This book was a true joy of a read. Amazing!
This book was a true joy of a read. Amazing!
Thomas King at his best. I do love snappy dialogue and you get that with Bird and Mimi.
Truth in a system designed to deny the truth. Powerful writing and a powerful story. This is gut wrenching.
Today's read. Recommended by two co-workers. I can see people I knew growing up in some of the characters.
Laugh out loud hilarious and heartbreaking. R. Eric Thomas is a wonderful writer.
My next read. I've been looking forward to this. "Ok finished this gem of a book. Beautiful writing, wonderful characters and a sweet love story.
Seeing as the movie JoJo Rabbit is so popular I thought I'd dive into the book it is based on.
I am assuming it will be very different.
I love satire and this book does not disappoint. I will forever see MAGA nut jobs wearing chicken suits.
Ok. Now I have to make a start on my newest Toronto Public Library haul. But where to start?!?
Well this is going to be interesting.
Next read from the library pile.
I just love Huda's sense of humour, her sass and honesty.
Excited to read this. My local independent book store ordered me a copy when they didn't have one in stock.
5 stars! A must read. Beautifully written. I found myself rereading pages over and over.
Loved this book. Sat outside and read all day yesterday and want to read it again.
Todays @torontopubliclibrary hold shelf haul. No one bother me this weekend.
Love short story collections and Archer has a great gift for writing them.
Not a bad way to spend a Friday night. Thank you Toronto Public Library.
I'm the mail box today. To the top of the TNR pile.
Book store and murder mystery who could resist.
Today's library pick up. Victorian era widow and a mythical giant snake. What can go wrong.
#Sweetsummerstack I've read this about 8 times, always in the summer. Never get tired of the stories.
I listened to the audio book and it was well done. The author interview was a phone conversation which would have been better as a taped conversation. A great book.
Christmas gift cards spent and to read pile enlarged.
Can't say I'd recommend this to anyone who isn't a diehard fan rabid for more HP stories. For me it reads like lukewarm FanFic.
Wonderful. Got my copy in a YA Quarterly Box, with a author signed book plate and author post it notes. I am keeping this copy.