Late night reading
Book reviews are up! Current titles:
From Dark To Light
Follow Your Detour
The Strange Journey of Alice Pendlebury
Kabbalah: The Power To Change Everything
Reality Unveiled http://www.wildgrunge.com/dark-detours-strange-journeys-with-mystical-aliens/
What a wild month of reviews! From feminism to Salem witches and more. Check out the review for this pick and others at the jump: http://www.wildgrunge.com/casting-voodoo-spells-as-a-salem-witch-while-manipulat...
Scary. Needs a trigger warning. Read the review at: http://www.wildgrunge.com/trapped-in-a-garden-with-personality-quizzes-bad-dates...
I read this due to a “scathing” review done by a local feminist ezine here, calling this book “written by a woman of privilege” which didn‘t address women who came from backgrounds of non-privilege. Clearly the reviewer didn‘t finish the book. A wonderful call to end racism and accept diversity. But some silliness... especially about her sex life. It‘s apparently “really, really, really no I mean really good.” :eye roll:
It‘s exactly as the title states. No frills.
Check out the reviews at http://www.wildgrunge.com sorry for the delay in posting. Work was crazy last month!
I have some concerns. The author states “do not be alone with boys” which has me questioning if she‘s subconsciously supporting rape culture by reinforcing the ideal that being alone with a boy must mean you “want it.” Furthermore the tone throughout the book is “down talk” and the use of scripture could have been so much more detailed or frankly other verses selected altogether. Don‘t buy your daughters this.
I was surprised that this book was really good. A wonderful romance and hope for women who‘ve been hurt.
It‘s vine quotes formatted like poetry... thank god I didn‘t buy this.
Wasn‘t much to learn that I didn‘t already know. I had hoped for insight on making work not feel like work other than “it provides a lifestyle”. I am interested in the diets she mentions though.
November 2018 Monthly Pick. Read the review and other books selected here: http://www.wildgrunge.com/diaries-of-princesses-mad-women-artists-with-suicidal-...
#monthlypick #botm
Do not read if you‘re fresh into a heartbreak, it‘s too real. Unless it‘s to copy and paste a poem in a desperate attempt to reason with your ex-partner. But ever had that one happy friend? The one who found Mr or Mrs Right and can‘t understand your despair? Or are you trying to understand your single friends? Here‘s your wake up call.
Brilliant. Three phases of the authors life with one extra chapter of poetry for the reader. It‘s like the author crawled into my head and poured my past onto paper. A must read. Free on kindle unlimited.
I had hoped this was like Buckland‘s “Charms Spells and Formulas” and in some aspects it is, but isn‘t. This relies heavily on poppets, which introduces some new to me methods of making them. However, I felt there‘s little to no explanation of how or why things “are done.” I‘d suggest this to someone already familiar with this topic but not a newbie.
I couldn‘t put this one down. Raw truths of being an artist and art graduate turned waitress. How life interrupts art, and the failures of love. Just 100% raw. But, then it gets weird. Really weird. And that‘s even better.
Selected as my October book of the month. Interested in who else was reviewed: http://www.wildgrunge.com/2018/11/04/unfcking-myself-casting-spells-chasing-rich... #blog #reviews #botm #bookofthemonth
A plot already known to every little girl: normal girl meets rich boy and they fall in love. The family drama is engrossing and the ending is worth getting to. Such a statement on “having it all” can mean just as much misery as having nothing. But mostly, what mothers will risk for their daughters.
For Halloween figured I give this one a go. I‘m a bit turned off by the “wear black to feel witchy” and “be loud” with your makeup. Mostly the spells are for confidence and there‘s even one for consent. Interesting part: how to select your “broomstick” aka sex toy.
Most of this is common sense, but a good refresher if you‘re already doing most of these things. Blunt, bold and in your face advice. Frankly I want to throw this book at half the people I know who whine about themselves every two seconds.
Pretty powerful stuff here. We are wired to win. If we think we are not lovable, we still “win” at failed relationships because we self-sabotage them.
I got this book off netgalley and since I‘m always looking for new ways to explore scripture, I decided to give it a go. Jane‘s personal story is heart breaking, and I personally feel it would have been better suited as a stand-alone novel of Christian inspiration. Her plans for reading the Bible seem like ads for a website and a book course which rather annoyed me. I‘m glad she got a happy ending though.
Wonderful academic piece on how we “get triggered.” This isn‘t a “think positive” and your life will change book. This is about processing your pain and understanding previous shame which drives our future responses. I love the journaling idea, as I used to journal anonymously, but I think I want more than “story development” as suggested.
Makes me ponder the fascination of social media...