I loved this book on audio! A complex female character as a detective inspector. The book is dark, certainly not a cozy, but right up my alley. It just came out this year; I hope there is a second in the series (with the same narrator).
I loved this book on audio! A complex female character as a detective inspector. The book is dark, certainly not a cozy, but right up my alley. It just came out this year; I hope there is a second in the series (with the same narrator).
Reading outside on a break. Lovely day! This book talks wonderfully about having a meaningful life, creating a meaningful life for yourself. I 'm thinking of taking a workshop with the author at the beginning of September.
I am loving reading this book! I hope the ending lives up to the rest of it. Has anyone listened to it on audio? I'm thinking of recommending it to my hubby who listens on his commute. Not sure if the many characters get confusing!
Reading outside with this book I'm loving. Thank goodness for BOTM Club!
I'm loving this book but only seem to have a chance to read it while in the car riders' line at school waiting for my daughter. I want more reading time!
I'm giving this book my blessing but I did get bogged down in parts. I normally love Tana French so this disappointed me. Still worth a read and the Irish dialogue was great.
I love Tana French! I'm about a quarter of the way through her latest, and when her characters speak, I can hear their accents!
If you can get through most of the book, the last part is actually suspenseful. Otherwise not as much as I had hoped.
I am listening to this book and am creeped out by one character and exasperated by another. Weird listening experience.
Just started Straub's latest and am enjoying it quite a lot. I am figuring it will be different from the new Tana French. I've got French's latest preordered on my Kindle. Waiting for October 4th!
I am having a devil of a time finishing this book! I've read great things about it, was looking forward to it, and I will finish it. But, I just am not clicking with it as much as I had hoped. Any thoughts? Anyone else had this experience with this book? Maybe I set the bar too high?
I listened to this one, and it is a beautifully written and read (by Cassandra Campbell) novel. Translated from the Japanese, the book centers around the growing relationships between a housekeeper, her son, and a mathematics professor. It's about numbers, and baseball, and love. It will leave you feeling hopeful.
I listened to this, with Caroline Lee narrating, and I absolutely loved it. It took me awhile to finish, as I was savoring. I know it has gotten some mixed reviews, but for me the story came together a ad the tension was just right.
Waiting to pick-up my daughter and a friend from band camp. Luckily I have a great book with me!
I love this series and the protagonist, Fiona Griffiths. I love a complex character.
Listening to this at the moment. While it's gotten mixed reviews, and I can see how folks would say it's a little slow, I'm enjoying it. I like the narrator, Caroline Lee, which may have something to do with it.
I went to the library not sure what I'd find in the new fiction section. Came home with these two gems! Now I'm trying not to rush through my current book, but it's difficult...
I've just started the fifth in this series by Harry Bingham, entitled The Dead House. Fiona Griffiths is a great protagonist, complex yet ultimately likeable. Best to start at the start of the series with this one; Fiona's family and past play an integral part as the series develops.
I've just started the fifth in this series by Harry Bingham, entitled The Dead House. Fiona Griffiths is a great protagonist, complex yet ultimately likeable. Best to start at the start of the series with this one; Fiona's family and past play an integral part as the series develops.
This book started a little slow for me but really picked up at the end. I didn't see the resolution of the crime coming. Several strong female characters with complex characteristics. I haven't read the others in the series, but the book gives enough of a back story that I didn't find I was missing anything. I'm sure I'll read more of McDermid. (This was a find on Bookbub for $1.99. Love it!)
I'm listening to Ware's new book and have been a bit disappointed. Others have seemed to really like it & I wonder if I set the bar too high? I've got about 5 hours left and will definitely finish it, however. I do want to know how it ends.
One audio, The Woman in Cabin 10, and one kindle book to choose from for the final hours of #24in48. I seem to be going back and forth between the two. I like a good mystery.
Second book read in the #24in48 readathon. Now the question becomes, do I switch to an audiobook? I just might!
Started my second book for #24in48. Just signed up this afternoon after reading all the posts. Excited!
I wanted to like this book but couldn't get invested in the main character. And, I really tried. I listened on audio with a narrator I normally like, but it just wasn't believable.
Drank some iced coffee and started a new mystery as I wait to pick up my daughter from camp.
Just finished this book. Didn't see the end coming; love that! Hope it's the start of a series.
It's hot, and I've started what promises to be a good thriller!
A great read about the toll mental illness takes on one family. The nuances displayed by the various family members bring the characters alive.
This is the third in the Alex Morrow series by Denise Mina I've read. Love them! First two on audio were great as well.