to say, zombies? Can there be zombies? In the book at least?
Rain storm and reading: the perfect way to start the day.